WHO to evaluate Ivermectin as treatment against Covid-19


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Professor Paul Marik, of Eastern Virginia Medical School and co-developer of the MATH+ Protocol, has revealed that the WHO has appointed Dr.Andrew Hill of Liverpool University to review the efficacy of Ivermectin against Covid-19. Apparently, the WHO is encouraged by the results of the 11 RCT's using Ivermectin and is looking forward to reviewing the results of 3 more RCT's which will be published in January.

Professor Marik says he hopes the WHO will then have enough evidence to make a judgement on Ivermectin. We can take a crumb of comfort from this action of the WHO, which has made many mistakes this year, but to its credit it did come out against Remdesivir despite its endorsement by NIH and big pharma. Even now the New England Journal of Medicine is publishing news studies into Remdesivir, no doubt paid for by big pharma. Professor Marik's news on the WHO can be found at 46.08 into his presentation . His presentation talks about the anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties of vitamin C and Ivermectin to a group of critical care specialists from India.

Plus in the USA the Senate Committee on Homeland Security has sent a letter to NIH asking for it review the data on Ivermectin's efficacy against Covid-19 by December 23. Please see a link to the letter below. It will be interesting to see if NIH ignores or complies with this request.
https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/imo/me...omeland Security Gov. Affairs 12-10-2020.pdf


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Please find below an interview with Dr.Andrew Hill of Liverpool University.
Dr.Hill's analysis is very favorable towards the use of Ivermectin to treat Covid-19 patients.
He found that Ivermectin treatment of Covid-19 patients was associated with:

Faster time to viral clearance,
Shorter duration of hospitalisation
43% higher rates of clinical recovery
83% improval in survival rates

He is waiting for the results of 3 more RCT's in January before being in a position to make any recommendations to the WHO on Ivermectin use to treat Covid-19 patients. In his conlcusion regarding Ivermectin Dr. Hill says:
"if we see these same trends consistently across more studies then this is going to be a transformational treatment.''
His findings on Ivermectin can be found on the link below:


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Please find below an interview with Dr.Andrew Hill of Liverpool University.
Dr.Hill's analysis is very favorable towards the use of Ivermectin to treat Covid-19 patients.
He found that Ivermectin treatment of Covid-19 patients was associated with:

Faster time to viral clearance,
Shorter duration of hospitalisation
43% higher rates of clinical recovery
83% improval in survival rates

He is waiting for the results of 3 more RCT's in January before being in a position to make any recommendations to the WHO on Ivermectin use to treat Covid-19 patients. In his conlcusion regarding Ivermectin Dr. Hill says:
"if we see these same trends consistently across more studies then this is going to be a transformational treatment.''
His findings on Ivermectin can be found on the link below:
According to Trial Site News the WHO is going to issue guidance with regard to Ivermectin as a treatment for Covid-19 in the next 4-6 weeks. Here's hoping the WHO comes out in favour of a drug that has the potential to save many lives.


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Professor Satoshi Omura, who won the Nobel Prize in 2015, for discovering the antiparasitic drug Ivermectin has had a paper recently published that concludes: "clinical trial results have been and continue to be accumulated showing that ivermectin is effective in the treatment and prevention of COVID-19, ''

Yet apex medical authorities continue to inject fear, uncertainty and doubt regarding the efficacy of Ivermectin for treating Coivd-19. Professor Omura takes up these issues in his paper:

"Regulators argue that existing data on the efficacy of ivermectin for COVID-19 are biased in its study plans and methods, and are insufficient to determine validity. A meta-analysis of 14,906 patients in the 42 clinical trials101) described above has shown sufficient efficacy of ivermectin, with a 1 in 4 trillion chance of the conclusion being a mistake. Yet, it is still considered insufficient evidence. Randomized controlled trials are regarded important by regulators. There are 21 trials employing 2,869 patients out of 42 studies. If regulators argue that studies of this magnitude are inadequate to allow the clinical use of ivermectin in COVID-19, then legitimate and compelling explanations for such judgements should be required.''

Sadly, the NIH, WHO and other apex health bodies, which are beholden to the big pharma approach to medicine, provide the flimsiest evidence to support their dismissal of Ivermectin. Thankfully, doctors around the world are putting patients first and following the science. The decision of India's Institute of Medical Science to allow doctors to prescribe Ivermectin is very welcome.

Professor Omura's paper, Global trends in clinical studies of ivermectin in COVID-19 can be found on the link below:


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The FLCCC has convened an expert panel to discuss the WHO's misinformation regarding the use of Ivermectin to treat Coivd-19. The video is titled:

"The WHO and Public Health Organizations' Denial of Ivermectin: Standing Up for Human Rights in COVID Care''


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