What Kind of Protein/Fat/Carb Diet Are You On?

What Kind of Carb/Protein/Fat Type Diet Are You On?

  • Paleo (High fat/adequate protein/low carb)

    Votes: 6 13.0%
  • Autoimunne Paleo (Paleo plus no eggs, nuts, seeds, nightshades, alcohol, caffeine)

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • Ketogenic (very high fat/higher protein/ low carb).

    Votes: 7 15.2%
  • Low carb

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Low carb, no dairy, no gluten

    Votes: 9 19.6%
  • Glycemic index diet (complex carbohydrates)

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Low carb, no gluten

    Votes: 3 6.5%
  • Vegetarian (high complex carbs)

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Balanced, nutrition focused diet - no special focus on carbs...

    Votes: 13 28.3%
  • Diet? What diet? I eat everything :)

    Votes: 2 4.3%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Sorry- disagreeing to the wrong person. Disagreeing with Folk. Not Susan.
She is right on on the additives and the Sugar and the Toxins.

I also do no soft drinks, no alcohol, no MSG.

Since I need the Protein but do not want meat or chicken. The Protein Powder does it for me.



Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Well, I am not a good one to ask about food since I am not able to do much cooking, but I will give it a go.

When I first started and my stomach was distressed I ate small amounts of raw organic sauerkraut each day. Now I don't crave that anymore.

Until recently I was a yo-yo dieter always battling carb cravings. I was hypoglycemic as well. Now I don't crave carbs at all. I owe much of my success for sticking to this diet to an app called Ketodiet App. I used the ketodiet buddy to determine what my protein, fat and carb ratios should be.

Kefir is definitely something I would like to incorporate into my diet, but unless I make it myself the stuff sold in stores is full of sugar and very high carb.
Thanks for info on the Ketodiet App - I added it to the Resource section. I love sauerkraut by the way. You can find some video's of how to make home-made kefir in the media section: http://www.cortjohnson.org/forums/media/categories/gut-and-diet.43/


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I also disagree-but it may be we are sensitive to certain foods. Or allergic.

I am on Gluten free dairy mostly Vegan NO MEAT at all. Eggs once in a while.
Complex Carbs. No fried foods EVER. Do eat Berries in moderation (all). Small amount Millet and Flax bread.

2 cups of coffee in the AM . Only sweets are the berries Fresh.

I am on a wonderful Protein Powder called Love and Peas that I mix fresh spinach /berries/ Avocado /
Many Veggies other than Acid ones. I have Gerd. Drink a Blender of this daily off and on and try to finish by 3:00. Also mix Coconut water in drink.

Have dinner before 5:00 nothing but water after. Also Now Lecithin 1 tablespoon in drink. My Cholesterol and A1c are in normal range now. Were only up a little before. I feel better than I have in years. Particularly Cognitive. Most of my dizziness is nonexistent. Also suing Flax Seed in my drink.


Exercising every day.
Hi Carole

Do any changes in your diet in particular stand out for you?


Active Member
I do find if I eat meat any kind or frieid foods I start having Gut issues. If I do it more than once-I go into really shutdown mode. No dairy is a biggie even Yogurt starts my gut problems.

I do not drink Alcohol, no smoking, only sweets are berries. No diet drinks or cola drinks at all. It sound restrictive, but I can have almost all veggies.
bread and snacks as long as no gluten or sugar in large amounts.

Alot of high PH water. 2 liters a day if possible . Have to stay hydrated!!!!!

Do have my coffee in the AM.


Well-Known Member
I can't mark any of the choices. I'm Low Fat, whole food, Vegan. Definite improvements.



Well-Known Member
I'm eating
Paleo: no grains or processed starches, no dairy of any kind, high natural fats, organic proteins, lots of vegetables
+GAPS: probiotics, fermented vegetables with every meal, very light on fruit intake, some additional food restrictions
+ avoiding my sensitivities: nightshades, all tea including most herbals, all coffee.

I cook daily, almost everything fresh. If I cook one thing every day, and make enough for 5 days, it's pretty easy to keep interesting food around. Also I love to cook. I use a light box in winter, and make my own fire cider, taking a tablespoon before meals to stimulate digestion.

I've tried a million diets, and nothing worked because I only recently figured my huge sensitivity to dairy. I thought I could have cream and butter, but No.

So far, this diet has been remarkable for me. All of my brain functions are improving and daytime energy is hugely better.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I'm eating
Paleo: no grains or processed starches, no dairy of any kind, high natural fats, organic proteins, lots of vegetables
+GAPS: probiotics, fermented vegetables with every meal, very light on fruit intake, some additional food restrictions
+ avoiding my sensitivities: nightshades, all tea including most herbals, all coffee.

