I find next to nothing here about getting the influenza vaccine while having cfs/me. Any experiences to share, anyone? Thanks.


New Member
I've found nothing here on healthrising on the risks of getting a flu vaccination while having cfs/me. I've not had one in the 33 years since mine began but am now 64 and am considering whether I ought to. My MD is leaving it up to me so I'm looking for feedback here on what folks' experiences have been. I'm inclined to be cautious since I believe my illness was triggered by a rubella vaccination. I haven't had the flu - maybe once? - in that time. I did not, so far, have a worsening of cfs after getting 3 vaccines but they may be/are a different kind of vax...


Well-Known Member
I have a flu jab most years, nothing worse than a slightly sore arm. Had 3 covid jabs and getting a booster soon. I know vaccines dont bother me, although my family react badly to whooping cough vaccines for some reason. I'm too old to have had that but none of the children who have reacted to that one have ever had a problem with other vaccines. Never had flu myself but know people who have been wiped out by it.

I'm not going to risk getting more ill than I am now when vaccines dont make me worse.

Australia had a bad flu season, it's likely other places will too.


Well-Known Member
I think at this point there is no reliable information to help make that decision. I expect that some PWME will have a bad reaction to a vaccine and regret getting it, and others will have no problem with it--and maybe it will prevent getting the virus and regretful consequences.

I've gotten 3 covid vaccines so far, with no problems. I got some sort of viral infection a week or two after the second vaccination, and it may have been covid, but I didn't bother getting tested. It was typical for my viral infections: a day or two of flu symptoms, and then it was over. I don't bother with regular flu vaccines, since I rarely interact with other people, and flues only give me minor symptoms for a couple of days.

If you're the kind of person who always seems to get whatever is going around, and it gives you serious symptoms for weeks, then vaccination is probably a good idea. If you rarely get a flu and rarely get serious lengthy symptoms, the vaccine itself might have higher risk of causing regrets.

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
I did avoid the flu vaccine for several years. But I got one last year and didn't have anything more than a minor sore spot. I went for the Covid-19 vaccine too, but that was a bear. I'm almost too scared to go for the Omicron one, but so far I've avoided Covid and I hve no plans to get long covid ever. I'm trying to decide what I'm more scared of, and I think it's long covid.


Active Member
It was vaccines that almost destroyed my life. And I don't even mean the recent covid one, but all the other ones on the adult schedule. It's been 11 years and I have not recovered. I was in the military so it is easier to see what they do to you, as opposed to not noticing their effects over time, as we get them all at once. Before, I was in the best shape of my life, immediately afterwards, it destroyed my health, overburdened my immune system, caused me to shake uncontrollably, gave me the worst brain fog and CFS, and basically disabled me. I'm not saying it was the only thing that harmed me, but I will say it was the worst of all the things that harmed me.

I'm new here so I'm not sure what I'm allowed to say, but think about this... IF vaccines were safe, then the whole premise that they are supposed to be based on is that you do NOT give it to an immunocompromised person. They are supposed to "work" based on a strong, healthy, non-burdened immune system. So if you have ME/CFS, cancer, any sign of autoimmune issues like food sensitivities, then it is unwise to take vaccines.

But every doctor should know this and be telling you this. It is also called informed consent. If they do not inform you of these things, you have to assume the doctor or nurse is uninformed themselves and you must not give consent. They often have no idea what's in them. Just ask them to list every ingredient and show you so you can think about whether you want stuff like heavy metals building up in your body and brain, not to mention the other viruses in them that come from animals like mice (XMRV) and monkeys (cancer-causing SV40), since they pass these viruses though these poor, horribly abused animals.

Haven't you guys wondered how humans are getting all these animal viruses when biologically it wasn't possible before? Trust me - they know. It's not negligence either - it's all part of their plan. But that's another story. ;)

Truly, I believe the growing amount of CFS sufferers is in relation the the growing use of "vaccines."


Active Member
According to Dr. John Chia, Infectious Disease Specialist and ME/CFS researcher, "Vaccinations... are a very strong risk factor for patients" with ME/CFS... See 4 mins. into this video for quote...

I'm hoping to become a patient of Dr. Chia's and would like to discuss this with him further. If anyone knows of more thoughts on vaccinations that Dr. Chia has shared, please share with us.

