Search results

  1. LondonPots

    Histamine and gastric acid, betaine

    I've struggled with brainfog for a long time - and found it was closely connected with histamine. I removed histamine from my diet as far as possible - it helped a lot, but was not a great diet. So, then I learned that histamine was a signaller for gastric acid - and my gastric acid production...
  2. LondonPots

    Is it just...over-breathing?

    Holy Mackerel, is it all down to over-breathing? I know this appears to be about horses, but it's really not (see extracts below). Are we killing our body's carbon dioxode levels by over-breathing and therefore disregulating all kinds of things...
  3. LondonPots

    Younger - Neuroinflammation - brainscanning

    So, Jared Younger is pushing to develop a way to measure neuroinflammation. I'm actually astonished this doesn't exist yet! Question 1: I had to have CAT and MRI brain scans recently to find the cause of some nasal pain/facial neuralgia. They didn't find anything, probably because inflammation...
  4. LondonPots

    Brainfog: Not just histamine but BENZOATES?

    I've known for a while that I have a histamine sensitivity (all part of the loopy immune system, I'm assuming). What I only recently realised is that I have a massive natural-BENZOATE sensitivity too. If I eat raspberries, redcurrants, pumpkin, along with a host of other super-healthy (mostly...
  5. LondonPots

    So....Trump cuts 20% from NIH funding...

    I guess we're screwed?
  6. LondonPots

    Glyphosate - why so little research?

    The more I read about glyphosate herbicide, the more I am convinced it may well be the cause of my illness. Yet I see no ME/CFS research related to it. Isn't this a little strange, a little too obvious to miss? its effects on the body sound just like my experience of ME/CFS and the results of...
  7. LondonPots

    Switzerland takes steps back to dark ages - petition

    Apparently the view of Swiss politicians is that ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia are not separate diagnoses but belongs to a group of illnesses called functional somatic syndromes, i.e., psychosomatic disorders. The premise is that these should be treated only with various forms of psychotherapy. The...
  8. LondonPots

    Your Vitamin D History?

    Having read the various threads about Vitamin D (in particular this one about autoimmunity), and realising I was probably D-deficient for many years, I'm curious about your Vit D activity. There's a poll here, and do discuss your history further. My history: prided myself on avoiding the sun -...
  9. LondonPots

    Bulk Purchase/Membership lab tests?

    I'm wondering if there might be mileage in bulk-purchasing the lab tests we all need/want to get. That is, we persuade a lab test supplier to provide massive discounts for a standard range of CFS/ME tests to the CortJohnson forum members on the basis that we can direct our business to them....or...

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