
Well-Known Member
It has come to my attention that the website has been compromised and that my post on both the Forum and Blog site, what I have said and talked about and even my writing style has been changed. As of today July 18, 2021.....I will no longer participate in the forum or the blogs. A good bit of what I previously wrote has been altered and is not how I wrote it or phrased it. I hope to not let my life's work, decades of it, be lost, tainted or claimed as someone else's.

My goal was to help others with the multiple illnesses that seem very interconnected....ME/CFS, FMS, EDS, MCAS, Autoimmune dysfunction, inflammation, etc. My hypothesis includes that there are Autoimmune issues and inflammation as part of the core (pick your order). And there are issues in the calcium channels and with glutamate, dopamine, oxytocin, histamine. And problems in the diet with oxylates and gluten, nightshade, dairy......for a good many of us. There have been many things I have written about since I have been here, (I was one of the first ones on this forum.)

My moto and sort of trademark saying has always been.....we have to find the WHYS first. The symptoms are the lessor of two evils and very likely compensations, trying to save us. I feel we are all on a very individual journey and with different genes and many of them very "wonky", what will work for me may not work for you. We may not can "fix" it, but we can sure put a beautiful "Purple Bandaid ?" on it.

Trying to find the WHYS to not only try to help myself, but help others has been my life and my goal for decades with my own chronic illnesses. Most of my best ideas were here and now they have been changed. Others have been successful to incorporate them into their own hypothesis and call them theirs. I never expected that I would be noticed for my ideas or contributions and that was not my goal. My goal was to get the WHYS and try to find some solutions to improve quality of life. I hope that can and will still happen, even if "Issie" is not attached to it.

I sure have HOPE everyone can find their "Purple Bandaid ? " and feel better and have a measure of quality of life in the chronic bodies we find ourselves. We didn't ask for the cards we got handed, but we can make the best of them. Everyone, PLEASE, try to find an hour of JOY every day. Go outside and watch a Butterfly and feel the Sunshine, take a picture of a beautiful flower.

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Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
This happened right after the Durham, NC/Canton, GA ground vibration infrastructure attack thread was posted. I also notice that Twitter is interfering with links to the Jeff S DC prion disease thread with the new study by Classen showing prion disease signs. They do not want discussion of these topics anywhere. This comes with discussion of sensitive topics. After the vibration thread was posted the database and forum suddenly went down and it looks like it had to be restored from backup. I recommend everyone harden their passwords and keep a local backup of sensitive threads. I'm sure @Cort can harden up the site to protect it.
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Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
It has come to my attention that the website has been compromised and that my post on both the Forum and Blog site, what I have said and talked about and even my writing style has been changed. As of today July 18, 2021.....I will no longer participate in the forum or the blogs. A good bit of what I previously wrote has been altered and is not how I wrote it or phrased it. I hope to not let my life's work, decades of it, be lost, tainted or claimed as someone else's.

My goal was to help others with the multiple illnesses that seem very interconnected....ME/CFS, FMS, EDS, MCAS, Autoimmune dysfunction, inflammation, etc. My hypothesis includes that there are Autoimmune issues and inflammation as part of the core (pick your order). And there are issues in the calcium channels and with glutamate, dopamine, oxytocin, histamine. And problems in the diet with oxylates and gluten, nightshade, dairy......for a good many of us. There have been many things I have written about since I have been here, (I was one of the first ones on this forum.)

My moto and sort of trademark saying has always been.....we have to find the WHYS first. The symptoms are the lessor of two evils and very likely compensations, trying to save us. I feel we are all on a very individual journey and with different genes and many of them very "wonky", what will work for me may not work for you. We may not can "fix" it, but we can sure put a beautiful "Purple Bandaid ?" on it.

Trying to find the WHYS to not only try to help myself, but help others has been my life and my goal for decades with my own chronic illnesses. Most of my best ideas were here and now they have been changed. Others have been successful to incorporate them into their own hypothesis and call them theirs. I never expected that I would be noticed for my ideas or contributions and that was not my goal. My goal was to get the WHYS and try to find some solutions to improve quality of life. I hope that can and will still happen, even if "Issie" is not attached to it.

I sure have HOPE everyone can find their "Purple Bandaid ? " and feel better and have a measure of quality of life in the chronic bodies we find ourselves. We didn't ask for the cards we got handed, but we can make the best of them. Everyone, PLEASE, try to find an hour of JOY every day. Go outside and watch a Butterfly and feel the Sunshine, take a picture of a beautiful flower.

This is different and disturbing. I will be in touch with Issie and Dejurgen and try and figure out what is going on and how it can be fixed.


Wow this poor site is getting all kinds of hacker takedown attacks.
I don’t know what is going on for sure with Issie and Dejurgen, but the recent server issues are not a result of hacker takedown attacks to my knowledge.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
The recent server issues affected many websites not just Health Rising and were the results of some enormous datacenter problems. Our host is moving to a new datacenter.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
It took several weeks but we offered to do a deep dive into any posts or accounts or comments on the website that might have been hacked altered in any way. There are various ways to do this and we believed we would have learned if any malicious activity had taken place. Unfortunately, since we weren't provided with any of the suspect posts, accounts, etc. so we were unable to do this.

I want to point out that it is very hard to hack accounts on the Forum software we use. We use the most highly regarded and secure Forum software available, and in the many years overseeing the much busier Phoenix Rising Forums, and now with these Forums, this is the first time anyone has brought up the possibility of an account being hacked. Just to take one feature, the Xenforo Forum software we use does not save your password. Only you have access to your password and only you can change it.

I'm sorry that two such productive members of the Health Rising website/Forums are no longer participating but I feel confident that the Forums have been and are secure and will continue to be.

As we attempted to address Issie's and DeJurgen's concerns but didn't get their cooperation in doing that and therefore couldn't determine if a problem existed at some point this thread titled "MY WARNING TO HEALTHRISING MEMBERS" - is going to be removed.

It's not fair to Health Rising to have unsubstantiated claims like that be prominently displayed, and it's not fair to the members some of whom have expressed concerns about the Forum security.

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