The link between idiopathic intracranial hypertension, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the link Kathy! Good find!

I believe "Although the pathophysiology of IICH is unknown, growing evidence suggests that cerebral venous outflow obstruction due to transverse sinus stenosis may be the underlying cause" is hitting very close.

I recently wrote a few comments in about the the relation between constricted (returning) capillaries in the brain and Cerebral Spinal Fluid Pressure. The idea was that if outflow of blood was hampered by constricted veins that it should mechanically cause increased CBF pressure in order to keep both brain blood flow and chances of brain hemorrhage within somewhat safe boundaries.

The idea presented in this paper that a to me unknown process also reducing cerebral venous outflow is likely increasing CBF pressure may be hitting nails and people that are both vulnerable to this transverse sinus stenosis thing and oxidative stress may be predisposed to ME a lot.


Well-Known Member
@Kathy Bungard
I am glad you brought up this subject! I have had so much pressure and pain in my head since starting Lyme treatment. Yes, i have ME too.

I must use heat on my neck at the base, but also ice packs. The brain fog is starting to feel like a winter storm with complete white out!

I will try to read the article later. Thanks! FG
Thanks for the link Kathy! Good find!

I believe "Although the pathophysiology of IICH is unknown, growing evidence suggests that cerebral venous outflow obstruction due to transverse sinus stenosis may be the underlying cause" is hitting very close.

I recently wrote a few comments in about the the relation between constricted (returning) capillaries in the brain and Cerebral Spinal Fluid Pressure. The idea was that if outflow of blood was hampered by constricted veins that it should mechanically cause increased CBF pressure in order to keep both brain blood flow and chances of brain hemorrhage within somewhat safe boundaries.

The idea presented in this paper that a to me unknown process also reducing cerebral venous outflow is likely increasing CBF pressure may be hitting nails and people that are both vulnerable to this transverse sinus stenosis thing and oxidative stress may be predisposed to ME a lot.

The recent publication of the OMF (Ron Davis) group's finding re deformability (sp?) of
ME/CFS patient's red blood cells would seem to add credibility to your hypothesis.


Well-Known Member
The issue of morphological abnormalities in red blood cells of ME patients was first published in 1989 by Simpson in the New Zealand Medical Journal . In my FM / CFS support group there seemed to be a high rate of Rh D neg. people. In a group of about 17 people, 55 % were RhD neg. The Rh D negs lack certain proteins on the red blood cell surface, so one might expect different function. It is still not known what the function of the positive RhD proteins are - perhaps involved in the release of carbon dioxide. And the red cells must release the CO2 before they can pick up oxygen.

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