Poll Where Does it Hurt? the Pain Poll

If you experience pain - where does it typically occur? Choose up to four areas.

  • Head

    Votes: 40 48.2%
  • Neck

    Votes: 59 71.1%
  • Throat

    Votes: 9 10.8%
  • Shoulders

    Votes: 60 72.3%
  • Chest

    Votes: 10 12.0%
  • Gut

    Votes: 18 21.7%
  • Arms and/or hands

    Votes: 41 49.4%
  • Pelvic area

    Votes: 14 16.9%
  • Legs

    Votes: 36 43.4%
  • Feet

    Votes: 23 27.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Interesting...I experience tightness around the ribs and if I touch the tips of my ribs they're painful...Maybe I have milder version?

I just revisited a printout of a condition that describes a rib cage pain similar to the one discussed in this thread. It's called Bornholm's Disease (rather esoteric), or pleurodynia. ('Sorry, I don't have the reference link but the copy style looks like Medscape. I'm sure Google can find it.)

IAE, it went on to describe the main symptom as 'sharp, stabbing pain around the chest, caused by a viral infection of the intercostal muscles connecting the ribs together. It's thought to be the result of an enterovirus , specifically linked to Cocksakie B. It can effect the lungs, cause stomach pain, or cause a sore throat. It's usually comes and goes, often epidemic centered around schools. There's no prescribed treatment. (Hmm, why not the anti-virals ?)

Perhaps the cyclical nature of the pain of Bornholm's is related to the enterovirus school of ME dynamics? The most
related other sources of this type pain seemed too severe to be cyclical and ongoing - related to the internals of the lung or pleural cavity, e.g. pleurisy or lung cancer, which are more readily diagnosed.


Well-Known Member
We're only allowed 4 choices, otherwise I would have marked all of them. Pain seems to roam around my body, looking for an optimal place to hang out. The worst is the pain that hugs my ribs and feels like I'm being squeezed and next is the pain in my shoulders and neck area. I use arnica gel and take homeopathic arnica tablets and do get some relief if I start right away when the pain is just building.

Yes! Migrating pain... Deep, full body aches, like bones are being carved out from the inside. Comes and goes, but always worse when crashing. Largest bones/muscles seem to ache the worst. (Legs, back...) Not at ALL like normal, healthy, exercise induced "that was a great workout" pain. Just agonizing, flu-like, all-over YUCK.

The rib cage pain some people are mentioning reminds me of the tightness and shortness of breath I had with SIBO. No room to breathe!


Active Member
My pain is mainly in the joints, hips, shoulders, elbows, knees, hands & feet. But I also get muscle spasms in my arms & legs and migraines. IBS can be painful, too.
Hot baths are my best pain reliever but I take pain meds, too.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm I also experience the rib cage pain.............it comes and goes. My ribs.............always on the right side very tender to the touch. My pain has morphed to a certain degree over the years changing in the way I would describe it and affecting different body parts. My pain started out mostly in my legs.......like a deep ache............then for awhile it was my wrists and ankles felt like they were being torqued and twisted. Now it is mostly joint/muscle pain in hips shoulders........neck and legs. I am curious if the rib pain that others mention are always on one side?

Patty May

All of the above, plus many more. The very beginning was head, migraines in particular. Followed by fatigue and pain in my legs - that mysterious fibromyalgia pain that aches so bad you curl up and cry for hours instead of sleeping. Then came the insomnia. I still deal with all that plus numerous painful areas such as spine (top to bottom), shoulders, knees, hips, hands & feet, ribcage, TMJ, ears, eyes, sinuses, etc. Helpful things are heat on the area of concern, pain gels (I use both compounded prescription and an experimental gel made from pot oil (which actually works better than the script). Prescription pain killers, Excedrin, minerals and vitamins, going for walks with friends, etc. The hardest part is when you get a little relief, something else starts up! Praying for good days ahead for all of us Happy Spring Everyone


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say I experience much pain - but I do quite often have aches in my shoulder, lower back pain, sinus pain, dehydration headaches and shin pain if I try to exercise. Lately I've also had a few headaches that are like nothing else, so severe that I dont want to move my head and most of my usual methods of dealing with pain didnt help.

