I have never done well with any antidepressants...or any supplements designed to increase serotonin like 5-HTP. It made me wonder why, so I started googling. It turns out that we don't really seem to understand serotonin very well. And that antidepressant drugs probably work by reducing inflammation, not by increasing serotonin.
Dr Ray Peat (who is another story all on his own) is one of the few that has anything to say about high serotonin levels. I find this particularly interesting:
I have a theory that the fatigue in MECFS could be related to some sort of a hibernation syndrome gone wrong...due to increased adenosine levels. So if that is true, it stands to reason that those with MECFS could also have increased serotonin, low metabolic rate, and low thyroid. Sound familiar?
High serotonin also decreases learning and alertness and stimulates the adrenals to produce cortisol and aldosterone. Too much stimulation of the adrenals for too long may eventually lead to the lowered cortisol and altered circadian rhythm seen in so many of us.
Dr Ray Peat (who is another story all on his own) is one of the few that has anything to say about high serotonin levels. I find this particularly interesting:
In hibernating animals, the stress of a declining food supply causes increased serotonin production. In humans and animals that don’t hibernate, the stress of winter causes very similar changes. Serotonin lowers temperature by decreasing the metabolic rate. Tryptophan and melatonin are also hypothermic. In the winter, more thyroid is needed to maintain a normal rate of metabolism.
I have a theory that the fatigue in MECFS could be related to some sort of a hibernation syndrome gone wrong...due to increased adenosine levels. So if that is true, it stands to reason that those with MECFS could also have increased serotonin, low metabolic rate, and low thyroid. Sound familiar?
High serotonin also decreases learning and alertness and stimulates the adrenals to produce cortisol and aldosterone. Too much stimulation of the adrenals for too long may eventually lead to the lowered cortisol and altered circadian rhythm seen in so many of us.