Five Rules of the Leptin Diet

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
The Five Rules of the Leptin Diet

There are five simple rules that form the core of The Leptin Diet®. The quality of the food you eat is of course important. What is interesting about The Leptin Diet is that it is just as important whenyou eat as what you eat.

The Leptin Diet is the secret to getting more energy from less food. The scientific principles upon which it is based are unlikely to ever change. This is not a fad diet, a calorie manipulation scheme, or a starvation routine masquerading as a diet. It does not involve deprivation of pleasure. The underlying principles of The Leptin Diet apply to everyone, whether you need to lose weight or not. It is a lifestyle for eating properly grounded in the science of leptin. It is something you can do happily and healthfully over the long haul.

The Five Rules of the The Leptin Diet:

Rule 1: Never eat after dinner.
Rule 2: Eat three meals a day.
Rule 3: Do not eat large meals.
Rule 4: Eat a breakfast containing protein.
Rule 5: Reduce the amount of carbohydrates eaten
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Active Member
I get so hungry i need to continpusly eat...every 1.5 to 2 hours....

The POTS and malabsorption issues my ME dr talked about this....i cant take digestive enzymes just betaine HCL.

I have spoken to many like this....

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
I've always eaten several times a day to keep blood sugar level.

I don't know if I could do this but I do recognize the being starving at night.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
@Cort I've been eating protein at breakfast vs gluten free oatmeal and I'm really liking it. I had some oatmeal the other morning and it was gross.

I have a mini-dinner. This morning I had chicken and green beans. If I can manage I'll scramble some eggs. Or I take part of my dinner from the night before and eat it for breakfast. Yes I know leftovers are bad for some diets.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
@Cort I've been eating protein at breakfast vs gluten free oatmeal and I'm really liking it. I had some oatmeal the other morning and it was gross.

I have a mini-dinner. This morning I had chicken and green beans. If I can manage I'll scramble some eggs. Or I take part of my dinner from the night before and eat it for breakfast. Yes I know leftovers are bad for some diets.
I don't do well with oatmeal either - darn! Such an easy and cheap thing to make - but it makes me really sluggish.

I think protein and vegies are really the way for me to go...

(Plus an occasional power bar! - with p-nut butter on it of course :))

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
I don't do well with oatmeal either - darn! Such an easy and cheap thing to make - but it makes me really sluggish.

I think protein and vegies are really the way for me to go...

(Plus an occasional power bar! - with p-nut butter on it of course :))

I was eating oatmeal every morning for years! I'd put it with raisins and a cinnamon stick in my rice cooker, and just plug it in in the morning. I've been eating turkey bacon which is bad but I just can't function enough in the a.m.'s to deal with much more than nuking something.

Have you tried almond butter? Peanut's generally are grown in moldy conditions so not so great for the gut.


Well-Known Member
@Cort @Who Me? I focus on protein in the morning too. I used to drink smoothies with good quality protein powder for breakfast, v.easy to make. They were pretty ok, tastewise and err... proteinwise ;)

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
I thought about that @bobby but there is something about chewing that seems to satisfy me.

And also I'm too lazy to clean the blender or shaker every day. What do you use for them?


Well-Known Member
@Who Me? do you mean which blender brand I use? I'm not sure but it's just an extra to a regular food processor. It's pretty bad, but that's what I had so it's fine.

I get the chewing part. That's why I stopped drinking so many smoothies.

Rachel Riggs

Well-Known Member
@Who Me? @Cort Yeah, I stay away from peanuts in favor of almonds too. No oatmeal for me either - bummer because I love it in ALL its various forms. I do the same smoothie every single day using wild blueberries and pure plant protein and munch on a few Brazil nuts for fat and selenium. I vary my foods, but basically adhere to the same framework each day...

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
@Who Me? do you mean which blender brand I use?
I get the chewing part. That's why I stopped drinking so many smoothies.

Yeah All I have is a big one with a heavy glass jar. Way too much trouble for me to wash it every day. I do have a shaker thing but that also requires washing. LOL I'm down to washing dishes when I need a new fork

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
I totally forgot I have an immersion blender.! I think it came with a cup.
bur that still requires washing.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
Still grosses me out. :arghh:

It s a good backup option or for lunch but too much trouble for me on the mornings unless I remember to get it all together the night before.


Well-Known Member
unless I remember to get it all together the night before
in case you remember the night before... have you tried chia pudding? Just put chiaseeds and whatever (nut)milk and other stuff you like in a big glass. Let sit overnight and in the morning it's gelled together as pudding. It can be pretty rich in protein, depending on what you put in it.

I have to admit though, I don't love the taste of that stuff. It's pretty bland, unless you add sweetener which I try to avoid. But no washing of utensils, only a glass. And lots of protein. :penguin:

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