Ubiquinol-10 supplementation improves autonomic nervous function and cognitive function in CFS.


Biofactors. 2016 Apr 29. doi: 10.1002/biof.1293. [Epub ahead of print]
Ubiquinol-10 supplementation improves autonomic nervous function and cognitive function in chronic fatigue syndrome.

Fukuda S1,2,3, Nojima J4, Kajimoto O5, Yamaguti K3,6, Nakatomi Y3,6, Kuratsune H1,3,6, Watanabe Y2,3.
Author information


The aim of this study was to evaluate the benefit of oral ubiquinol-10 supplementation in CFS patients using an open-label study and a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled (RCT) study. Twenty patients with CFS were randomly enrolled in an 8-week open-label oral ubiquinol-10 (150 mg ubiquinol-10/day) study. The patients and the attending physicians were not blinded to the supplementation.

Forty-three patients with CFS were randomly assigned to receive either ubiquinol-10 (150 mg/day) or placebo every day for 12 weeks. The patients and the attending physicians were blinded to the supplementation, and a total of 31 patients (N = 17 in the ubiquinol group and 14 in the placebo group) completed the study. The beneficial effects of ubiquinol-10 were observed in the open-label study we conducted prior to the RCT.

The RCT results suggest that supplementation with ubiquinol-10 for 12 weeks is effective for improving several CFS symptoms. © 2016 BioFactors, 2016.
© 2016 International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

chronic fatigue syndrome; double-blind; placebo-controlled trial; randomized; ubiquinol-10


Well-Known Member
Interesting, I do better on COQ10 and some other people too. Brand is also very important, I used source Naturals COQ10 400mg / 2times a day. I could do more and be feeling great but it's too expensive, But if I have to choose one supplement I cannot live without this would be the top second.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I'd like to get that. I think its really interesting and smart of them to included autonomic nervous system functioning as one of their endpoints. Looking forward to seeing what they did.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
@Upgrayedd FYI I had problems with ubiquinol but can manage Coq10. I've been using Doctor's Best with BIoperin. When I up to 200 mgs I feel horrible.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
@Seven FYI amazon subscribe and save has doctors best 400 mg coq10 for about $21/month.

I didn't look to see if they have the source natural.


Active Member
I think this is great I take both unbiquinol and Coq10....

I would rather treat this disease all natural but the bottom line is they need to get something powerful enough to knock the disease process back as at least for the 25% or more that are severe.

Further it seems that regardless if you really get this disease you become housebound or die from cancer or cardiac problems way earlier in life....

This may be great for some, but this supplement is good for many diseases. I managed a supplement store in he past so I have some experience. I was also in to the whole gym and bodybuilding thing, ice hockey, hiking and fishing.

I am greatful these studies are done but we need real medicine to combat this disorder. In my personal opinion along with natural healthy food and supplementation because of the dysfunction.

Just my thoughts


Well-Known Member
they need to get something powerful enough to knock the disease process back as at least for the 25% or more that are severe.
I really think we already have things we can do, I was in bed and would be in bed if not were for the OI meds (florinef+midodrine+betablocker) I know finding the right combo is case by case but it can be done. I really always ask why this is not done for more disable population. We will not fail 100% of the time the TTT but you can see the autonomic dysfunction on CFS.

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