I've found there's two parts to feeling good/functioning. Preventing or minimizing flares and then recovering once it happens.
Prevention is two fold, I've found. First we have to realize what we have and then change our lifestyle to adjust to the damage that's irreversible in our bodies. I grew up volunteering and that involved a lot of time at people's doorsteps, sometimes in the hot sun. I started having near fainting episodes. My doctor wrote "orthostatic intolerance" on my medical chart and told me to eat more salt. That was it. Years later I realized I should just stop stanidng at people's doorsteps, there were other ways to volunteer that worked for my body. When a muscle in my big toe tore after running on a treadmill for 3 hours. Orthotics, therapy and rest didn't help my foot heal completely, a sports doctor told me finally "some people have a solid foot. Yours is pliable. It's not a good foundation to do sports on." Oh. Later I found this is Ehlers Danlos territory. So I changed to doing aquafitness in deep water. I worked hard at strengthening my core with micromovements and I've worked up to doing all exercises in the deep end without noodle or flotation belt. It's helped my vagus nerve tremendously. Exercises like this, but all in the deep end, sculling water with the arms as leg exercises are done:
http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/workout/express/20-minute/20-minute-water-workout/ After warming up, I work out in intervals, which apparently teaches the body to produce more lactate and then clear it. I've learned from Dr. Peter Rowe not to overstrech even though I feel I'm flexible. As soon as I feel a stretch in the limbs, that's enough. EDS will make us feel like we can stretch our limbs impressively, but it's a mistake. That will cause a flare up of symptoms.
I took amino acids, also known as neurotransmitters in some cases, or nutriceuticals, but I found diminishing returns after a few months. I now try to get these from food, there's some info here:
https://bebrainfit.com/balance-neurotransmitters/ I've cut out processed food completely. Wreaks havoc with hormones, and adds unneeded toxins.
Medications - they add to our toxic load. I turn to a naturopath who worked with Dr. Bested for 7 years when I need a natural version of medication.
On a busy day, I'll eat very little, mostly veggies and a little protein, while sitting quietly, not on the move so I can digest and as EDS progresses slowly, swallow properly. I'll water load all day. Black organic tea with lemon when feeling peaked. It's important to only drink organic tea. Tea leaves soak up a lot of pesticide out in the fields and hot water will extract the pesticides effectively, creating a toxic brew.