Epsom salt baths did help a bit, reducing the pain from something that made me whimper to just about bearable. Carbamazepine stopped the pain once it had built up in my system and I was able to wean myself off that eventually.

100% xylitol chewing gum helps with sinus pain but is mildly laxative. There are several brands, I use Spry at present.

I've used shiatsu for pain, it was effective when I had a bad shoulder and anti-inflammatories didnt help but I had to get my partner to do the treatments for the first few days as I couldn't manage them. I have this book http://www.amazon.co.uk/Acupressure...F8&qid=1428361267&sr=1-1&keywords=acupressure and although it warned that shoulder pain was hard to treat I experienced some relief from the first treatment.


Active Member
my daughter has EDS and POTS and meets the criteria for CFS. PT helped joints which also helped nerve pain down the arm, etc. Neck, shoulders and hence headaches continue to be a problem because of cervical instablity. PT with dry needling, e-stim, ultrasound, etc. got her to a point where she can keep things fairly quiet with some upper body exercise and a massage on neck, shoulders every 3 weeks or so. Saline infusions for hypovolemia and POTS has helped hand and foot pain as she doesn't have the pooling like she did prior to that.
I wrote this for another forum quite some time ago but it lends itself well here.

Should I Laugh or Cry About This?

OMG! This is so tragically funny!
I was looking back through some discussions I used to follow and I found this one. I said to myself "boy, this is good that person is right on!"

OOPS! I realized I wrote it.

Pain - "Let me count the ways"

Not exactly the way Elizabeth Barrett Browning meant it but....

Everyone knows Fibro causes pain and fatigue but there is way more to it. I thought it would be interesting to compare more specific complaints.

I have been through all the specialists and tests plus diagnosed by many Drs. I know I can't contribute these complaints to any illness or injury. It gives me a small amount of comfort not to have to keep searching for a mysterious illness but it is frustrating that so many things triggered by Fibro can't be or are not addressed. They are all part of a puzzle. Lack of gray matter, substance P, chemical imbalance, immunity or dormant viruses' bla, bla. They are all good starts but there has got to be an answer to why it affects so many systems in our bodies. All the studies just look at “pain. That is too general.

Here is my list in part. I say part because problems come, go, subside and increase so often sometimes you forget them. All of the sudden one shows back up and you say “hey, I haven't had that for a while.

• Pain from injuries that are way in the past (30 years) like a badly sprained ankle. I am walking along and a sharp pain buckles me. I take a few steps I'm fine and all of a sudden it does it again. I can't put pressure on it. This can last minutes, hours or days. Then it's just gone.

• Aches and shooting pain in my wrist sometimes it gives out when using it. (I had problems with a weak wrist when I bartendered as a teen many, many years ago.)

• Sometimes my eyes throb and ache. A ceiling fan will feel like it is blowing directly in my eyes. I get vision changes often. Some days I see worse than others.

• Noise seems so LOUD. I can't process it.

• My heart seems to skip beats. I cough to give it a jump start.

• I get out of breath with little effort.

• I have trouble swallowing.

• I get sore places and actual changes on the surface of my tongue that can last a long time.

• Intense cravings for salt and sweet. Sometimes I eat a jar of olives then look for candy, the higher sugar content the better.

• Sometimes I can't stand anything touching me. Sheets will drive me insane. I have to keep moving. While other times they feel like sandpaper or like I have sunburn.

• I was a terrific speller now often the words seem foreign. Sometimes when I type words the letters come out switched like teh = the, smoe = some, awlays – always. The whole sentences look like gibberish. Thank God for word spell!

• Sometimes I get a pain that feels like rats are gnawing at my stomach.

• I get nausea, dizziness, clumsiness and loss of depth perception.

• Muscle weakness so intense I can barely stand or hold anything.

• Confusion and unfamiliarity (fleeting)Sometimes while driving "Where the heck am I and how did I get here? Oh yeah now it looks familiar."

• Total memory blank, like "what did I just do? Did I swallow the pill I just had in my hand? Was it the right pill?"

• Reoccurring infections i.e. urinary, bronchitis or laryngitis or colds that last for 4 months. Sometimes I feel like a cold is coming on or an allergy then it just goes away.

• Muscle spasms without cause.

