vision problems with cfs/me


New Member
hi all I'm new to all this I have recently been diagnosed with cfs/me, I have a permanent vision problem that's hard to explaine as its very strange and it does not get better. its kind of a blurry disturbed vision that has slowly gotten worse over the year I have had it. I know this is not common with cfs/me, I'm just trying find out if anyone else has a similar problem.



Well-Known Member
I know nothing about vision issues and CFS, but I'd sure be taking eye support supplements regardless, like:

Vit C
Grape Seed Extract (been taking it 25 yrs)
hi all I'm new to all this I have recently been diagnosed with cfs/me, I have a permanent vision problem that's hard to explaine as its very strange and it does not get better. its kind of a blurry disturbed vision that has slowly gotten worse over the year I have had it. I know this is not common with cfs/me, I'm just trying find out if anyone else has a similar problem.

hi all I'm new to all this I have recently been diagnosed with cfs/me, I have a permanent vision problem that's hard to explaine as its very strange and it does not get better. its kind of a blurry disturbed vision that has slowly gotten worse over the year I have had it. I know this is not common with cfs/me, I'm just trying find out if anyone else has a similar problem.

Hi Steve,
Yes, I would have vision problems. I do regularly go to have my eyes checked and nothing particularly showing, apart from macular degeneration in one eye, my left. However I have slightly blurry vision in my left eye especially if I eat higher carb food. Does that make any sense to you? I have extensive food intolerances...


Active Member
TCM connect the Liver with the eyes and seeing as the Liver is so burdened with detox in CFS due to the waste products and LPS flooding into the bloodstream in the colon. With the heat/inflammation which results it is not difficult to understand how it can affect the eyes.

I can get eye pain, which I have ATM despite taking a crudely produced liposomal Milk Thistle which usually fixes many things. Maybe the high dose magnesium that I took an hour ago might also help. My neck which usually has pain when I have not had any magnesium is beginning to reduce. The anti inflammatory herbs I had with the magnesium should show some effect at some point.

Reducing the inflammation can improve many things in CFS, including energy and immune function. Dealing with the LPS with Boswellia Serrata which binds to LPS and stops it's effects can be very helpful providing you can find one which works well because some are not effective IME. I have two Boswellia/Frankincense products one product from India from eBay with a claimed 75% boswellic acids and another from a seller in the UK which claimed 85% boswellic acids. I thought that the 85% version would be better but it was not! It was worthless and had no noticeable effect whereas the 75% one had some very positive effects. It just goes to show that they are not all the same or effective.

Large food molecules are absorbed into the bloodstream which causes an immune system reaction. This is because of the Increased Permeability of the digestive system and is what causes all the problems in CFS. When that is fixed and the damage is repaired everything will return to some sort of normality.....until another infection takes hold which are constantly attacking the vagus nerve in the digestive system. Science has no clue about what is happening. Their ideas are false and the treatments for Digestive Permeability show how little that they know about the subject. Note that L-Glutamine cannot fix it! It is not tight junctions which are at fault. Just a lot of false theories IMO.


Active Member
hi all I'm new to all this I have recently been diagnosed with cfs/me, I have a permanent vision problem that's hard to explaine as its very strange and it does not get better. its kind of a blurry disturbed vision that has slowly gotten worse over the year I have had it. I know this is not common with cfs/me, I'm just trying find out if anyone else has a similar problem.

Hi Steve - I have had vision problems since I woke up with extreme double vision one morning in 2012. Also a headache that felt like my head had been split with an axe. Sorry for the visual but this is descriptive. Prior I had no clear diagnosis of anything. I had lesions on the brain and base of brain, i had been dizzy with muscle fatigue for years, depression and anxiety and forced to quit my job. B12 and D3 deficient. One rheumie dx CFS. Others MS. Then MS un-dx. Forced into retirement. My vision has not been the same since. New glasses and since then prescriptions have been a struggle. Dry eyes, mykomia, playing with prisms. I had cataract surgeries last year. Moisturizing eye drops help. When eye strain sets in it is worse. Some mornings, if I use my eyes too much it sets in. Eyeball twitching and double vision. I have to ease into the day. I always wear sunglasses - glare is bad. The dizziness has been never ending, some days worse than others. In 2017 my new HMO said evidence of an old infarction. In very early January of 2020 finally the dx I already knew - ME/CFS from a neuro who specializes in nerve disorders. After over 30 yrs of issues. But no help for it. Don't know if this helps or not. Not sure if it comes from CFS but to me fatigue makes it worse. The eyes afterall do contain a lot of muscles, as does the heart so yes, I do have heart irregularity issues. My heart is very healthy.


Well-Known Member
I don't deal with the CFS issue but was told FM and I know about the OA I live with bodywide...long story. I'm 82 soon.

I have GOOD eyes and take eye supports for years.

Grape Seed Extract
Vit C
Cineraria Maritima (cataract prevention)

For my age etc my eyes are good and no cataracts....have not seen an eye doc in about 10 yrs. I'm good.

And I don't go outdoors without SUNGLASSES,,a good good prevention too.
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Active Member
I don't deal with the CFS issue but was told FM and I know about the OA I live with bodywide...long story. I'm 82 soon.

