What Kind of Protein/Fat/Carb Diet Are You On?

What Kind of Carb/Protein/Fat Type Diet Are You On?

  • Paleo (High fat/adequate protein/low carb)

    Votes: 6 13.0%
  • Autoimunne Paleo (Paleo plus no eggs, nuts, seeds, nightshades, alcohol, caffeine)

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • Ketogenic (very high fat/higher protein/ low carb).

    Votes: 7 15.2%
  • Low carb

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Low carb, no dairy, no gluten

    Votes: 9 19.6%
  • Glycemic index diet (complex carbohydrates)

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Low carb, no gluten

    Votes: 3 6.5%
  • Vegetarian (high complex carbs)

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Balanced, nutrition focused diet - no special focus on carbs...

    Votes: 13 28.3%
  • Diet? What diet? I eat everything :)

    Votes: 2 4.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
If you follow all Diet advices for ME and Fibro you would end up feeding on sun. One side say you should cut meat, other say avoid night shades, others say to cut carbs, gluten, dairy, eggs, coffee, and then other say to stay off grains, startchy vegetables, and any kind of sugar. Not much left, at least on Earth.

What diet are you on? If nothing labeled specifaclly yet, what are you eating right now?

Why? And how is that working out for you?

Please specify if you tend to cheat sometimes, or all the time. And if so mark "Other" in the Poll (Paleo, Ketogenic tend to be very specific and cheating seems to rule out it's benefits)
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Well-Known Member
I'm on Low carb, no dairy, no gluten.

I tend to eat mostly chicken, fish and eggs. Bacon sometimes and read meat very ocasionally. Lots (more than I should I guess) of almonds, cashews.
Quinoa, potatoes, arrow root and manioc (does that even exist outside Brazil? It's the source of tapioca)
Vegetables in moderation.
I also eat dark chocolate (70%).
Coffe less then one cup a day.
Totally off fruit (Fructose malabsorption).
I never cheat unless I'm on a situation where it's better eat more carbs then eat something like "chicken with mango sauce" that would certainly make me feel a lot worse.

The thing made more difference was stopping with the fruits for sure... It was the main source of bizarre bloating and hard stomach pains. Avoiding nightshades never did anything for me. As for the rest I try to eat what makes me feel better, and follow what are mostly recomended for ME and Fibro (knowing not even who recomends it knows for sure).
Thinking hard on going Ketogenic.
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Well-Known Member
Mostly whole grains and no to low sugar. It is to make sure I don't turn diabetic since I was just skimming A1C prediabetic numbers and it has put me right back in normal ranges.

I have done: No dairy, wheat or gluten. Organic Juicing. Organic eating. I can't even tell you all the things I have tried as well as supplements. I never got better with any and only got progressively worse over the decades. There will always be the next diet for our illness because no diet works as it is not attached to diet issues. The only time a diet or restrictions in helpful is if you have a sensitivity or allergy or even disease such as Celiac. When you don't react to the food your ME/CFS/FMS symptoms won't react. You react to the food, it affects your ME/CFS/FMS and increases those symptoms.

That is why when a diet is working for someone it is probably because they cut out a food or food group that they are actually sensitive or allergic to.


Well-Known Member
Mostly whole grains and no to low sugar. It is to make sure I don't turn diabetic since I was just skimming A1C prediabetic numbers and it has put me right back in normal ranges.

I have done: No dairy, wheat or gluten. Organic Juicing. Organic eating. I can't even tell you all the things I have tried as well as supplements. I never got better with any and only got progressively worse over the decades. There will always be the next diet for our illness because no diet works as it is not attached to diet issues. The only time a diet or restrictions in helpful is if you have a sensitivity or allergy or even disease such as Celiac. When you don't react to the food your ME/CFS/FMS symptoms won't react. You react to the food, it affects your ME/CFS/FMS and increases those symptoms.

That is why when a diet is working for someone it is probably because they cut out a food or food group that they are actually sensitive or allergic to.

I disagree :)


Well-Known Member
I eat a wholegrain vegetarian diet which is light on eggs and cheese.
As much veg as I can possibly manage is helpful in keeping my sugar levels even.

I've tried cutting out various things but it never helped and usually made things worse. The only exception is high fat dairy which I discovered was causing painful cramps; but I swapped the high fat cheese for goat's or sheep's cheese and now all the cramping has stopped.


Well-Known Member
Mostly Paleo.... So- high protein, high fat, no grains (other than cheats with rice on occasion), soy free, gluten free, low sugar, and cow's dairy free. I've found I can tolerate goat & sheep dairy for whatever reason.

I'm also eating a low FODMAP diet to eliminate all kinds of extra sugars found in various fruits and veggies. That helps control SIBO but I'm still struggling despite all the diet limitations. Super frustrating!!

However, that said, I feel better eating this way than anything else I've tried!


Active Member
I just try to eat a healthy, balanced diet. Whole grains veggies etc. I don't eat enough veggies but I try.

I get really weird reactions to food so at times I can only tolerate crackers and unsweetened applesauce.

