The United States spends while Sweden cuts down – Please, sign this petition

Mats Lindström

Active Member
Save the Gottfries Clinic!
The Gottfries clinic is the leading ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia clinic in Sweden. It both treats patients and conducts biomedical research.
Politicians in Gothenburg, Sweden have now decided not to renew the contract with the clinic when it expires on 30 November 2016. Instead, it plans to announce a new procurement for the treatment of so-called MUS (medically unexplained symptoms).
Sign the petition here
Swedes signs here

Paradoxically the US is spending when Sweden does the opposite

The disease is estimated to affect more than 1 million Americans and ”an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment have remained elusive,” according to the NIH.
“Of the many mysterious human illnesses that science has yet to unravel, [Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)] has proven to be one of the most challenging,”Francis S. Collins, MD, PhD, NIH director, said in the release. “I am hopeful that renewed research focus will lead us toward identifying the cause of this perplexing and debilitating disease so that new prevention and treatment strategies can be developed.”

Francis S. Collins
The agency has launched a research protocol at the NIH Clinical Center. It plans to develop a clinical study of patients who have experienced fatigue after symptoms of an acute infection to better understand both cause and progression. The study will include researchers from National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), National Institute of Nursing Research, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Additionally, the NIH is supporting research in the extramural community by ”re-invigorating the efforts of the long-standing Trans-NIH ME/CFS Research Working Group with [NINDS] as the lead of a multi-institute research effort.” The group will include 23 NIH institutes, offices and centers, according to the agency.

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