And, btw, marthe, thank you for bringing this up! Regardless of what you choose, you are very wise to consider all that is put in your body, because, let's face it, we only have one body! :)

Also, if people are sincerely afraid of the flu (and I understand - statistically it kills way more people each year than covid did), there are many other things we can do to help our immunity that hopefully I can share over time. I'm learning some exciting things that I'm looking forward to sharing with the world once I finish testing on myself! Please know there is Hope! :)
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Well-Known Member
I'm looking for feedback

Hi @marthe -- I was recently watching a short YouTube video on NAC, and came across a description of a randomized control study that was done years ago in Italy. The study essentially showed the difference between a group of people taking 1200 mg of NAC daily and those who didn't, and what happened when they were exposed to the flu. Here's a link to the PubMed article:

Attenuation of influenza-like symptomatology and improvement of cell-mediated immunity with long-term N-acetylcysteine treatment

Those taking 1200 mg daily of NAC only experienced flu symptoms 25% of the time after exposure, compared to 80% of those who took no NAC. That strikes me as being a PHENOMENAL outcome, seemingly much better than flu vaccines. My understanding is flu vaccines are only about 50% effective, whereas the above results would seem to show a much better outcome. The above linked video is fairly short, and I started it at the place where he talks about the trial. It's only about 2 minutes to get the gist of it.

The speaker "speculates" these results would likely apply to COVID-19 as well. I have my doubts however that vaccine manufacturers (with their tens of billions of dollars in annual profits from the COVID-19 vaccine) would be much interested in seeing studies done on the benefits of NAC supplementation and the reduction of COVID-19 severity. My best guess is NAC would be shown to be far more effective than current COVID-19 vaccines, and have literally zero "side effects".
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Active Member
There is another thing we all need to consider when it comes to Flu vaccines. It is a big moneymaker for Big Pharma. They can put anything or any Flu strain in it they want to, since they are used to people not having informed consent. One year, I asked my VA healthcare team what strain is in it, and they were able to find out that it wasn't even a strain in the USA (where I'm at) at all!!! It was somewhere in Southeast Asia. So a Flu vaccine may not even protect you from a local Flu.

The reason why Big Pharma can make vaccines so cheaply, crudely, and without any care is because of a bill that was signed under the Reagan Administration (late 80s, maybe?), that basically made Big Pharma companies immune to lawsuits if their vaccines kill or disable you. The truth was, so many people WERE dying and becoming disabled due to vaccines that it almost bankrupted Big Pharma (and should have - humanity would have been saved from their evil agendas). So they supposedly threatened to not make anymore vaccines unless that Administration gave them immunity from lawsuits. So truly, they can put any crap in vaccines and it doesn't matter. It is very hard to sue them if you become disabled and they know it and love it. That is why they've been pushing vaccines so hard ever since.

I know... Many people believe Reagan was a good guy. And I don't think he was evil at heart. But I do believe he was hired by those that pull the strings over America and the Western world to keep the people deceived through that Administration so they could quietly accomplish their long-term goals while the public was not aware of what they were up to. As one insider said about Reagan that saw exactly what was happening behind the scenes... "Well... afterall... he WAS an ACTOR." This insider also noted that the one really in charge was George Bush, Sr., the VP at the time. He's a whole 'nother evil story.

It's possible Reagan woke up to how much of a puppet he was to them for their evil agendas, even if he truly willed to do good, and it is possible that is when that attempt to assassinate him happened. Some people say he was never the same since.

Not only are vaccines a big moneymaker for them, but they also help them with another goal that their own puppet masters want: to decrease the world's population by slowly killing us off with their vaccines and pharmaceuticals. No, they don't want it too obvious, so if it only disables you as it did me, then they are pleased with that for the time being. A disabled population is easy to control and not a threat to their grip on power.

I know some of this is hard to believe, but the sooner we all realize that the ones in power do not care about humanity as much as we do, the sooner we can all rise up and do something about it. If people continue to refuse to believe it, then nothing will change and we will all get worse over time, which is their goal.

If anyone is wondering who these "puppet masters" are, as I call them, understand they've been in power the last century, robbing Americans and the good citizens of the Western world for multiple decades now, hiding cures for every single disease, and even causing disease, as they now have control over our medical schools and institutions, as was part of their long-term plan. They even use our own hard-earned tax dollars to fund bioterrorism labs against us and other innocent peoples of the world. Ukraine is their latest victim that they pretend to care about. No, they don't want to help her, they just want to rape her for all she's got, as they did to Afghanistan. Russia was the only one standing in their way, and is why Americans are always inundated with hate articles on Putin (just listen to his speeches and decide for yourself - never believe mainstream articles again about anything - it is all propaganda now). They have mastered the art of slowly destroying a people, quietly, from the inside out. America was their biggest threat, but they are succeeding in weakening her. They are so powerful and wealthy that they are beyond the "world's richest people" lists. One day I can do a full teaching on it if people are interested. At the same time, I don't want Cort's website here to come under attack.

Truly, if ME/CFS sufferers really knew what was going on, a better response to our condition would not be despair - it would be righteous anger that leads to action, even if all we can do right now is find, share, and tell the truth online. Truth is the key to our freedom in every way. Without it, the Great Deception as I call it, will color every area of our society, as Jesus warned us it would.


Well-Known Member
NAC thins mucus and getting rid of mucus is generally beneficial - so NAC might possibly help once you have a covid infection but it wont do anything to prevent you getting one, being vaccinated might.