• Pain that starts in my lower back and runs up through entire back, shoulders, neck and into my head. I can't even lie on a pillow. This one is most off the time.

• I had a toothache for several days. I finally went to a dentist (I HATE them)There was no cavity. A few days later it stopped.

• Of course insomnia, always tired never sleepy, wake often.

In addition to general muscle pain and tenderness, theses problems come and go with no rhyme or reason. Thankfully not at the same time. I KNOW I am not imagining them.


Active Member
Every time I go through some kind of big mishap I get a new symptom. Does anyone else do this? Right now I am recovering from a UTI gone bad that even gave me a purpura rash, think I spelled that right. It's where you bruise easily and my pores were purplish and bloody on my legs. Any hoo, not a whining. Now I have bouts of sensations like I am being stung all over by fire ants and they are crawling all over me. Along with what my Internal Med Doc calls my Princess and the Pea Sensitivity has heighten. I need darkness in my home. I need sunglasses all the time when out, even in stores or migraine time. The infection was in October and it took several rounds of Antibiotics changing in strength to get rid of the UTI that did go to my kidneys and finally was gone 2 weeks before Christmas. It has left me with a very low energy level and new symptoms. I just wondered if anyone else takes forever to heal, months to recover and collect new symptoms with Fibromyalgia?


Well-Known Member
Arms and legs. And only if I am moving. Once I stop whatever it is that I am doing, the pain subsides within seconds. And it can be something as simple as combing my hair, drying off after a shower, walking up stairs, sorting paperwork. It doesn't take much for the burning muscle pain to start.


Active Member
I wrote this for another forum quite some time ago but it lends itself well here.

Should I Laugh or Cry About This?

OMG! This is so tragically funny!
I was looking back through some discussions I used to follow and I found this one. I said to myself "boy, this is good that person is right on!"

OOPS! I realized I wrote it.

Pain - "Let me count the ways"

Not exactly the way Elizabeth Barrett Browning meant it but....

Everyone knows Fibro causes pain and fatigue but there is way more to it. I thought it would be interesting to compare more specific complaints.

I have been through all the specialists and tests plus diagnosed by many Drs. I know I can't contribute these complaints to any illness or injury. It gives me a small amount of comfort not to have to keep searching for a mysterious illness but it is frustrating that so many things triggered by Fibro can't be or are not addressed. They are all part of a puzzle. Lack of gray matter, substance P, chemical imbalance, immunity or dormant viruses' bla, bla. They are all good starts but there has got to be an answer to why it affects so many systems in our bodies. All the studies just look at “pain. That is too general.

Here is my list in part. I say part because problems come, go, subside and increase so often sometimes you forget them. All of the sudden one shows back up and you say “hey, I haven't had that for a while.

• Pain from injuries that are way in the past (30 years) like a badly sprained ankle. I am walking along and a sharp pain buckles me. I take a few steps I'm fine and all of a sudden it does it again. I can't put pressure on it. This can last minutes, hours or days. Then it's just gone.

• Aches and shooting pain in my wrist sometimes it gives out when using it. (I had problems with a weak wrist when I bartendered as a teen many, many years ago.)

• Sometimes my eyes throb and ache. A ceiling fan will feel like it is blowing directly in my eyes. I get vision changes often. Some days I see worse than others.

• Noise seems so LOUD. I can't process it.

• My heart seems to skip beats. I cough to give it a jump start.

• I get out of breath with little effort.

• I have trouble swallowing.

• I get sore places and actual changes on the surface of my tongue that can last a long time.

• Intense cravings for salt and sweet. Sometimes I eat a jar of olives then look for candy, the higher sugar content the better.

• Sometimes I can't stand anything touching me. Sheets will drive me insane. I have to keep moving. While other times they feel like sandpaper or like I have sunburn.

• I was a terrific speller now often the words seem foreign. Sometimes when I type words the letters come out switched like teh = the, smoe = some, awlays – always. The whole sentences look like gibberish. Thank God for word spell!

• Sometimes I get a pain that feels like rats are gnawing at my stomach.

• I get nausea, dizziness, clumsiness and loss of depth perception.

• Muscle weakness so intense I can barely stand or hold anything.

• Confusion and unfamiliarity (fleeting)Sometimes while driving "Where the heck am I and how did I get here? Oh yeah now it looks familiar."

