Vagus Nerve Block Today!


Active Member
Since I am a Veteran and I have been BLESSED to meet Dr Anna Woodbury who is open to all things I learn on this website, I got I Vagal Block today on my left side. I have already been able to try the Ear Stimulation, which gave me some relief as long as the acupuncture device was activated on my ear, but as soon as it was gone so was the relief. So when I showed Dr Woodbury "The Vagus Nerve Article" , we thought " worth a try". So, it was painful. I am not a whiner, so in real people terms I actually did clench my fist each time they pushed the medication in the ganglion portion of my brain because I was not allowed to speak. The drug had to go in slowly. I got a thunder clap headache after each push. After the procedure I had a POTS episode. But my big husband came to rescue me, after chugging a quart of Gatorade, we staggered out of VA. From 10:30am to 4:30pm, my left side of head, neck felt like a painful band steel, with 1-10 scale, it was a 25 with a 7.5 Hydrocodone, my CBD cannabis, 4mg Zanaflex and 300mg Neurontin. Yes, everyone came out to play and ice. So, it's 8:00pm, I am down to a 15, and I will see how it goes. If it makes a difference. If this turns it off. Need to do other side, maybe the Cannabis will heal all. But thanks to Cort, this Site, and all the Contributors, I am getting better.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Since I am a Veteran and I have been BLESSED to meet Dr Anna Woodbury who is open to all things I learn on this website, I got I Vagal Block today on my left side. I have already been able to try the Ear Stimulation, which gave me some relief as long as the acupuncture device was activated on my ear, but as soon as it was gone so was the relief. So when I showed Dr Woodbury "The Vagus Nerve Article" , we thought " worth a try". So, it was painful. I am not a whiner, so in real people terms I actually did clench my fist each time they pushed the medication in the ganglion portion of my brain because I was not allowed to speak. The drug had to go in slowly. I got a thunder clap headache after each push. After the procedure I had a POTS episode. But my big husband came to rescue me, after chugging a quart of Gatorade, we staggered out of VA. From 10:30am to 4:30pm, my left side of head, neck felt like a painful band steel, with 1-10 scale, it was a 25 with a 7.5 Hydrocodone, my CBD cannabis, 4mg Zanaflex and 300mg Neurontin. Yes, everyone came out to play and ice. So, it's 8:00pm, I am down to a 15, and I will see how it goes. If it makes a difference. If this turns it off. Need to do other side, maybe the Cannabis will heal all. But thanks to Cort, this Site, and all the Contributors, I am getting better.
Good luck KweenPita - I'm pulling for you.
(I'm sending you secret ninja power thoughts :droid::droid:)

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