Tulsa shooting was by a man in extreme pain

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"A gunman who killed his surgeon and three other people at a Tulsa medical office blamed the doctor for his continuing pain after a recent back operation and bought an AR-style rifle just hours before the rampage, police said Thursday. "

That struck a chord with me. How far do people have to go to be listened to when they say they are in pain? He had several things preventing him from getting proper care. Race, Black people are less likely to get pain drugs, or proper treatment. It was a back problem, which is often treated as a fake problem. Anger, as soon as you express anger or frustration to any doctor, they usually just shut you out and never help you again. Surgery, this is often the last option after everything has been tried.

Nothing justifies a murderous rampage, but this guy definitely should've been listened to before he became furious. I don't think that doctor "deserved" it. I do think the medical system needs to have a policy that anger=more help, and not ignoring that patient. I don't know if that will prevent this in the future, but I do know that pain control is not working right now, and not just for murderous people, but for people who suffer in silence. And the people who suffer silently don't deserve that either.


Well-Known Member
This is so tragic and I had to look it up as we've had so many shootings in the last 10 yrs or so..... This man with the back surgery as I read it had only had the major surgery a little while ago and it takes often months to feel somewhat decent but I'm not forgiving him what what he did. I believe the man killed himself too. Very very tragic...and covid has made everything 10000% worse.


Well-Known Member
I cannot comment upon the particular case you mention, as I cannot be certain regarding all of the circumstances. What I do feel confident about is revealing what I now know about my own experiences involving psychiatric medications and their likely involvement in mass shootings, commented upon in this article. https://www.newsweek.com/mass-shootings-ssri-meds-claimswhat-we-do-know-what-we-dont-1722549

Following long term toxic work exposures, and a toxic work environment, I eventually collapsed at work from heat stroke and was left lying on the factory floor without aid or medical assessment; the factory was heavily understaffed and the shift manager was forced to race to deal with the same list of equipment failures which had caused me to collapse. I never physically recovered. My condition was diagnosed, by psychiatrists at my local hospital, as being completely psychological and completely unrelated to my employment, denying me the support which even the Australian government had told me that I deserved, following their investigation of my complaint against the company. Their treatment induced increasingly bad side effects, which they refused to listen to my complaints regarding, until I finally experienced a thirty hour migraine. I called them, begging to be allowed to stop taking the medication, but was threatened with detention and forced treatment so took the days medication. An hour after taking it I experienced a sudden and massive headache, which I now know to have been something called a thunderclap headache. These are described as the worst pain that you are ever likely to experience in your life and I agree. It feels as though a bomb has gone off in your skull and involves either a stroke or something called reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS). I was torn between committing suicide or going on a killing spree. It turns out that extreme aggression is a common occurrence in around ten percent of cases of RCVS events so I wasn't alone in this experience. It was only the myopathy, resulting from the work exposures, which prevented me from going on a killing spree. The treating psychiatrist claimed that it all meant that I was cured and no longer required medication, waiting several weeks before referring me for a CT scan. He encouraged me to go on a killing spree, with staff of the hospital looking extremely sheepish but unable to contradict his professional claims, saying that it would cure me. The hospitals denied me the right to in-depth medical investigations, as the hospitals emergency department had originally planned, claiming that I was faking my increasing ill health and disability and it was only a couple of months treatment with antibiotics, several years after my collapse at work, which restored me enough function to actually be able to find all of the answers to what happened.

It now appears as though the toxic work exposures are likely to have induced Parkinson's disease; which I will learn within the next few months. I would have waited before responding to your thread but feel that it might have been a bit late, waiting until next year. If this is correct then it is important to know that people with this condition are extremely vulnerable to experiencing serotonin syndrome in response to SSRI medications. Excessively high serotonin levels induce RCVS and thunderclap headaches, with resulting brain damage. Many of us experience pituitary damage, with the pituitary gland ceasing function and failing to stop the adrenal gland from releasing a constant flood of adrenaline to the body. This is called paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity syndrome, or 'storming'. Around ten percent of people who experience this become extremely aggressive as a consequence of it.

Now that I know how easy it is for toxic inhalational exposures to pass through the upper nasal passages and into the lower brain, inducing brain damage in the part of the brain which produces dopamine; so inducing Parkinson's disease, I wonder exactly what percentage of people who go on these killing spree's may have experienced precisely the same pattern of disease and misdiagnosis as myself. I find that, where I originally received only criticism for my claims, I now receive a steady amount of support in my efforts to get my case into court to expose how the psychiatric system operates.

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
@Baz493 I hope you feel better soon. I'm not sure about Australia but I'm pretty sure being medicated against your will is a human rights violation. Especially if you weren't violent toward yourself or others. If at all possible, seek out a lawyer. There's precedents and international laws being broken based on what you said.

