A 30 Year Learning Curve: A Naturopathic Doctor on Treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Well-Known Member
What if ME is autoimmune in some? Would strengthening the immune system cause even bigger damage then?
The way medicine is treating autoimmune diseases by suppressing the immune system is in my opinion dangerous. I have never bought into this concept. It is interesting to note that researchers are now starting to link viruses with autoimmune diseases.........in particular the EBV.
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New Member
I feel grateful to all of the information provided here. It gives me the opportunity to further educate myself and feel not so alone with this unforgiving Fibro disease I live with. However, this topic certainly has a division of opinions. As for me, I am under the care of a few Dr.'s who provide me with pain management, diet/nutrition/exercise and therapy (cog/behavior). Thank God for my husbands health insurance. For those of you who have the opportunity/ability to explore other avenues i.e. Natural....good for you. I wish I had the strength for that....like what Hari speaks of, but more realistically speaking, the cost of going the natural route simply is not in the cards for me. Health insurance doesn't pay. I think a good majority of us likely struggle with money issues. Some can work. Some cannot. Some have health insurance. Some do not. Some are on disability. Some are fighting for disability. Sadly, that list could go on and on. We all have a story. I pray for all of you. Keep Faith!

The meaning of "strengthening immune system": Provide enough intelligence to the immune system cell such that our immune cells respond to the actual threat and support to build good health.

By strengthening our immune system, we are actually providing intelligence / information to immune cells to build our health, not damage.

In my personal experience I used transfer factor, enzymes and probiotics to strengthen my immune system. It worked wonders for me. Please see my other post The Principle I Followed To Restore My Health for complete info.

Have fun,


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Hi Hari, as always appreciate your enthusiasm. i think we must remember the plethera of m.e/ cfs/fm actual or potential etiologies, subtypes etc. some of us may have an overactive immune system for awhile until it burns out. so although " strengthening" one s immunesystem seems common sense . if a wildfire is already out of control and running dangerously rampant one would not add lighter fluid to make it better.

we have to be careful. treatment really is a crap shoot in many. and one size does not fit all.


Active Member
Hi Hari, as always appreciate your enthusiasm. i think we must remember the plethera of m.e/ cfs/fm actual or potential etiologies, subtypes etc. some of us may have an overactive immune system for awhile until it burns out. so although " strengthening" one s immunesystem seems common sense . if a wildfire is already out of control and running dangerously rampant one would not add lighter fluid to make it better.

I think your interpretation of strengthening the immune system means: you are giving more power to the immune system, so that it over reacts causing even more damage.

It has different meaning.

Your immune system is over reacting because it is weak. Just like dust in the wind. if you pour water (or when it rains) the dust becomes heavy and can not fly around with wind.

Like wise, when you strengthen immune system, you are becoming healthy.

One more example: a weak muscle works more to stay alert and active during any physical activity. A healthy and strong muscle works less and stays alert and active as required. So strengthening muscular system is must.

I hope this helps.

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