Hi, I'm Gina

Gina from CA

New Member
Hi Everyone,

I'm new to this forum. Was just approved and fiddling my way around the how to post and reply and read threads. Please be patient with me as I learn this new format. I'm also queen of typos. (Brain Fog) I'm afflicted with ME/CFS and aspects of Fibromyalgia. I feel in my opinion that the 3 illnesses cross over and are identical in many aspects. I've been diagnosed since around 1988. First Fibromyalgia was the diagnosis right after Carpel Tunnel. Along the way, I was also classified as CFS/ME.

I did spend some time in North Lake Tahoe, Incline Village in August of 1981. I'm recently discovering the story of the doctor's who were in on the first wide spread epidemic of ME in that area in the 80's. It's all very interesting to me.

I hope to gain knowledge, support, and give back what I can having to do with this lifestyle of living with these chronic illnesses. My reason for joining is that I was attracted to the Facebook page and what Cort had to say. I then pursued the forum here. I strive to find a better quality of life daily. I am positive in my thinking and do not let the diseases rule my life, but push through when ever possible to find something that sparks joy in each day so that I feel like I'm truly living.

I have a long story, but in summary; I'm a 58 year old woman, with one grown daughter who is 33. I'm divorced and live alone in Southern California. I have one dog called a chug, half Chihuahua and half Pug named Cocco. 10lbs of love and energy. I have a ton of illnesses that would bore you to list, however a few are Adrenal Insufficiency, Asthma, CFS/ME/FIBRO/, Degenerative Disc Disease, Herniated Disc C-5, Degenerated Disc L2, Diabetes 2, High Triglycerides, Hypertension, Left leg Neuropathy, Migraines, Carpel Tunnel, Hypothyroid, Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, WPW, Cataracts, etc.

I enjoy preparing meals and experimenting with new recipes. I like to garden and create landscapes. I read and study The Bible. I run several help groups on line for chronic illnesses of different types. I use the computer much as my source of connecting to the outside world. Bed is my home base and if I do activities, then I must rest up for them, and rest up to recover afterward. I take many medications, and have a regimen that is finally stable without changing or adjusting it for the most part.

I'm very glad to be here and welcome you to say hello and look forward to getting to know you. Also hoping to see some of my friend here who I may already know from crossing paths on other support groups and such.

Much love, many blessings,

Gina from CA

New Member
Thanks for all the warm welcomes! I'm getting to know my way around slowly. Will probably be doing as much reading at first as possible. :)


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to welcome you to this site. Cort does a great job of keeping it informative, positive and like a place to feel at home.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Hi Everyone,

I'm new to this forum. Was just approved and fiddling my way around the how to post and reply and read threads. Please be patient with me as I learn this new format. I'm also queen of typos. (Brain Fog) I'm afflicted with ME/CFS and aspects of Fibromyalgia. I feel in my opinion that the 3 illnesses cross over and are identical in many aspects. I've been diagnosed since around 1988. First Fibromyalgia was the diagnosis right after Carpel Tunnel. Along the way, I was also classified as CFS/ME.

I did spend some time in North Lake Tahoe, Incline Village in August of 1981. I'm recently discovering the story of the doctor's who were in on the first wide spread epidemic of ME in that area in the 80's. It's all very interesting to me.

I hope to gain knowledge, support, and give back what I can having to do with this lifestyle of living with these chronic illnesses. My reason for joining is that I was attracted to the Facebook page and what Cort had to say. I then pursued the forum here. I strive to find a better quality of life daily. I am positive in my thinking and do not let the diseases rule my life, but push through when ever possible to find something that sparks joy in each day so that I feel like I'm truly living.

I have a long story, but in summary; I'm a 58 year old woman, with one grown daughter who is 33. I'm divorced and live alone in Southern California. I have one dog called a chug, half Chihuahua and half Pug named Cocco. 10lbs of love and energy. I have a ton of illnesses that would bore you to list, however a few are Adrenal Insufficiency, Asthma, CFS/ME/FIBRO/, Degenerative Disc Disease, Herniated Disc C-5, Degenerated Disc L2, Diabetes 2, High Triglycerides, Hypertension, Left leg Neuropathy, Migraines, Carpel Tunnel, Hypothyroid, Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, WPW, Cataracts, etc.

I enjoy preparing meals and experimenting with new recipes. I like to garden and create landscapes. I read and study The Bible. I run several help groups on line for chronic illnesses of different types. I use the computer much as my source of connecting to the outside world. Bed is my home base and if I do activities, then I must rest up for them, and rest up to recover afterward. I take many medications, and have a regimen that is finally stable without changing or adjusting it for the most part.

I'm very glad to be here and welcome you to say hello and look forward to getting to know you. Also hoping to see some of my friend here who I may already know from crossing paths on other support groups and such.

Much love, many blessings,
What a lovely introduction Gina - its great to see you here :)


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