Eye problems


New Member
HI everyone,
I am diagnosed with a dry eye syndrome. I have been facing dryness, itching. On my further research, I got to know that most people who experience
dry eye symptoms have what is known as evaporative dry eye, and the resulting rapid evaporation leads to dryness, watery eyes, blurred vision, and sensitivity to light etc. Though it is not a major disease, this is in fact very difficult for those who have it, because we face difficulty in performing simple tasks like reading and watching television, and even driving. There are some treatments that help you get relief. Anyone with similar eye problems ??


HI everyone,
I am diagnosed with a dry eye syndrome. I have been facing dryness, itching. On my further research, I got to know that most people who experience
dry eye symptoms have what is known as evaporative dry eye, and the resulting rapid evaporation leads to dryness, watery eyes, blurred vision, and sensitivity to light etc. Though it is not a major disease, this is in fact very difficult for those who have it, because we face difficulty in performing simple tasks like reading and watching television, and even driving. There are some treatments that help you get relief. Anyone with similar eye problems ??

me. but i've had for a couple of years before i had cfs/me. i'm taking systane ultra right now, but used to take hyabak for a while and some other that i don't remember now, but my fav is definitely systane. i also usually get allergic conjuntivitis every now and then and i take zaditen and it clears in a day or two after that.

i have been getting photophobia more often recently but i don't know if its side effects of medication im also getting chills and feverish symptoms but that also be due to the cold weather.


Well-Known Member
Hi Jasmine,

There are many references online to people using castor oil to treat dry eyes. Here's just one article/site, with a good number of comments afterwards.
The Best Home Remedy for Dry Eyes (In the World)
By Meital James 125 Comments

Here's a brief rundown of the article: Apply a drop or two of castor oil to the outside of the eyelids, and let it slowly soak into the eye. If there is no irritation or problem in the following day, you can then apply a drop or so directly into the eye.

If castor oil doesn't work for some reason, others have found coconut oil to work well. Some notice benefits right away, for others it can take 1-2 weeks.

I've tried this in the past with some good results, but have gotten away from it. My eyes have been unusually dry lately, so I just started up again. I apply mine just before going to sleep at night.

Good luck with finding something that works for you!

Best, Wayne
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Well-Known Member
I'm screened almost every doctor I see for a disease that causes dry eyes and other symptoms called Sjogren's Syndrome (or Sicca Syndrome). It is an autoimmune disease where the body attacks your moisture producing glands, saliva, tear, sweat?, vaginal, etc. Due to my symptoms (joint pain, fatigue, photo-sensitivity, headaches? maybe...) and my bloodwork being indicative of some autoimmune baloney going on.

Suspect often when joint pain, dry eyes or mouth, and some other issues are found together. Blood work is highly suggestive in most cases (ANA, at least 2 sjogren's semi-specific antibodies) but not definitive.

Even if you do not have it, you might consider checking out the forums run for it. I can't remember the address, probably the sjogren's society forums or something... but I am sure they have tips on the dry eyes and can also help guide you if you have symptoms that might suggest more than just dry eyes and leaning towards sjogren's.

It apparently is somewhat common? to see along with ME/CFS. I believe the international consensus criteria makes a note of it.

It can also cause fatigue issues and some overlapping symptoms, so if not being watched for it perhaps just make a note of it in case anything changes. The bloodwork appears to be fairly easy to get a doctor to order, GPs/PCPs can order it, so probably nearly any specialist can if you are in the US. Most people with it however are female in their 40s-50s.

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