trigeminal nerve block guided by ultrasound


Active Member
Has anyone had this done and if so what was your experience, did it help with pain in head/face?


Active Member
It's now 2 weeks since I had this trigeminal nerve block on the left side, they only do one side at a time. I haven't had pain in the left side of my face since I got it, so it's a success. I still have to tell pain management and see what they say this means. I know it was in part diagnostic, so if it didn't work my trigeminal nerve wasn't the source of my face pain. Apparently the trigeminal nerve is the source of my face pain, in part, so not sure what that means and not sure how long the nerve block will last. But I'm feeling very happy, this is a horrendous, debilitating issue, so to be able to block that pain is a big deal. Between this and the Lyrica I may be getting a lot more functional.


Active Member
I had the right trigeminal nerve block done last week and just like the left side it worked very well. My left side continues to be pain free. Still have pain behind nose and center of face and burning and buzzing sensations on lips/tongue. They are doing occipital nerve blocks on me next week.


Active Member
It's time to schedule the trigeminal nerve blocks again. I feel pain creeping back in my face especially weather changes triggering it to hurt. They should be an easier process now they said they will do both right and left sides at the same visit.


Active Member
I have noticed a significant decrease in my eye and nose symptoms since getting the trigeminal nerve blocks. My eyes used to leak water, they also would become gritty and painful when fatigued my contacts would feel a film of sticky substance. I'm really not having any of these eye symptoms anymore. I also realized my nose is no longer leaking like a faucet and my use of tissues has significantly decreased, almost to zero usage. Will see if this improvement remains once it's cold, it's been really nice not having leaky eyes and nose.

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