Central Sleep Apnea


Active Member
Does anyone have experience with central sleep apnea? I know I do not have traditional sleep apnea but I am wondering about central. I am not getting good sleep. Maybe 30 minutes of REM, according to Oura. I am too active during the night. Oddly enough I feel like I am not capable of doing anything during the day to make me tired enough to get good sleep. A vicious cycle. I feel so tired all the time but I cannot even take a nap. My eyelids are too tired to stay open. Could it be central?


Well-Known Member
Too bad, I don't know anything about the apnea issue, and I've developed my own sleep remedy back starting in 1999 and I have tweaked it over the years and get a wonderful 8-10 hrs of REM sleep every night. I believe I have my remedy posted here but not sure.... If you care to hear what I do, let me know.


Active Member
Too bad, I don't know anything about the apnea issue, and I've developed my own sleep remedy back starting in 1999 and I have tweaked it over the years and get a wonderful 8-10 hrs of REM sleep every night. I believe I have my remedy posted here but not sure.... If you care to hear what I do, let me know.
Don't forget to send me your recipe for good sleep


Well-Known Member
Here is the thread on my Sleep Remedy:



Active Member
I don't know apnea as well. Just curious, are you drinking coffee at night? As for me, I'm taking supplements during night and it helps me to have a good sleep.


Well-Known Member
Apnea can happen any time, during the day. A person can just fall off to sleep while sitting and talking. I have a friend who has had it for years. Maybe you are thinking of Insomnia, many have that issue, can't sleep when it's time.

I take supplements about 3 times thru the day and special ones for sleep. I've been working at the supplement world for about 30 yrs.

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