Anyone work with DRibose for FM/CFS


Active Member
Just started, I take it when I feel a shift towards exhaustion, usually I take it a couple of hours after breakfast and it seems to help within an hour. I've only been doing this for a few weeks, up to 3 times a day. Oddly it may calm my system down, a little less pain and anxiety.
The jury is still out for me, my whole system is truly whacked out lately.
I saw it referenced on Ken Lassesen's site and have been experimenting with my gut, which may be improving my health.

Everything is so damn complicated with this illness.


If I take it alone, it makes me super dizzy. It's better with food but I've never been able to stick with it long enough to see if it helped. I know others who really like it though.

I think the brand matters too, as usual. I know Life Extension makes a good one, but I'm sure there are others.


Well-Known Member
I think there are many good brands and my recent jar is Healthy Origins which I buy at iherb. I have no problems with it and MAYBE it's a missing piece as I've been off it for a long while. I just took 1 tsp and 1 tsp MSM powder in 8 oz water for the first drink today. I've been using MSM powder/crystals for many yrs.

This is the brand with best price and quantity. I've purchased before and will again.
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Well-Known Member
I bought top brand Ribose and tried it. I got so sleepy that I could not function. Gave up after one day.

You mentioned knee infection. This is classic Borrelia ( Lyme) activity. I just got over a huge knee problem after 6 months- with swelling all the way to my ankle. Didn't understand this until just 3 months ago when I had a Lyme panel done ( LabCorp) which was positive in 5 bands out of 10. I am Late stage. Have you been checked for Borrelia/Lyme or gave some suspicion you might have it?


Well-Known Member
No not Lyme here, but it's come down to a needle with the 5th Prolotherapy injection I got as I'm Trying to save myself from knee replacement surgery.

The 5th injection just hurt a lot and then I ended up with this staph infection which MD's didn't diagnose for about 3 months. It took an MRI to find it and they did everything but an MRI for some months. Bad bad scene.

I've been doing Prolo injections for about 10 yrs and NEVER had a problem until this one. One never knows what will happen to our bodies.


Well-Known Member
I met and made a good friend from another health support group of which we are now gone from, but she deals with CFS/ME and after a lot of years still takes DRibose, has tried to go lower dosing and she knows it so she is actively taking it STILL and buys bulk from Amazon too.


Well-Known Member
Thanks! My dose could have been too high? May try again.

Knee - oh so sorry ! Is your sacrum/pelvis in alignment? So critical for knees, ankles, neck. I had prolotherapy in sacral ligaments. Terrible inflammation and sick all over. My sacral alignment really never recovered to normal. We should start another thread on prolotherapy.


Well-Known Member
You start it and I'll add my experiences. Prolo that is.

Actually, had a hip replacement in 2010 and whole body is "messed" up since that surgery.


Active Member
You start it and I'll add my experiences. Prolo that is.

Actually, had a hip replacement in 2010 and whole body is "messed" up since that surgery.
Hi! I've been on D-RIBOSE for a few years. I have FM. I had a hard time walking because of lack of energy and stiffness. D-RIBOSE changed that and I walk normally now. I buy it in a 1lb jar put out by the Now company and sold by I also wait to buy on holiday U.S. sales and purchase enough to qualify for free shipping. I take 1 tsp 2xday and would never do without it. It fuels ATP energy production.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks and since I'm on it again after being off for some months, I "think" I'm even sleeping better and it's only been a couple days back on. 1tsp 2xday is what I take too.


I did start taking it and then forgot. I take so many vitamins and supplements these days! I will have to start again, I think it did give me a bit more energy.


I bought top brand Ribose and tried it. I got so sleepy that I could not function. Gave up after one day.
Me too
You are the first person that has this experience with D Ribose that I have found
Are you still using it? Why do you suppose it made you sleepy?


Well-Known Member
Welcome to these forums and Cort's great articles and discussions!! The more individual input, the better!

I had no idea why I got so tired and sleepy on D-ribose. I stopped using it. But your question made look up some info. D ribose is a carbohydrate. It is converted to D- ribose 5-phosphate before cells can use it. This later compound is then available for manufacturing the amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan is a precursor for serotonin, so did we manufacture a lot of serotonin, which then made us sleepy. Interesting.


Welcome to these forums and Cort's great articles and discussions!! The more individual input, the better!

I had no idea why I got so tired and sleepy on D-ribose. I stopped using it. But your question made look up some info. D ribose is a carbohydrate. It is converted to D- ribose 5-phosphate before cells can use it. This later compound is then available for manufacturing the amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan is a precursor for serotonin, so did we manufacture a lot of serotonin, which then made us sleepy. Interesting.

Why does it not make others sleepy ?
I wonder it those effects wear off?


Well-Known Member
I took a good brand for a while and can't say it helped much. I decided not to spend $ on supplements that don't pack a power punch. Sure can say I have tried a lot of supplements in my days.


Well-Known Member
I spend a good amount of $$ on supplements and I'm 79, so my other needs in life are little. Food, rent etc and I am getting rid of a life of accumulations. Just sold my "last" car as I don't want to drive anymore, plus my knee issue that I deal with could make it tough for me to drive. I don't need to put myself or others in jeopardy.

I don't get a power punch from supps, but know that grape seed extract for 22 yrs has gotten me off drugs and allergist that I supported for most of my life prior to 1995.

When I've gone off DRibose I feel a more sluggish body. So I drink MSM and Dribose drinks a couple times a day. MSM to calm pain and Ribose for some energy.

I was on ProHealth for many yrs and learned so much from that group and also offered a lot of help...give and take. J


Well-Known Member
If I take it alone, it makes me super dizzy. It's better with food but I've never been able to stick with it long enough to see if it helped. I know others who really like it though.

I had the exact same experience! I am going to try it again at some point in the future when I can get some money together. I'll let you know how it goes. :)

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