Girl with POTS treated for Anemia successfully (new book)

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
I noticed this book had no reviews yet. I wonder if the author just didn't connect with the ME/CFS community or didn't want to for some reason. But his approach to his niece's postural orthostatic syncope (POTS) is interesting.

Note: Not saying this is a cure, not saying this is the only reason POTS ever happens, not making any absolute statements. Am saying this may help someone. For instance, I've known for decades that I have anemia, but nothing seemed to improve it so I gave up trying.Honestly that's the first time I considered that my old anemia may be part of the problem. Don't scoff. No doctor has ever said it was my problem either.

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
did you buy the book and find out what the treatment is?
No, what I did was, I tried once more to solve my problem with being unable to tolerate Ferrous Sulfate (the standard treatment). I settled on Ferrous Fumarate. I have had a try of Nova Ferrum also, which is a newer type of chelated Iron. I think I get a bigger effect out of Ferrous Fumarate.

I don't want to overhype what I discovered. For all I know it's only about me.

But anemia is extremely common, 30% of the whole world has it to some extent. Almost nobody can tolerate Ferrous Sulfate, which is the type of iron that is in egg yolk and causes that green edge in hardboiled eggs. Most people diagnosed with it, eat red meat and try to live with it, because the Ferrous Sulfate fix is impossible to live with. Every alternative to Ferrous Sulfate is heavily criticized as "unproven" and doctors are scared to suggest alternatives until someone has gut necrosis. Then they give you an IV of iron/folate/B12. But you have to be almost dead before that happens.

So it's a neglected issue.

I think that book is credible, based on my experience. But I haven't read it. So I didn't put it in as a "resource" since I don't know the quality. I do know that working on my anemia again seems to be helping me.

I'm taking Ferrous Fumarate 106 mg daily. I've only kept it up for about two weeks.

Aidan Walsh

Well-Known Member
It is not just finding out if one has Anemia it is the type that matters the most. A lot have Pernicious Anemia which requires iron folic acid & B12 injections & other things

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
It is not just finding out if one has Anemia it is the type that matters the most. A lot have Pernicious Anemia which requires iron folic acid & B12 injections & other things

Yeah there are so many types of anemia. I hadn't heard of many of them before. My diagnosis was so long ago I don't evern remember the type. I just remember the reason I started ignoring it.

Aidan Walsh

Well-Known Member
Yeah there are so many types of anemia. I hadn't heard of many of them before. My diagnosis was so long ago I don't evern remember the type. I just remember the reason I started ignoring it.
It is vital you try to find out the type otherwise you will miss vital injections or pills especially if there is an absorption issue or not Wake Up B12 is on Facebook

Aidan Walsh

Well-Known Member
I did a home test blood drop for Ferritin called a Rapid Test I bought online the result was I am anemic I started on 3x 210mg of Ferrous Fumarate my

shortness of breath has lifted, I am not winded climbing stairs and my tachycardia has lessened. I seem to be able to do more daily. I am one week

into this now I have a bunch of blood tests to do this week so I will get some true levels soon

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