I thought I wasn't into plays until I saw a Demon on My Life - a superb play on ME/CFS - From a review posted on Health Rising
I’d never seen a drama about an ME patient before. I haven’t read any fiction about one either. Only the emphatically non-fiction world of medical conferences and science articles, with a few documentaries. Before watching it, I was somewhat skeptical about what it might be like. How to portray, in an interesting and watchable way, a sick person who spends most of their time lying down, unable to leave their house? And to put it on live, via Zoom? And yet, this group (director/writer, cast and crew) has accomplished this – the play, dedicated to ME patients, tells an interesting, emotionally powerful story centered around a young woman, Liz, who has been sidelined by ME from her career as a dancer, and her husband, Mark.
Bruno wanted an honest, positive ending, but didn’t want to be false – he succeeded. He wanted to tell the story of people who must deal with a very difficult disease, usually permanent and without proven treatments, in a disbelieving world – he succeeded.