Poll What Types of Alternative Health Practitioners Have You Seen for FM or ME/CFS?

What kinds of alternative health practitioners, if any, have you seen

  • Acupuncturist

    Votes: 13 92.9%
  • Aryuvedic Medicine

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Bodyworker (chiropracter, myofascial release, cranial sacral therapy, massage, rolfing, etc.)

    Votes: 14 100.0%
  • Chinese medicine

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Herbalist

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Homeopath

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • Naturopathic doctor

    Votes: 9 64.3%
  • Nutritionist

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • Orthomolecular Medicine

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Osteopath

    Votes: 5 35.7%

  • Total voters


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Edith recently described her success with a naturopathic doctor in helping her with the pain and fatigue of fibromyalgia and degenerative arthritis in two blogs. [fright]
Now we ask what kinds of alternative health practitioners, if any, have you seen in your search for health?

Help others find good practitioners (and bypass bad ones by providing reviews of the practitioners you've seen in our practitioner review section here.
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Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I was shocked! Just shocked at how many I'd seen (5/10) but most of them came early on (when I had some money and good insurance!). I actually think I would probably do better now with them...None of the practitioners I tried in the first 13 years or so made the slightest difference. The best thing I did actually was the EST training!


Well-Known Member
Cort, why do you think you'd do better with them now? I can't see that treatment options or benefits have changed much....


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Cort, why do you think you'd do better with them now? I can't see that treatment options or benefits have changed much....
Well, for one thing about 15 years in I started reacting well to lots of stuff- but my energy would go up and then I would fall apart - so I could never stay on anything for long. But now I take it much easier - I go much slower - and I think my body can handle more stuff now. It's not quite a frazzled as it used to be. Basically I think I've changed a bit.


Active Member
I've been through many types of therapy over the years. None worked very well and many left me worse. I had a great physiotherapist who had just the right touch and helped immensely with my shoulder and neck pain. Unfortunately he moved and the replacement (as well as many other therapists) just don't "get it", chronic pain, FM or ME/CFS. After trying Bowen therapy I nearly ended up in hospital due to the horrific pain it induced. I'm very reluctant to try any new therapies.


The longer I live with FM and ME/CFS and the changes that come along with the natural aging process, the more I'm finding that I need to be more gentle with my body now. I had regular chiropractic adjustments and deep tissue massage therapy for over 20 years to control the muscle pain. I used to say I could have a "feel good" massage or a "do good" massage and I definitely noticed the difference. The last couple of years, however, I've found I now do better with a more gentle approach like the massage and adjustments performed by an osteopathic physician. I'm learning to treat all of me, mind, body and spirit with more gentleness these days!

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