ARV intermittent therapy


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
If Viread is tenofovir that is probably the drug the person I know who used (who wishes, I believe to remain anonymous) the antiretroviral successfully for some time used. She's been incredibly ill at times. She felt better on the drug than on anything else. At some point she began reacting badly to it, however. I wonder if she knew about this therapy.
I think it was tenofovir that was used.

Strike me lucky

Well-Known Member
@Strike me lucky, do you know what ARV that CFSer was using? I keep thinking about trying but always get stuck on what to try...tenofovir, Isentress?

The variable dosing schedule makes sense too.

Tenofovir is the drug ive heard and can be combined with raltegravir. These two plus azt were found to be effective by dr ila singh when she was researching xmrv. I think that is why those drugs are used even though the xmrv study is supposedly debunked.

Strike me lucky

Well-Known Member
Ive just heard from my mate who used arvs so have more info. Hopefully he will post later and explain further.

He tried 3 days a week but did not hold for long. Overtime he tuned it to 4 days a week on both arvs followed by tenofovir for 7 days alone, then 3 days on both tenofovir and raltegravir.

He said 25/31days on tenofovir. 11/31 days on raltegravir. Viread he used for 12 months before adding raltegravir. I hope i understood correctly.

So it looks like intermittent therapy but needs individual fine tuning.

San Diego

Well-Known Member
just thought i would post this study after reading about a fellow cfser using antiretroviral drugs 3 days in a row per week with remaining week off. This person was said to have improved to 95%.

If Viread is tenofovir that is probably the drug the person I know who used (who wishes, I believe to remain anonymous) the antiretroviral successfully for some time used. She's been incredibly ill at times. She felt better on the drug than on anything else. At some point she began reacting badly to it, however. I wonder if she knew about this therapy.
I always wonder if people are slow onset or fast, obvious viral onset. Any idea in these ARV success stories?


3days/week on both arv's did not hold out for a long time.I had to go back to my current over time learned fined tuned dose of 4 days on both,followed on consecutively by 7 days on one of them and then 3 days off them both.And so on. It's probably still classed as intermittent but not as the iccarre protocol. 25/31 days Viread.11/31 days Raltegravir.I added Raltegravir after a year.

arv s are very strong meds and potentially fatal and very dangerous. Nothing should be done without expert physician advice in a secure clinical setting.
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Strike me lucky

Well-Known Member
So no die off or worsening of symptoms while on tenofovir initially?

So when you stopped certain arvs was it because you felt toxic on it and I'm guessing you knew it was time to add them back when you felt a different kind of bad, viral symptoms or just noticed fatigue?

Have you heard of any other successes with other arvs. Lamivudine i have read has helped cfsers diagnosed with enteroviruses but this isnt to say it was treating something else also.



Stopping/starting can be therapeutic,to kick/nudge the system into a response,though dr's are split on that.
I couldn't/can't tolerate more than 11 days per month of Raltegravir.
Too much Viread i.e.without taking breaks was also intolerable.Hence now 25 days per month along with the 11 days Ralt.
As improvement comes along the priority goes to fine tuning the number of days where u feel the best.
Depends how many arv s u need perhaps.
Depends on individual response too.
Should only be done in a proper clinical setting with your doctors.
Got an initial good response to Viread.Only worsening on it was after 12months when taking it alone was becoming ineffective so reduced it a bit as I say and intermittenly add Ralt now

Strike me lucky

Well-Known Member
Got my tenofovir script...and the insurance even paid. Will miracles never cease? It must be the cure. :)

Part way through reading the plague, if its correct the xmrv like virus is a slow replicator, slower than hiv. So its saying it can take arvs longer to have an effect.

Good luck.

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