Dr. Leo Galland believes hidden allergies can play an important role in chronic health problems. Mold is one of the most common environmental factors that affects people’s health and causes allergies. Toxic mold exposure has been linked to fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, asthma, lupus and other conditions.
Dr. Leo Galland points out: “Mold allergy is an important cause of fatigue and muscle aches. A significant proportion of people with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia have mold sensitivity.” Dr. William J. Rea shares the story of a patient who started to suffer from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue after his office became moldy. Dr. Rea mentions that tests proved the office had toxic mold, and the patient had toxins in his body. After moving his office and seeking treatment, the patient showed signs of improvement.
Check out more of this article here -http://www.emaxhealth.com/12410/mold-exposure-linked-fibromyalgia - and check out some mold recovery stories in the recovery stories section here - http://cortjohnson.org/forums/recovery-stories/categories/mold-environmental.127/