Edit: I want to add, specifically to heat stroke: the way to recover from that is to do what they do in Africa... make a very weak porridge and take small amounts of it all day for several days. Some grains are better than others for absorbing minerals, one of the best is brown rice. But it's also risky because it can have arsenic in big doses. I use millet for that reason. Ragi millet is used to protect kids from dehydration in both Africa and India. But it can be hard to find in the US, and you have to "roast" the flour slightly before use or it can taste strangely bitter. Plain millet is a good go-to and widely available.

I used to work in farm fields, sometimes 95-105F heat, and the only reason I didn't die of dehydration is weak porridge and V8 juice.
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Well-Known Member
Not dead yet, Thanks for your suggestions. Everything which occurred seemed suspect to me however it all wound up being a Catch-22 situation for me. Firstly, when you don't respond to psychiatrists questions as they desire they switch to employing pointed questions requiring only yes or no answers, with no allowance for responses outside that parameter. In this way they can quickly get the precise responses required to support any claims they make, including regarding their diagnoses. When I questioned my right to refuse medication I was given a choice between willingly taking their medications or having a hose shoved down my throat to force me to take them.

Regarding contacting lawyers it suddenly becomes an issue of a psychiatric patients word versus that of a group of medical professionals. Try looking up the Rosenhan experiment online. Dr Rosenhan asked for healthy volunteers across the US and personally assessed their mental health status himself to ensure that they were all healthy and psychologically well balanced individuals. They were taught to use a set of specific words, though not abnormal behaviour, with their GP's and then with initial interviews with psychiatrists. As this set of words were designed by Dr Rosenhan to ensure that they would all be detained for psychiatric treatment the majority of them were. However, once detained they were told to stop using those words and to simply go about life as normal. The consequences varied widely. While some of the volunteers were only detained for a week or so others remained detained for months on end, with continued forced treatment. Mental health patients do not have the same rights as any other patients. It's as though your human rights simply evaporate with the diagnosis by a psychiatrist. Lawyers, at least in Australia, seem brainwashed to simply trust that psychiatrists, as medical professionals, will always do the right thing for their patients. We have routine media campaigns here telling the public to watch for aberrant behaviour in family and friends in order to get 'help' for them from psychiatrists. Having experienced that 'help' myself I cringe at the consequences of this.

As for self treating all of the consequences of the work exposures, kidney failure, and heat stroke; the psychiatrists instructed me not to. Apparently, as there are no such things as disease, pain, or suffering, in the real world, as the psychiatrists routinely tell patients, we are supposed to just ignore such things and not do anything which might make us think that they exist. I was instructed to stop doing anything healthy as doing so would only maintain my belief that they did exist. After their medications caused the thunderclap headaches the treating psychiatrist added a range of other claims, regarding what exists in the real world, to the standard list. Of course, I was forced to gradually do the science to prove that the work exposures did occur and now believe that I stand on the precipice of proving that they resulted in the Parkinson's disease, which those exposures cause. As for actually trying to use natural health products to reverse my condition it's somewhat awkward. One of the work exposures, a nanoparticle called 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES), burns holes in the gastrointestinal tract. I have internal scarring which not only makes digestion difficult but which also makes movement somewhat dangerous, as the 'adhesions' can be forced agonisingly from my adbdomen. I was forced to adopt a low residue diet, removing fibre and other gas producing foods, from my diet in order to stop routine bouts of agonising abdominal bloating and nightlong vomiting. Animals exposed to this nanoparticle, which didn't die from the exposure, had to be quickly euthanased due to the extreme damage and pain caused by the exposures. I keep arguing, with the doctors who have never even heard of engineered silica nanoparticles before, that the psychiatrists have breached human rights laws not only forcing me to endure such agony without treatment but also for accusing me of faking my condition while that damage was occurring. Unfortunately, as the psychiatrists advised me at the time, all responsibility resulting from misdiagnosis and adverse consequences of treatment is the patients; as doctors aren't required to prove themselves guilty of harming patients. This is why a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease will be so enormous an event for me; sending my case to legal experts who can take my case to court. I already have all of the other necessary evidence.

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
Keep your courage up, Baz493. The world is hopefully tilting toward your case. I dont' know anything about silicosis or nano, but I do have adhesions and they're not fun. They're exactly like you described for me too.

For those who dont know, adhesions can't be seen on CT scan, or any imaging. They'd have to see them during surgery to verify they exist. Or a doctor would have to believe you when you tell them. Most of the time, they happen after abdominal surgery but exposure to chemicals can do it.

Not to upset you further, but there is now a documented case in Russia where a political dissident was recently forced to endure institutionalization and is now being forced to take neuroleptics, and his fellow dissidents outside Russia are making sure his case is not forgotten. The war in Ukraine will probably help your case eventually because Russia is a repeat offender of this kind of human rights abuse.

