How to Be Broke & Medicated - for People with Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS - by Lily Silver

Resource How to Be Broke & Medicated - for People with Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS - by Lily Silver

Kit Cat

Active Member
Kit Cat submitted a new resource:

How to Be Broke & Medicated - Free or Discounted Meds, Supplements & Assistance for CFS / ME


By Lily Silver

If you can’t afford the meds or supplements you need, don’t give up hope just yet. Try these things first:

Local Programs

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Kit Cat

Active Member
Excellent resource lists above from @Cort and @Who Me?

The system would not allow me to tag people

p.s. to read more click "read more" don't click the link that says "free"... that goes somewhere else :)
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New Member
Thank You! Not only for these resources but for making me laugh! LOVE the way you talk about simultaneously being Broke and determined to Move On! I needed that today.


Active Member
Wow, very kind of you to think of others and help this way, Kit Cat! Bravo!

I have something to add for Canadians re Free Supplements. Our healthcare is covered by the province for many things, but a lot of people don't know the province of Ontario will cover the cost of supplements for certain mitochondrial diseases in Ontario. The phone number and email of the gov't program office is included in the link. Also,

For dentistry, which is not covered by our healthcare, some colleges & universities will offer discounted and/or free dental care and/or procedures.

Natalie S

New Member
Hi, really great set of resources here. I wondered if anyone has any tips for being broke and medicated for ME/CFS in the UK or the rest of Europe? Several European countries have free health care systems, but as we all know ME/CFS isn't widely recognised and many people go to private doctors which can end up a financial black hole... any suggestions would be welcome!

Kit Cat

Active Member
Hi natalie,

Thank you for your comment. I'm sorry to say I don't know anything about Europe. I hope someone else might come by with some ideas...

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