B1 (Thiamine) for more Energy


Well-Known Member
I had been taking B1 for a while and slacked off, so now I got the bottle out and will re-start it, there is a survey here started by Cort in 2013 and I commented on it but don't know where it's located. Oh maybe here it is.



Active Member
I take 2x250mg of Life Extension Benfotiamine a day, mainly for it's AGE effects due to Diabetes. The much more difficult to find enzyme activated version(s) of B1 are meant to be better. I did try a very small dosage (16mg) some time back but did not really notice much improvement. Even the Swanson brand are quite expensive.

What vitamins help mitochondria?
Vitamins B1, B2, B6, niacin, biotin, folic acid and pantothenic acid are important for metabolic pathways in mitochondrial respiration and energy production. Vitamins C, E, niacin and folic acid belong to effective scavengers of free radicals, prevent mitochondrial oxidants formation and mitochondrial ageing.
That last part is highly relevant IMO because inflammation is what causes much of the energy problems in CFS/ME/Fibro. For that I find Cordyceps mushroom helps a lot. I am thinking about trying Chaga mushroom which is meant to have the highest antioxidant properties of all mushrooms and beats most foods and supps. However the oxalate content is meant to be very high which I could do without TBH so I might have to look elsewhere. It is meant to have anti-diabetic effects which you might be interest in hearing because I remember you asking about supplements for diabetic conditions.


Well-Known Member
I'm not certain how effective B1 is for CFS but a lot of people need B9, B2, and B12. I don't know if you've heard of the MTHFR gene mutation but it weakens the bond between folate and riboflavin which is required for a variety of methylation issues in the body. Failure of this can induce not only CFS but also a range of other diseases dependent upon genetics disposition and circumstances. With the mutation the body requires the natural form of the vitamin; methyl-folate, as it is unable to use the synthetic form. Another approach which is sometimes used is to use excess amounts, within reason, of riboflavin, B2, in order to ensure that there is plenty of it for the folate to bond to when the the weak bonds break apart. The B12 is just relates to the bonding process.

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