I do try to avoid sugar because I'm close to A1C diabetic as well plus sugar makes me feel really loopy.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I changed it around a bit - i hope that's all -right.

I made it a carb/fat/ protein diet poll - I added Fodmap, vegetarian (complex carbs)...

Then I thought we can do another broader diet poll that includes histamine, Mediterranean diets, elimination diet as well as the ones mentioned.

I hope that's OK :)


Forgot to put Vegetarian and FODMAP.
Can't edit anymore.. :\

@Cort if you could, please :)
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Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
One good question might be what kind of diet are you aspiring to?

I'm aspiring to cut out almost all grains and no sweets. I've been aspiring to that for quite awhile :eggonface:

I've cut out soy, nightshades, all dairy except for kefir, gluten and am mostly on a higher protein, lower complex carbs, somewhat higher fat diet featuring lots of vegies...


Well-Known Member
One good question might be what kind of diet are you aspiring to?

I'm aspiring to cut out almost all grains and no sweets. I've been aspiring to that for quite awhile :eggonface:

I've cut out soy, nightshades, all dairy except for kefir, gluten and am mostly on a higher protein, lower complex carbs, somewhat higher fat diet featuring lots of vegies...

Actually the only reason I don't follow this or that diet is because I'm not sure it would make me good... If I was sure about the benefits I would eat/stop eating anything with no problem.

And this comes from the person who could'nt open a chocolate bar/box/chest without eating it entirely.

Just one thing. You've made paleo and keto look the same... Actually keto ain't considered such a "high protein" diet. It's high fat, adequate protein and low carb. They say you have to be as careful with the excess of protein as with carbs :)


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Actually the only reason I don't follow this or that diet is because I'm not sure it would make me good... If I was sure about the benefits I would eat/stop eating anything with no problem.

And this comes from the person who could'nt open a chocolate bar/box/chest without eating it entirely.

Just one thing. You've made paleo and keto look the same... Actually keto ain't considered such a "high protein" diet. It's high fat, adequate protein and low carb. They say you have to be as careful with the excess of protein as with carbs :)

"And this comes from the person who could'nt open a chocolate bar/box/chest without eating it entirely".:hungry:

I fixed it - I think. Please check it out :)


New Member
I switched to a ketogenic diet four months ago out of desperation. I had such terrible gastrointestinal problems that I could barely eat. Then it dawned on me flour, all flour was a big problem, even almond and coconut flour which is used a lot in keto diets to simulate bread recipes. Though I was vegetarian I now eat meat and it seems to work so much better for me ( go figure). Bloating, heartburn, stomach aches, food cravings, etc are all gone. I still like sweet tastes which I satisfy with stevia. I am evaluating dairy and may give that up. I had been gluten and sugar free before starting the keto diet.. I eat only organic meat. An apparent side effect for me has been a dramatic decrease in anxiety. Before like many of you I had tried juicing, raw foods etc. but none of that helped me. I love this diet, it just feels right to me and it is so easy to follow and very satisfying.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I switched to a ketogenic diet four months ago out of desperation. I had such terrible gastrointestinal problems that I could barely eat. Then it dawned on me flour, all flour was a big problem, even almond and coconut flour which is used a lot in keto diets to simulate bread recipes. Though I was vegetarian I now eat meat and it seems to work so much better for me ( go figure). Bloating, heartburn, stomach aches, food cravings, etc are all gone. I still like sweet tastes which I satisfy with stevia. I am evaluating dairy and may give that up. I had been gluten and sugar free before starting the keto diet.. I eat only organic meat. An apparent side effect for me has been a dramatic decrease in anxiety. Before like many of you I had tried juicing, raw foods etc. but none of that helped me. I love this diet, it just feels right to me and it is so easy to follow and very satisfying.
Isn't that something!

I really like this - An apparent side effect for me has been a dramatic decrease in anxiety - a big goal for me!

I gave up dairy but found I tolerate kefir just fine - and it benefits me.

Can you saw what the foods you eat most are?

(If you want to review the diet you can do that here - http://www.cortjohnson.org/forums/reviews/treatments/gut/ketogenic-diet.204/ - it's nice to have all the reviews in one place :)))


New Member
Well, I am not a good one to ask about food since I am not able to do much cooking, but I will give it a go.

I have learned that I do best when I keep my meals very simple. I try not to cook anything with more than 3-4 main ingredients. I like meat that is well cooked. I do not like red meat very much, but I will occasionally eat hamburger and I buy short ribs that I cook in the slow cooker until the meat falls apart.

Now that I am able to purchase organic pork products I enjoy bacon, ham, and well cooked pork loin roasts. The roasts and short ribs are nice because they last for several meals. I find that 2-4 ounces of meat is very satisfying and as long as I combine that with a fair amount of fat I can go many hours before I am hungry again.

My vegies are greens; spinach, celery, salads, chard, occasional zucchini, carrot, or red pepper etc. For fruit I eat apples and berries. I eat eggs and I enjoy dairy which includes half and half, heavy cream, butter, and sour cream.

When I first started and my stomach was distressed I ate small amounts of raw organic sauerkraut each day. Now I don't crave that anymore.

