Chalder Meets Truth


Well-Known Member
H In the form of @Marky90 here on the penultimate post:

"I was there, and gave handouts of an article i had written. Basically a recap of IOM, Tullers PACE-criticism, and some of my thoughts on how ME is treated by the public health-care."

He was thrown out when asking why the PACE trial was not being addressed.

Thank you to Marky90.

I hope all those health care professions sit up and care enough to listen and thoroughly research instead of being groomed like this by Chalder.
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Well-Known Member
What surprises and disturbs me is how amazed everyone else in the thread was that Marky90 would confront Trudie Chalder. Why has she not been confronted every time she speaks in public? Why, at this point, is she invited to speak anywhere?

Months ago I was disturbed to read a post by Jonathan Edwards in which he said how glad he was that the audience at a research conference had listened to Peter White's presentation politely. I don't suppose I will ever understand British culture. (Yes, I know that Marky90's protest took place in Norway. I assume he's Norwegian. I know nothing about him beyond what is said in the thread.)


Well-Known Member
I see, @Empty, on Phoenix Rising, that the university where Trudie Chalder spoke has decided to file charges against Marky90 for interrupting her speech. If I understand correctly, they are also filing charges against him for throwing to the floor a coffee cup, which shattered and broke a glass door.

In post #145 on this thread Marky90 describes what happened:

I interrupted about 30 min into the talk, asking something to the extent of "why don`t you mention the PACE-trial Chalder, which showed that neither CBT or GET works?".

Then 5-6 people approached me and asked me to leave, saying they would call the police.
I said "go ahead".

Seconds later a guy tried to manhandle me, I pushed him back and told him to f***k off
I told Chalder she should be ashamed of herselves for spreading misinformation to healtworkers and the like, on my way out.

In the entrance area (outside the conference room), i threw a coffee cup at the floor, and unfortunately the pieces accidentally ricocheted towards the bottom of the entrance glass door, which then partlybroke.

That is a separate charge, of which i of course will pay, but it was purely accidental. I don`t have the funds to go about wrecking things, I don`t even have the funds to compensate immediatly.
There was no booing, if it was; it was directed at me.

People are free to focus on broken coffee cups and broken glass, but it is nothing but a decoy from the real crime; the abandonment of thousands of lives, directed by the state, and Chalder et. al.

It`s so predictable every single time:
One of the psyhobabblers will now read this forum and tweet about a lunatic patient trying to kill Chalder, and was it not also talk of a bomb?

Then the psychobabblers will generalize the conclusion that all ME-patients are violent trolls, obsessed with the idea that they have a physical disease.

Furthermore they will poignantly ask "why all this hate directed at the people who are only trying to help"?, and they will shed a tear thinking about what martyrs they are.

The psychobabblers will then meet to hold hands and torchlights, reminding each other what a great job they are doing for ME/CFS.

They will subsequently again completely forget that their "research" does not objectively prove any efficiacy at all.

They will then generate more awesome ideas, like a randomized controlled trial on CBT through facebook chat, while the control group must watch 10 episodes of Glamour each day.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
@Merry @Empty I read some of the thread on PR and some :asshat: there didn't bother reading what marky90 wrote (or misunderstood) but most comments are perpetuating the idea that he threw the mug on purpose, broke it on purpose, breaking it was genius, all about the broken mug. Everything is about the broken mug!

People are free to focus on broken coffee cups and broken glass, but it is nothing but a decoy from the real crime; the abandonment of thousands of lives, directed by the state, and Chalder et. al.

This is exactly what he said he didn't want to happen, that the media and psychobabblers would make that the central issue and not about Chalders. So why would we expect those people to do anything less if the people in our community don't get the point of what he did and make it about the mug.


Well-Known Member
I was put off by the PR members who criticized him for throwing the cup. Someone said throwing the cup undercut his moral authority. I don't agree. Throwing the cup is such a very minor part of the story of the harm done to patients by Trudie Chalder and her research colleagues.
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Who Me?

Well-Known Member
I was put off by the PR members who criticized him for throwing the cup.

I had to stop reading. They're like a dog with a bone and missed the point. Too many people there just like to hear themselves talk. As for JE? :spitoutdummy:


Well-Known Member
I had to stop reading. They're like a dog with a bone and missed the point. Too many people there just like to hear themselves talk. As for JE? :spitoutdummy:
Yes, it is upsetting. As you wrote, I was editing my post to add a similar sentiment about missing the point of the story.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
I was put off by the PR members who criticized him for throwing the cup. Someone said throwing the cup undercut his moral authority. I don't agree. Throwing the cup is such a very minor part of the story of the harm done to patients by Trudie Chalder and her research colleagues.

He got in Trudy Chalder's face and was asked to leave. That's the story

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