1 yr update/Healing with herbal anti-virals


Well-Known Member
I just finished a year on my protocol using the following supplements. Cats Claw, Licorice root liquid, L-lysine, Vit. C, B12, Zinc, Hawaain Spirulina, Barley grass juice extract. At first glance one might think that there is really nothing remarkable about this protocol/supps.........but the protocol is geared to kill viruses and boost the immune system.

[/fright]I am not the same person I was a year ago and for me that says a lot. I have been very ill with CFS for 20 yrs and basically gave up all hope of getting better. I am healing and no doubt in my mind now that I will continue healing. It feels surreal as I write this because I didn't think it was possible!

I started out with low doses of all the supplements and currently I'm taking these doses:
  • Cats Claw............1 dropperful 2x daily (started with 2 tiny drops 2x daily)
  • Licorice root liquid...........10 drops 2x daily (started with 2 tiny drops 2x daily)
  • B12 liquid (mixture of adeno and methyl)....2 dropperfuls 2x daily
  • Liquid Zinc Sulfate.......2 dropperfuls 2x daily
  • L-Lysine.........2,000 mgs 2x daily
  • Ester C...........2,000 mgs 2x daily
  • Hawaain Spirulina.......1 tsp daily (started with 1/8th of a tsp)
  • Barley grass juice extract.........1 tsp daily (started with 1/8th of a tsp)

Diet: Mostly fruits and Veggies..............a small amount of grain maybe 3 x a week............a small amount of animal protein maybe once a week...........no dairy, no eggs, no gluten, no oils except for coconut or olive. Now that I have more energy I make myself smoothies every day with lots of leafy greens and wild blueberries.

Results: The first I would say 6 months were rough (viral die off)........then things began to level out and my down turns became less intense. On this protocol sometimes it felt like things got worse,(I almost stopped protocol) other times it didn't feel like anything was happening and then there were those times when I experienced positive things I hadn't felt in years. I am so glad I didn't stop the protocol because now I'm definitely reaping the rewards.

A lot of little symptoms have disappeared. My PEM is MUCH better. My orthostatic intolerance is MUCH MUCH better.......this was one of my worse symptoms. I am going for walks now. I'm not looking for a place to sit down wherever I go. My pain is MUCH better. I no longer have that poisoned yucky flu feeling. I am doing activities without thinking twice about it. I no longer feel like I got off a carnival ride and I hardly ever get dizzy like I used to. No more weird heart symptoms................I should look back on my notes because I know I'm leaving a lot out.............but this gives you a sample of my progress.

I have a feeling that the second year on this protocol...........that my healing will be accelerated compared to the first. I am planning to increase the doses of Cats Claw and licorice root even more. I've taken the following supps on and off. Magnesium Glycinate, Silica and MSM...........just in the last few months.

I hope this gives someone hope...............
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Well-Known Member
Congrats!:D . Was it hard to comply or did it go like 2nd nature once you got going?
The protocol and diet were both hard to comply with in the beginning. I knew because of how sick I was that I wouldn't be able to do everything perfectly and I was fine with that..........I was doing good just to get through the day so if I missed something or didn't get to prepare that healthy meal or smoothie.....so be it..........I wasn't going to pressure myself.

As time went by..........things got easier. Now it does seem more like 2nd nature.


Well-Known Member
The hardest thing for me would be the diet. Not only from a prep point but getting the food in the first place.
Sometimes I would just throw a bunch of veggies in the crockpot without washing or cutting! I baked a lot of potatoes......those became my staples..........full of lysine (I had to get used to without the butter and sour cream).

The fruit of course was the easiest for me...........just grab and eat.

How do you get your food now?
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Well-Known Member
After I started getting used to the new diet..............I realized that I didn't get anywhere near the amount of fruits and vegetables that my body needed............and a sick body needs even more than a healthy one. I thought I was doing good if I ate an apple a couple of days of the week. That's one of the reasons I make smoothies now because it's easier for me to get more nutrition in that way. If I were to lay out all the fruits and vegies I put into a smoothie........it would be hard for me to eat all that.

Another thing I would like to note is I had a lot of emotional crap come up ............. emotional detox. Mostly bursts of massive anger! This happened about 3 times over the year and after the last anger purge I felt calmer than I have in a very long time. My body feels a lot more relaxed also............it used to always feel tense.

Carrie Gordon

New Member
This is great news for you! Did you do the Anthony Williams protocol? If so, why did you choose not to do the Chaga extract? Did your symptoms include neurological problems? if so, are they resolved?


Well-Known Member
This is great news for you! Did you do the Anthony Williams protocol? If so, why did you choose not to do the Chaga extract? Did your symptoms include neurological problems? if so, are they resolved?
Carrie.............first I want to say that there isn't a general Anthony William Protocol because everybody has different individual needs. In his book he lists supplements that can help a particular health issue. The Chaga powder is just one of many supplements he recommends. The supplements I chose to take are out of Chapter 3 in his book.............specifically for EBV. There are other supplements as well for chronic EBV that are listed. I had TONS of neurological problems.........and many of them have disappeared/improved. The virus puts out a neurotoxin that affects the Central Nervous System and this can cause all kinds of weird neurological symptoms.
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Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
That's great to hear Tammy.... Sometimes, well actually quite a lot, I wonder if we stay on things long enough. I guess you saw just enough daylight to keep going. Thanks for passing it on and best of luck on the next year.

