Anyone Here Who did NOT take a Covid Vaccine?


Well-Known Member
Lots of discussion on those Who Have Done the vaccines, but nothing from those who have NOT.....I never had plans to and won't.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Lots of discussion on those Who Have Done the vaccines, but nothing from those who have NOT.....I never had plans to and won't.

All I can say is that I got dose 1 of Pfizer and it went well (thank the gods) no symptoms at all and I am going in for 2nd shot in about a week . Hope it goes well and I can get over this year long dread that I'm going to get whacked by the virus
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Well-Known Member
Hey Cort, good luck.

From what I understand, the "vaccine" doesn't keep you from getting it, it only lessons the symptoms and you can still be contagious. Apparently, no one wants to make a vaccine to eradicate the virus, there is no profit to be made in doing so.

I guess you were convinced it was a good way to go, not this gal.

Count on Vit C, Vit D, Zinc, Grape Seed Extract -- my own strong immune system. Too too much unknown about this Mrna technology going into our bodies.


Well-Known Member
My wife had one of the two-shot immunizations. She had serious muscle pain at the shot location on the first dose, and some malaise and a very swollen lymph node in her armpit after both. She is a teacher and was required to get vaccinated for her job. At this time, I have no intention of getting any of the vaccines. My immune system is too imbalanced already to risk upsetting it by taking something intentionally designed to provoke an immune response. Frankly, I'm more concerned about the dangers of the vaccines than I am about the illness.


Well-Known Member
TJ, likewise, and all I hear from the FrontLine doc I listen to is they are unapproved and cannot be forced on people and how the school system and others can get away with it is criminal. I was never worried about the Covid and the media made it the biggest fear in our lives. They had a plan from very early. Keep strong and keep your immune system strong. j
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Active Member
But how are you going to deal with the news that there would be vaccines passport? I mean, it would be costly if you are always going to have your covid negative test every time you leave the country.


Well-Known Member
But how are you going to deal with the news that there would be vaccines passport? I mean, it would be costly if you are always going to have your covid negative test every time you leave the country.
I've never left the country! I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Hey Cort, good luck.

From what I understand, the "vaccine" doesn't keep you from getting it, it only lessons the symptoms and you can still be contagious. Apparently, no one wants to make a vaccine to eradicate the virus, there is no profit to be made in doing so.

I guess you were convinced it was a good way to go, not this gal.

Count on Vit C, Vit D, Zinc, Grape Seed Extract -- my own strong immune system. Too too much unknown about this Mrna technology going into our bodies.
Yes - that's an interesting point - you can still the virus! But hopefully it won't make you sick or as sick. Once the virus is in - and there's no way to stop it from getting in - except mask wearing and social distancing - its in. The vaccines do appear to keep you from passing it on as much though - ultimately reducing its spread.

Good luck with immune boosters - all good things.


Well-Known Member
Again I lean heavily on the supports I take. I'm not a masker or a distancer but I'm not out among the masses either.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about MOST, my daughter and her children went to Mexico for Xmas in 2020...they did just fine. No vaccines and doing masks when "forced"....ugh...


Active Member
As to me, I'm still undecided. Maybe, I'll wait more for 1 year before getting vaccinated. I'm just worried of the side effects that may happen.


Well-Known Member
As to me, I'm still undecided. Maybe, I'll wait more for 1 year before getting vaccinated. I'm just worried of the side effects that may happen.

Keep your own immune system healthy and strong, Vit C, Vit D, Zinc, and consider Grape Seed Extract, I've been taking it over 25 yrs, and you will have a good immune system. Vaccines = shots in the dark. This class For Sure.


If you take a look at the Facebook Groups for Tinnitus and Hearing Loss after Covid Vaccine, ME CFS and Covid Vaccines, Numbness and Tingling and Covid Vaccines, etc., you will see how badly people are suffering. Plenty of other places as well. It just isn't PC to talk about it. I couldn't wait to get the vaccine and as sick as I already am, I could never have imagined this level of fatigue, headache, illness, pain, and tinnitus. One theory is that immune system response from the vaccine has the same effect on the nerves in the ear as Covid and Long Haul Covid as well as the CNS for some. People are having horrific Fibro flares, coming out of ME CFS remission, having terrible blood pressure problems. If you are one of the unlucky ones, it is life altering. People are months into this agony. A second vaccine I feel would kill me, and if the tinnitus does not abate destroy what little life I had. Each day is moment by moment as if hanging on during bad air turbulence in a plane. Torture and pain.


Well-Known Member
So so sorry for all that you are going thru. And yet so many continue to talk about the miracle of the unapproved vaccines. Maybe they can be OK for some but not for all. Hope hope hope you will get back to "your normal" soon. j


I am 25 years old and new to this forum and I'm not going to get the vaccine regardless of the consequences.

Freedom that can be reclaimed in such a way is not freedom in my view.

I myself have been exposed by someone (90 years old) by going there daily who had corona and nothing happened to me, I did not notice it. (while a normal flu can put me down for months) Someone else I know also came a number of times and temporarily suffered from a loss of smell.
We all refuse to wear a face masks (yes we are that kind of people). I do know someone who has become very ill and had been on a respirator ... (not by us, he lives in another country) but hey, this is part of life. Diseases are part of life.

We may be dealing with a bio-weapon here given the strange political plans pushed through it. (Read the book: Covid-19 the great reset by Klaus Schwab).
I'm not going to give in to this mass hysteria with weird political agendas

So what will I be taking a vaccine for? If they come up with the excuse that that is to protect someone else, they can honestly admit that the whole vaccine just does not give the desired effect nor lowers the occurrence of mutations.

I battle CFS for almost a decade after 2 years of my neuritis optica diagnosis (full year of auto immune problems and mass dose prednisone, immuran). I am not gonna test how my immune system will respond on a weird vaccine so people can feel "safe" around me... In my opinion this whole situation is nothing more than a war against our freedom.

I do not know if I am allowed to say this here but let's find out :p


Well-Known Member
Nethcap, you are very Wise, continue as you do and take the good antioxidants to keep healthy and strong.

Reports of side effects are reported daily.

I 'm 82 and avoid masks and for sure no Vaccines.... I'm fine, never sick and I know why. How pharma and govt keeps their push and fear going. :rage:

Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
I am not getting it. I have no desire for an experimental vaccine or a magnetic arm. Age 50, ME 12 years. Already had a moderate case of covid and survived without major problems.

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