Fwiw, the tiredness went away within a couple of weeks and I've been steadily losing weight (albeit slowly) on ketotifen. It can actually reverse diabetes in those with metabolic issues caused by mast cell activation.They are very different. I haven't tried ketotifen so can't say how it would do for me. Allegra is the only H1 I can use. And I can only take 1/2 Zantac or it causes intestinal pain.
Yeah, keep us posted. Cheaper is better.
I've been steadily losing weight (albeit slowly) on ketotifen..
The prepared vials are 100 mg and the typical dosage is two...but people typically need to work up to that. So you might need to split your capsules at first but ultimately 200 mg is probably the dose you want.One question.
It's been so long with back and forth e-mails to the pharmacy and my doctor that I don't remember anymore.
I asked for 100mg capsules.
My doctor ordered 200mg capsules.
They want to clarify which one I want... I'm think with going with what my doctor prescribed but I'm not sure, what's your guys experience with the dosage?