Treat ME know


Well-Known Member
I am so sorry about what happened to your wife. I have been sick for decades but functioned for years until I finally becaume disabled. I am very fortunate that I am not bed ridden but mostly housebound but still able to look after myself.

Thanks for posting your story.

Mats Lindström

Active Member
Hi, my name is Mats and I am from Sweden. My wife has diagnose ME/CFS. I have been read a lot of studies. In Sweden it is very difficult to get help from Health care. Most of doctors doesn´t belive in the disease.

Here is pictures of my wife and her story:

And here is a simple video about ME/CFS for dummies:


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Hi, my name is Mats and I am from Sweden. My wife has diagnose ME/CFS. I have been read a lot of studies. In Sweden it is very difficult to get help from Health care. Most of doctors doesn´t belive in the disease. Here is a picture of my wife before and after a dinner:
Thanks Mats. Your wife is beautiful even in her illness.

Here are some places I see hope for the future;
  • I believe the neuroinflammation studies from the Japanese, Dr. Lloyd and Jarred Younger are going to rewrite what this illness is about. As soon as we have definitive evidence of significant inflammation in the brain things are going to change and this illness is going to get more attention.
  • The big Davis 600 person Stanford study is going to be something and it;s going to be released this year. This big study from this major, major researcher - along with the Lipkin study - is going to mean something (provided fingers crossed they find something).
  • The exercise studies are getting more and more play.
Once we get over the hump - once this illness is recognized a real - there's no telling what can happen. When things get solid - they will reach to Sweden..

Good luck with your wife - thanks for sharing and please hang in there!

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