What kind of leafy greens do you throw into your smoothies?


Well-Known Member
That's great to hear Tammy.... Sometimes, well actually quite a lot, I wonder if we stay on things long enough. I guess you saw just enough daylight to keep going. Thanks for passing it on and best of luck on the next year.

What kind of leafy greens do you throw into your smoothies?
My main smoothie usually consists of spinach, kale and wild blueberries. I add wild blueberries almost every day because he says they are hands down the best food on the planet (they must be wild though). The regular ones still have nutritional value but they don't touch the wild ones.


Well-Known Member
My main smoothie usually consists of spinach, kale and wild blueberries. I add wild blueberries almost every day because he says they are hands down the best food on the planet (they must be wild though). The regular ones still have nutritional value but they don't touch the wild ones.
I recently started using Hemp protein in my smoothie . It really gives a nice boost of energy. Diet is key. Glad your protocol is helping.



Well-Known Member
I recently started using Hemp protein in my smoothie . It really gives a nice boost of energy. Diet is key. Glad your protocol is helping.

Thank you Issie. I like the Hemp protein also............I put it in several times a week. Which brand do you use/like?


Well-Known Member
Thank you Issie. I like the Hemp protein also............I put it in several times a week. Which brand do you use/like?
I've used 3 different ones and for the price and taste I'm using Vitacost brand organic hemp. Comparing them, they all seem about the same.



Active Member
@Tammy7 did you use a particular type of cat's claw? i realised after I bought mine,that it has alcohol in it. The recommended dose is 45 drops 2-3 times a day and I can't get above 6 drops twice a day. I'm wondering if a non-alcohol one would be easier. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
@Sue Stevenson Sue..............I use Natures Answer non-alcohol Cats Claw............the same for the Licorice. I don't use any tincture that has alcohol. How long have you been on the 6 drops twice a day? Don't worry about the recommended dose right now...............just take baby steps.


Well-Known Member
and I can't get above 6 drops twice a day
same here. I got to 6 drops three times a day. I ended up taking a break, because I was starting to get more and more symptoms (like unbearable head pressure all day long, and flulike flares lasting days) so I had started to lower the dose which gave some relief. after I had stopped altogether the symptoms stopped immediately. it was such a relief.

mine was alcohol based too, but I am not alcohol intolerant so that shouldn't have been a problem. I've been thinking about this, and if I ever try it again, I'd probably try to take cat's claw tea (from the actual tree bark), as that is less concentrated, and probably has some more of whatever natural properties in it that help the body absorb it properly?

(btw I am extremely sensitive to everything, even the tiniest dose of anything new can make me extremely sick. no allergies, just overall malaise and extra symptoms)


Well-Known Member
I can't do alcohol tinctures. But you will probably cause a herx reaction and that is a flu like response. It is not pleasant. Turmeric can help a lititle. But you have to feel worse to feel better. Slow down the die off, back off on dosage and go slower. It can be very bad, before it gets better.



Well-Known Member
It took me approx. a year to get to one dropperful 2x daily of the Cats Claw. Now since the viral load has reduced.........I'm taking 1 1/2 dropperfuls 2x daily with no problems and could probably take even more.


Well-Known Member
It took me approx. a year to get to one dropperful 2x daily of the Cats Claw. Now since the viral load has reduced.........I'm taking 1 1/2 dropperfuls 2x daily with no problems and could probably take even more.

Cats claw looks really promising. Bit scared about trialling it though. Things usually go bad and get worse straight off or seem ok and then nothing or help initially and thenr get worse.

I found myself put on hold for ages on the telephone and without realising it I was dancing to the music. This is a reliable indicator to me of genuine improvement - in the past I have had to be in bed and further couldn't even manage the wait or the music. So I like your description of ur improvement.

I think I will try it. yikes.


Well-Known Member
Cats claw looks really promising. Bit scared about trialling it though. Things usually go bad and get worse straight off or seem ok and then nothing or help initially and thenr get worse.
Yes.............any or all of the above can happen............and it certainly did for me. The KEY however is to not give up on taking it.......or you could try other herbal anti-virals. If die off becomes too much cut back on dosage. If you have a doozy of a die off.............take a break.............and then start again at lower dosage. Note: You don't have to have a doozy of a die off for good things to happen. Taking baby doses are better than no doses. Also key is to make sure you are getting enough calories. My calories were really cut down when I decided to eat mostly just veggies and fruits. I found that I had to eat a lot more with the new diet and if I did it helped with detox. If I didn't get in enough calories..............detox was definitely worse. Hummus, avacadoes.......... Potatoes (chalked full of lysine) became my new meat. (calorie filler also).......they definitely helped to calm down detox for me. If Cats Claw is just too much for someone in the beginning............they can always start with other anti-virals.........ie. L-lysine and licorice root...........lemon balm.................silver hydrosol, etc.
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