If the dems got in they would be approving peoples gender on if they identify as micky mouse or goofy.
Obama giving billions to Iran who disperse it to isis.
When clinton thought she was going to win, she was getting ready to start ww3 with Russia, thats smart to pick a fight with a country with possibly more atomic weapons then USA.
Dems keep denying it but they were controlling the media and giving out false information daily, it was so obvious that most saw through all this garbage they were spewing out. All to protect the money they get through their middle east interest groups. Cant even explain all the money in the clinton foundation. Its a joke.
I've been struggling to find some understanding (and hope, frankly) out of sentiments, like yours, that exhibit such a limited interest in factuality. I want to resist sweeping conclusions about all Trump supporters; e.g., that your comfort with putting a bar-stool-type blowhard in charge of our country must mark an impassable divide between us in all respects. I would hope you don't treat, say, medical research with the same gossipy conclusions, unconcerned about discriminating between facts and fallacies. I want to believe there are areas in which you are willing to actually observe the details of something before reacting with such bar-room-level punditry.
(That said, I can already tell by your bigoted, gender-identity smears that you and I will probably never see eye to eye on anything, and that I have no interest in getting to know you further. I'm sure such remarks play well on Breitbart, but they are a deal-killer for me.)
I realize that, for many, politics is sort of like football, where it really doesn't matter much whether you perform your Monday-morning quarterbacking based on falsehoods and malicious gossip. (I'm happy to have a "strong" opinion about Tom Brady without really knowing more than whatever headlines I happen to see. It can be kind of fun to gossip.)
The problem is that, with politics, real people's lives are at stake. It is our civic responsibility to insist upon the truth, as best we can. My actual healthcare (for example) is at stake when Donald Trump and his friends trash Obamacare with smears and lies. So I don't find it amusing when, the other day, he pronounced, "No one knew how complicated healthcare was." (Yeah, right. In other words, you guys were too busy trying to win partisan battles to be even vaguely interested in the details of the problem; and now that your rhetoric has caught up with reality you have nothing to offer except, maybe, returning to high-risk pools!)
Or: our actual national security is at stake when Trump drunkenly calls the Iran agreement the worst deal in the history of the world simply because it was a Democratic administration that produced such a diplomatic breakthrough. (And, no, Obama did not "give billions to Iran"; these facts matter, and should be treated with respect.)
Anyway, I think I get it that many of you are in the habit of treating politics like an unruly sport -- where it's okay to try to fake out the umpires and spout opinions based only allegiances instead of truth. (Honestly, without this understanding it's very hard for me to forgive those who put a lying, sociopathic, narcissist with the attention span of a five-year-old in charge of my grandchildren's world.)
This fight will not let up. Because too many people who are actually impacted by these cynical, power-hungry blowhards will never acquiesce to normalizing this assault on science, truth, logic, justice, compassion, and progress.
Progress is always, by definition, incremental in a democratic system. But that is no justification for drunken proclamations that we need to blow up the whole system, sacrificing truth (and lives) along the way.