If you find such stories upsetting then skip it, but if not, then check out UATV English on Youtube and it's one of the recent stories that Ukraine is publicizing.

Gotta love when propaganda does some good. Hopefully this kind of chemical silencing will end in the world. Stay strong because based on what you said, you're in the right. And you're not alone.
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Well-Known Member
Not dead yet,

Thanks for that. Early on in my research I found that there is a huge online community of people, who generally label themselves as anti-psychiatry, fighting against the psychiatric profession because of the damage done to them, or their loved one's, by the profession. It's unfortunate that medical associations threaten their member doctors with losing their licences to practice medicine whenever they criticise the profession. Otherwise I'm certain that psychiatry would be forced to endure such a level of close scrutiny that it would be unable to continue operating. Negative responses to psychiatric medications are well documented these days but you still have to prove them without the assistance of the treating psychiatrists. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22156084/ While they are legally required to report negative responses to their medications it seems quite common for psychiatrists to choose to cover them up rather than to handle the consequences.

Once I realised that no one was going to take my claims, regarding toxic work exposures, seriously I began to see the whole situation as a joke. Since I was completely incapable of altering the circumstances which had resulted in my condition, or therefore the disability and illness involved in it, it just seemed ridiculous to me that the psychiatrists were demanding that I get better and return to work. I referred to it as being similar to the old pictures of horses, which had collapsed from overwork and mistreatment, being subjected to kicking to try to get them to go on working. Apparently that's the mechanism which psychiatry now uses to repair injured workers. Since there was nothing that I could do about the situation, with the psychiatrists denying me the right to medical investigations, compensation, or support, (despite the governments initial claim that I had such rights) the whole situation just became so ridiculous that it was all out of my hands. Three years later, despite having left a massive trail of evidence in my medical records, the psychiatrists began to claim that they hadn't done any of it. They really seemed quite put out that I have those records, proving this, already.

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
Not dead yet,

Thanks for that. Early on in my research I found that there is a huge online community of people, who generally label themselves as anti-psychiatry, fighting against the psychiatric profession because of the damage done to them, or their loved one's, by the profession. It's unfortunate that medical associations threaten their member doctors with losing their licences to practice medicine whenever they criticise the profession. Otherwise I'm certain that psychiatry would be forced to endure such a level of close scrutiny that it would be unable to continue operating. Negative responses to psychiatric medications are well documented these days but you still have to prove them without the assistance of the treating psychiatrists. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22156084/ While they are legally required to report negative responses to their medications it seems quite common for psychiatrists to choose to cover them up rather than to handle the consequences.

Once I realised that no one was going to take my claims, regarding toxic work exposures, seriously I began to see the whole situation as a joke. Since I was completely incapable of altering the circumstances which had resulted in my condition, or therefore the disability and illness involved in it, it just seemed ridiculous to me that the psychiatrists were demanding that I get better and return to work. I referred to it as being similar to the old pictures of horses, which had collapsed from overwork and mistreatment, being subjected to kicking to try to get them to go on working. Apparently that's the mechanism which psychiatry now uses to repair injured workers. Since there was nothing that I could do about the situation, with the psychiatrists denying me the right to medical investigations, compensation, or support, (despite the governments initial claim that I had such rights) the whole situation just became so ridiculous that it was all out of my hands. Three years later, despite having left a massive trail of evidence in my medical records, the psychiatrists began to claim that they hadn't done any of it. They really seemed quite put out that I have those records, proving this, already.

I'm so sorry this is happening to you but I"m glad you have the evidence.

I'm firmly in the camp of "voluntary only" with all drugs, treatments or whatever. I'm happy to be coerced or cajoled into things, but if there is a threat behind a suggestion, then I'm ready to scream about my rights and about "power differential."

I can't say I"m anti psychiatry, but I"m anti involuntary medication. I added the link above as a spoiler so you don't have to look at the video's upsetting image if they don't want to. But you also don't have to search through the videos to find it.

Start a thread about your situation, copy posting from this thread and keep us updated on how you're doing. I'm sure others will want to hear updates too.


Well-Known Member
I have found that the controversial nature of psychiatry often draws a lot of varied opinions. I have posted about my own experiences on other forums only to find myself criticised for saying anything negative about the profession. There has been so much money spent upon promoting the industry, and its supposed benefits, that lots of people have become true believers even though they have no personal experience with it. Some of the responses have been quite hostile so I generally tend to be a bit cautious about my posts these days. Regarding the video you posted I can only point out that many governments have used psychiatric facilities to 'retrain' behaviour viewed as aberrant by the regime in power. Most governments used to try to 'retrain' homosexuals in such facilities. I found that they are trying to 'retrain' people away from Christianity. I have spoken about this with Muslims, who are also scared that the profession will turn against them next. Personally, I love this speech about psychiatry, given by a psychologist named Jeffrey A Schaler at a professional conference.

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