• Total memory blank, like "what did I just do? Did I swallow the pill I just had in my hand? Was it the right pill?"

• Reoccurring infections i.e. urinary, bronchitis or laryngitis or colds that last for 4 months. Sometimes I feel like a cold is coming on or an allergy then it just goes away.

• Muscle spasms without cause.

• Pain that starts in my lower back and runs up through entire back, shoulders, neck and into my head. I can't even lie on a pillow. This one is most off the time.

• I had a toothache for several days. I finally went to a dentist (I HATE them)There was no cavity. A few days later it stopped.

• Of course insomnia, always tired never sleepy, wake often.

In addition to general muscle pain and tenderness, theses problems come and go with no rhyme or reason. Thankfully not at the same time. I KNOW I am not imagining them.
No, you're not imagining them, tho in the early days I sometimes thought I was losing my mind with all the changing symptoms arising from nothing. I have changing vision, too. I switch between 3 different pairs of glasses from day to day trying to see better, but it seems I never see as well as pre-fibro days. I'd forgotten about the trouble swallowing, so I guess it hasn't happened in awhile. We sound very alike in our symptoms except I don't have back pain and I never "catch" anything. No colds or flus....tho I sometimes wonder if occasional weird pains could be an infection...who knows? It can be crazy-making, for sure!


Active Member
Gnawing pain in the wrists and ankles...migraines, stiffness in legs on getting up, spine and hips (early osteoporosis), distended stomach, no conclusive tests,but I look 8 months pregnant most of the time, brain fog...I also used to be able to string a sentence and spell...not anymore. I have been robbed on public transport when I fell asleep and frequently make the wrong choices when I try and negotiate directions,insomnia is a permanent problem...and my teeth hurt when I wake up! The list goes on:(
The bulk of my pain is neck/shoulders & head. But I have a lot of trouble with my gut and abdominal pain from endometroisis, as well. I also have trouble with my lower back and hip but as long as I walk regularly I can keep that mostly under control.


Active Member
One thing which is obvious...we are all on a rollercoaster...without any brakes! My new symptom is constant inner ear itching...I have had antibiotics etc and it drives me mad!


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Mine is mainly in my back and lumbar area and that wasn't listed. Also periodically get very bad rib pain as others have described. The ends of my bones in my shoulders hurt too. Prospect of future years of pain hard to face up to.
A lot of people are trying a lot of new approaches to chronic pain. Hopefully something will show up...


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
One thing which is obvious...we are all on a rollercoaster...without any brakes! My new symptom is constant inner ear itching...I have had antibiotics etc and it drives me mad!
That's rough! I heard that itching is actually one of the hardest sensations to tolerate.
Good luck with that!


I have severe costochondritis, so I get a lot of pain in the sternum area and lower ribs. Sometimes it's so bad that even breathing hurts. It feels like I'm wearing a chest of mail that is far too small. I often explain the pain as if someone had split my chest open and was pulling it apart from the sternum to the sides.

After that pain, it's pain in the neck (thanks to 2 whiplash injuries) and back. I also have significant pain in my hips and knees. Random pain that roams, too.

In the last few days I've had weird muscle spasms in my back, neck and shoulder area. Uncontrollable spasms so bad all I could do was lay in bed and endure it. It is day 3 now and today it is less, more like intense shivers you'd experience from being cold. I've never had these symptoms before. Still not sure I'd go to my doctor over it. Certainly I'll report it when I see him next though.

I do want to note that I often have hypnic jerks, but not while going to sleep. More like while trying to stay awake. Aka from sleep deprivation. If they are bad enough, I have to go back to bed. Even if all I get is 45 mins of trying to get to sleep. It's a vicious cycle for me. So exhausted I cannot stay awake or asleep for more than a few hours at a time. Then I have insomnia and cannot sleep, followed by a week or so of not being able to stay awake at all. Rinse, repeat. And yes, I have tried all sorts of things. Eventually I revert back to this stupid cycle of sleep.

Anyway, this muscle spasm thing is nothing like hypnic jerks (sleep starts). Something new to me.


Active Member
I could have checked everything besides Chest. My worst being Neck, Shoulders, Arms/Hands, Throat.

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