Why Does Dairy (Kefir) Make Me Feel So Mellow


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I've been drinking commercially bought kefir recently. It's delicious! I take it at night and I usually conk out pretty quickly. When I wake up sometimes I don't feel the stiff muscles. I feel relaxed. I've notice this several times. Sometimes I'm too relaxed - I feel like of numb - but otherwise it's really nice. I don't think it's the probiotics - I could be wrong - I think it's the dairy. I can handle the dairy in kefir because the lactose is gone ....

What is in dairy that is so relaxing?


Tryptophan, the after turkey dinner sleepiness. You can try taking it as a supplement, too. Or its down the path derivative 5 HTP. They mess with you neurotransmitter balance increasing seratonin, so you feel good. Think prozac which also increases seratonin by blocking the neural sites that take it out of the system.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Tryptophan, the after turkey dinner sleepiness. You can try taking it as a supplement, too. Or its down the path derivative 5 HTP. They mess with you neurotransmitter balance increasing seratonin, so you feel good. Think prozac which also increases seratonin by blocking the neural sites that take it out of the system.
I should try tryptophan. I am trying 5-HTP - without much affect.

Oddly enough this doesn't happen from home-made kefir - only store bought. I feel energized with my fizzy home-made kefir :)


Homemade ad store bought are different animals. Store bought is far less biologically active because it must sit on the shelf without exploding.
http://www.yemoos.com/milkvs.html Don't know the comparative tryptophan contents.

I have had very different effects with L-tryptophan and 5-HTP. The former makes me sleepy while the latter seems to facilitate my sleep if I take it late at night. I do not notice the 5-HTP effects but it usually works. I guess you likely know only to buy the better brands since there can be deadly contamination in the manufacturing process of these two. They should be taken in moderation. Never more than 200 mg 5 HTP in a day according to my doc.

Now I'm curious about kefir. Bought some yesterday.


Well-Known Member
There is debate as to whether to use supplements or Rxs that have effect on seratonion if there are issues with the kyrunine pathway. It could convert down the wrong pathway and cause worse issues. Refer back to one of Cort blogs on that pathway. Lots of links there explaining that dysfunction and how it may play into our problems.

Lots of info showing our gut ecology plays a big role in our immune system. Keep the good bacteria in there, heal a leaky gut and it may correct many autoimmune issues.


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