I have GOOD eyes and take eye supports for years.

Grape Seed Extract
Vit C
Cineraria Maritima (cataract prevention)

For my age etc my eyes are good and no cataracts....have not seen an eye doc in about 10 yrs. I'm good.

And I don't go outdoors without SUNGLASSES,,a good good prevention too.
My opthalmologist highly recommended Nordic Fish Oils. My sister had minor signs of beginning mac degeneration. Her doc recommended Preser Vision - her condition disappeared.
It is gresat we can compare notes. There is no treatment for my condisions - nerve and muscle damage.
Thanks and good luck - Linda


Active Member
Hi Steve - I have had vision problems since I woke up with extreme double vision one morning in 2012. Also a headache that felt like my head had been split with an axe. Sorry for the visual but this is descriptive.
I had that at the age of 12 but did not realise the significance at the time. What it means is tissue destruction in two parts near the brain one of which gets described as being vaguely related to CFS even though no one has been bothered to test properly. I have seen people confirm my ideas on the other forum re:empty and partially empty sella.

Prior I had no clear diagnosis of anything. I had lesions on the brain and base of brain, i had been dizzy with muscle fatigue for years, depression and anxiety and forced to quit my job. B12 and D3 deficient. One rheumie dx CFS. Others MS. Then MS un-dx. Forced into retirement. My vision has not been the same since. New glasses and since then prescriptions have been a struggle. Dry eyes, mykomia, playing with prisms. I had cataract surgeries last year. Moisturizing eye drops help. When eye strain sets in it is worse. Some mornings, if I use my eyes too much it sets in. Eyeball twitching and double vision.
Could be a magnesium deficiency. Long ago I used to get eyebrow and eyelid twitching.

I have to ease into the day. I always wear sunglasses - glare is bad. The dizziness has been never ending, some days worse than others. In 2017 my new HMO said evidence of an old infarction. In very early January of 2020 finally the dx I already knew - ME/CFS from a neuro who specializes in nerve disorders. After over 30 yrs of issues. But no help for it. Don't know if this helps or not. Not sure if it comes from CFS but to me fatigue makes it worse. The eyes after all do contain a lot of muscles, as does the heart so yes, I do have heart irregularity issues. My heart is very healthy.
Heart arrhythmia can be magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium is involved in lowering inflammation and the requirements in CFS can get very high BTW.


Active Member
I have had actual muscle twitching in the past from fatigue. This twitching is very fine and not from the big muscles. The superior oblique myokymia is neurological disorder and no treatment. The moisturizing drops help. And not straining my eyes.


I have terrible vision problems including what appears to be lack of balance(vertigo).
i have constant dry eyes, that get worse even when I sleep.
it came in eye doctor can solve it, i have tried glasses with FL-41 and prism, but thinking just FL_41 next to see where that takes me. it's annoying and I cant work on computer or watch tv/movies without suffering extreme pain, twitching and increased lack of balance.


Well-Known Member
Similasian for Dry Eyes is a great homeopathic remedy...I've been using it for years. And I posted above what keeps my eyes in good health at almost 82.

And homeopathy in general is a wonderful cure medicine... Like cures Like
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thanks for the tip. does anyone also feel pressure behind the eyes? like a twitching that is not easily seen from the outside, like an invisible Nystagmus which in turn (i am guessing) makes me feel out of balance. I am using something made in S. Korea now for the dry eye. it's instant relief but does not last long and dont want to keep putting eye drops too many times a day...


Well-Known Member
I've developed double-vision too, 15+ years after developing ME. My theory is that ME affects the functioning of some neurons, so it's not too surprising that it might interfere with the neural feedback loops that keep our eyes adjusted with relation to each other, or the ones that control the shape of the lens (causing blurriness). I don't expect that supplements will help with that sort of problem. Eye exercises, maybe, if we can find the right ones and do them long enough.


Active Member
TCM connects the eyes with the Liver function. Heat in the Liver when it is overworked for example can make the eyes red and produce other eye symptoms. Everyone with CFS has hyperactive Liver function because it is working hard to detoxify waste products flooding into the bloodstream in the colon due to Increased Digestive Permeability. The Liver active time in the early hours tends to be when some people wake up and have difficulty sleeping. Helping the liver function can help to reduce this.

Treating the Liver with things which help glutathione production ie some NAC or better lyposomal glutathione might be helpful. I swear by Milk Thistle extract made into crude lyposomes with lecithin to help improve it's absorption which can be poorly absorbed. I use quite a bit each day and it does help in numerous ways including autoimmunity and irritability.


Active Member
I also have double vision. It started on month 12 of 12 since my illness began with EBV infection. Double vision occurs in my left and right eye but not at the same time. Saw eye doctor: suggests I keep taking eye breaks and use eye drops; if persists after 2 weeks, will go back for testing.


Well-Known Member
I've heard a few people report double-vision after developing ME, so it might well be an ME symptom.

I think it's my right eye that isn't tracking properly. What I read about it online didn't make me thing there was anything a doctor could actually do about it.

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