Until recently I was a yo-yo dieter always battling carb cravings. I was hypoglycemic as well. Now I don't crave carbs at all. I owe much of my success for sticking to this diet to an app called Ketodiet App. I used the ketodiet buddy to determine what my protein, fat and carb ratios should be.

I try not to eat more than 25 carbs a day, 55-65 gms of protein and 80-120 gms of fat (shocking I know, but so enjoyable). I use coconut oil and coconut butter along with the fats from the meat and dairy.

Eating this way my weight has remained amazingly stable and I don't have to worry about gaining. Dr. Myhill has a lot of good information on her website about CFS and diet.

Kefir is definitely something I would like to incorporate into my diet, but unless I make it myself the stuff sold in stores is full of sugar and very high carb.
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Well-Known Member
"And this comes from the person who could'nt open a chocolate bar/box/chest without eating it entirely".:hungry:

I fixed it - I think. Please check it out :)

It's actually
  1. Paleo (High fat and protein/low carb)
  2. Ketogenic (Very high fat/adequate protein/ low carb). your main source of calories must come from fat :)

Very early on in my illness I learned to avoid the big three things that made my condition worse: alcohol, caffeine & sugar. I have experimented with gluten & dairy free, vegan & macrobiotic diets and found no improvement on these. I definitely feel better when I eat animal protein and fats. I avoid fruit, fermented foods, aged cheeses and milk as they make SIBO worse. White rice is my comfort food. I eat eggs from our own chickens, leafy green vegetables or vegetables from the cabbage family and a moderate amount of fish from Alaska, organic chicken and grass finished beef. The only beverage I drink is water! The diet works for me. I don't crave other foods, have good digestion and its easy to maintain my weight.


Still working on foods. Crave chocolate but only eat 100% cacao sweetened with stevia, eat no sugar, no alcohol, no dairy-cheat in a minor way but seldom, very seldom eat gluten, eat grass fed meat almost daily, lots of olive oil and coconut oil, egg whites, too many organic nuts & seeds, greens, limited fruit lighly cooked berries, apples, pears (not too sweet). Also can't give up yet sprouted org corn tortillas with lots of coconut oil and sea salt. High sea salt diet. My digestion still needs help.

Susan Ridge

New Member
If you follow all Diet advices for ME and Fibro you would end up feeding on sun. One side say you should cut meat, other say avoid night shades, others say to cut carbs, gluten, dairy, eggs, coffee, and then other say to stay off grains, startchy vegetables, and any kind of sugar. Not much left, at least on Earth.

What diet are you on? If nothing labeled specifaclly yet, what are you eating right now?

Why? And how is that working out for you?

Please specify if you tend to cheat sometimes, or all the time. And if so mark "Other" in the Poll (Paleo, Ketogenic tend to be very specific and cheating seems to rule out it's benefits)
Everybody's path to ME/CFS is quite different as is everybody's reason for staying ill. I avoid gluten, dairy, sugar, yeast, caffeine, alcohol, MSG and as many artificial things as possible. It is important to eat small meals and regularly - follow the hypoglycemic diet (Australian Hypoglycemic Assoc website). By doing this, you kind of take control of your blood sugar and stop highs and lows that can lead to major energy slumps. if i eat sugar, I need to go and lie down in a corner and sleep. If i eat something that I am allergic to (say gluten), the same kind of effect. You definitely need to get food allergies/intolerances checked and stay off those foods. If you read about "zonulin" you may realise that we shouldn't eat gluten. By the time you have ME/CFS you may have 20 different things wrong with you and they all need to be identified and addressed - this is your challenge. For me, Micoplasma Fermentans (invading my white blood cells), coeliac disease, sjogrens syndrome, insulin resistance, leptin resistance, hypoglycemia (the sugar and allergies and eating plan), food intolerances to caffeine, yeast, MSG, mercury toxicity, high copper/low zinc, vitamin deficiencies caused by untreated coeliac disease (and there is more!). Everyone needs to stay off the caffeine because it is a stimulant and you need to calm your system. Alcohol is its own form of sugar and totally toxic - don't you think you have enough toxin running around in your body without adding to it?


Active Member
I disagree :)
I also disagree-but it may be we are sensitive to certain foods. Or allergic.

I am on Gluten free dairy mostly Vegan NO MEAT at all. Eggs once in a while.
Complex Carbs. No fried foods EVER. Do eat Berries in moderation (all). Small amount Millet and Flax bread.

2 cups of coffee in the AM . Only sweets are the berries Fresh.

I am on a wonderful Protein Powder called Love and Peas that I mix fresh spinach /berries/ Avocado /
Many Veggies other than Acid ones. I have Gerd. Drink a Blender of this daily off and on and try to finish by 3:00. Also mix Coconut water in drink.

Have dinner before 5:00 nothing but water after. Also Now Lecithin 1 tablespoon in drink. My Cholesterol and A1c are in normal range now. Were only up a little before. I feel better than I have in years. Particularly Cognitive. Most of my dizziness is nonexistent. Also suing Flax Seed in my drink.


Exercising every day.

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