I cook daily, almost everything fresh. If I cook one thing every day, and make enough for 5 days, it's pretty easy to keep interesting food around. Also I love to cook. I use a light box in winter, and make my own fire cider, taking a tablespoon before meals to stimulate digestion.

I've tried a million diets, and nothing worked because I only recently figured my huge sensitivity to dairy. I thought I could have cream and butter, but No.

So far, this diet has been remarkable for me. All of my brain functions are improving and daytime energy is hugely better.
That's great Madie. I wish I could stop by and sample your cooking!

I aspire to your diet. I need to cut down on grains and sweets and up my fermented vegie intake and I'm almost there.


Well-Known Member
Lots of fruits and veggies...........no dairy,low grains, low animal fat (for now).....no bad oils.


I am on the All Carbs Left Behind diet. My kingdom for a potato! On the upside, my clothes are fitting better again, so...


Well-Known Member
I'm on a pretty resctricted diet. No Gluten, no Dairy except for Kefir, no sugar at all (not even fruits).
I'm pretty much on a Paleo Diet, except I eat Quinoa a lot.
I've been doing that for a while now. Don't know if it is worth it, I don't really have sensitivity to dairy or gluten.
I still think from time to time on going Keto. But taking the quinoa out would take me so much nutrients that I can't provide other way.


Well-Known Member
I'm on a pretty resctricted diet. No Gluten, no Dairy except for Kefir, no sugar at all (not even fruits).
I'm pretty much on a Paleo Diet, except I eat Quinoa a lot.
I've been doing that for a while now. Don't know if it is worth it, I don't really have sensitivity to dairy or gluten.
I still think from time to time on going Keto. But taking the quinoa out would take me so much nutrients that I can't provide other way.

What is it that you can only get from quinoa?


Well-Known Member
What is it that you can only get from quinoa?
Well quinoa is full of nutrients. Some say the most complete food on earth, who knows.
But the thing is, I'm avoiding so much stuff that my diet will lack some nutrients. The only thing I have intolerance for sure is fructose, and that excludes a whole giant list of stuff like fruits and vegetables, which would be rich in nutrients.


Well-Known Member
What is it that you can only get from quinoa?
Well quinoa is full of nutrients. Some say the most complete food on earth, who knows.
Quinoa is a seed that 'acts' like a grain, i.e. it is somewhere between a grain and a seed. This makes it full of nutrients like grains, but with a lower glycemic load (so your blood sugar stays more stable). And as it's actually a seed, it's also a good source of protein. The European counterpart of quinoa is buckwheat. They are both seeds of a plant similar to the spinach family.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I am on the All Carbs Left Behind diet. My kingdom for a potato! On the upside, my clothes are fitting better again, so...

I very reluctantly gave up potatoes. They are soooo yummy but I found that potatoes made me instantly tired - probably due to carb hit. I've found that a low glycemic diet is really important for me. Sweet potatoes I do better with.

I also poorly with short grain rice and a bit better with long grain rice but overall not so good with rice. It just wipes me out...


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Quinoa is a seed that 'acts' like a grain, i.e. it is somewhere between a grain and a seed. This makes it full of nutrients like grains, but with a lower glycemic load (so your blood sugar stays more stable). And as it's actually a seed, it's also a good source of protein. The European counterpart of quinoa is buckwheat. They are both seeds of a plant similar to the spinach family.
Millet is another grain that I love and ate a lot of but it too has a high glycemic index and I do better when I stay away from it. Buckwheat and quinoa I should try.


Well-Known Member
Millet is another grain that I love and ate a lot of but it too has a high glycemic index and I do better when I stay away from it. Buckwheat and quinoa I should try.
I love both quinoa and buckwheat. Trying to go grain free at the moment to see if it helps inflammation.


Well-Known Member
Millet is another grain that I love and ate a lot of but it too has a high glycemic index and I do better when I stay away from it. Buckwheat and quinoa I should try.
amaranth is another grain-like seed, but it tastes slightly bitter - an acquired taste :shamefullyembarrased: (you could also try half quinoa/half amaranth or something, so it tastes better)


Well-Known Member
Whole teff cooked with almond milk makes an amazing breakfast cereal. Teff is a little sweet and a little nutty, and very nutritious.


Well-Known Member
has anyone tried flax seed breakfast porridge? the texture is slightly gluey but if you add some fruit it's pretty yummy :hungry: and full of omega 3 :cool:

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