Vaccines take a while to develop so the flu vaccine is always a guess about what flu will reach your country. In a global world that is likely to be one of the varieties already present somewhere in the world.

Lots of anti-vaxers pedal their conspiracy theories on any website you visit - my conspiracy theory is that they are paid by the agents of foreign governments.


Well-Known Member
NAC might possibly help once you have a covid infection but it wont do anything to prevent you getting one

The link I posted earlier (below) suggests otherwise. It doesn't mention COVID, as the study was done many years ago. But I think one could safely surmise that if NAC keeps people from experiencing flu symptoms after exposure to the flu, then it "could" be the same for COVID. To categorically say NAC "won't do anything" is not supported by science.

Attenuation of influenza-like symptomatology and improvement of cell-mediated immunity with long-term N-acetylcysteine treatment


Well-Known Member
All Vaccines are Toxic and to even consider that Covid jab, is plain NUTS. Do Vit C, Vit D, Zinc, Quercetin, a powerful antioxidant like Grape Seed Extract, Pycnogenol, Resveratrol and there are others. I'm going on 27 yrs taking Grape Seed Extract....NO vaccines for this gal.

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
All Vaccines are Toxic and to even consider that Covid jab, is plain NUTS. Do Vit C, Vit D, Zinc, Quercetin, a powerful antioxidant like Grape Seed Extract, Pycnogenol, Resveratrol and there are others. I'm going on 27 yrs taking Grape Seed Extract....NO vaccines for this gal.

Hey I thought we were friends. I got three Covid vaccines and I weighted the options and talked at length why. At least don't call me nuts.


Well-Known Member
It's coming out all over the world how these jabs are ineffective and can be very damaging. And more are being thrown out there and people still dying from them.

They were all rushed and it's been so tragic all of it.


Well-Known Member
I read an article which described how Kaiser Permenante (sp?) crunched the numbers on those who got the COVID vaccine, and the different number of boosters later on. Turns out the more boosters their insureds got, the higher the liklihood of them being hospitalized for COVID later on. It sure appears from everything I've read that these vaccines are permanently weakening the body's innate immune system.

At least don't call me nuts.

Hi @not dead yet -- I think @jaminhealth's comments were much, much more directed at the powers that are promoting these vaccines than you. I wouldn't take it personally. Jam is just passionate about what she believes in, and I get where she's coming from. Her take on fluoridation is just as passionate as her take on vaccines. And I have to say, I think she's right on both counts.


Well-Known Member
I read an article which described how Kaiser Permenante (sp?) crunched the numbers on those who got the COVID vaccine, and the different number of boosters later on. Turns out the more boosters their insureds got, the higher the liklihood of them being hospitalized for COVID later on. It sure appears from everything I've read that these vaccines are permanently weakening the body's innate immune system.

Hi @not dead yet -- I think @jaminhealth's comments were much, much more directed at the powers that are promoting these vaccines than you. I wouldn't take it personally. Jam is just passionate about what she believes in, and I get where she's coming from. Her take on fluoridation is just as passionate as her take on vaccines. And I have to say, I think she's right on both counts.

I am very passionate about what we put in our bodies and don't believe our govt cares what we put in our bodies. Early on I had heard and still do that hospitals got paid pretty pennies from our govt with every covid death on a patient's death certificate. The person could have really died from heart disease and if they had covid, covid got the reason. A major fraud has gone on.


Well-Known Member
I've noticed my energy is a bit better, and my sleep a quite a bit better since taking 1,200 mg. NAC. 600 mg first thing in the morning, and 600 in the evening.


Well-Known Member
The link I posted earlier (below) suggests otherwise. It doesn't mention COVID, as the study was done many years ago. But I think one could safely surmise that if NAC keeps people from experiencing flu symptoms after exposure to the flu, then it "could" be the same for COVID. To categorically say NAC "won't do anything" is not supported by science.

Attenuation of influenza-like symptomatology and improvement of cell-mediated immunity with long-term N-acetylcysteine treatment
You dont understand the paper you linked to. It shows that it didnt stop people getting flu, it stopped them showing serious symptoms.

I've had both my covid booster and my flu jab now, no problems apart from the infection site aching a bit. Look at my previous posts and you'll see I've tried many supplements. Vitamin D and nac are the ones I have said I feel are worth paying for. Many others I dont find worth the cost. I also recommend magnesium sulphate baths to the anxious, supplements can give you diarrhoea but magnesium is an important mineral for health. Currently having hyperbaric oxygen and am wondering if I could get the same benefit from an oxygen concentrator. Get your vitamin C and vitamin A from a healthy diet.

Funny how people so concerned about what goes in their body dont mention the importance of getting magnesium, vitamin A and vitamin C in their diet.


Well-Known Member
Most have POOR diets and supplements are vital, just that supplements. I never took NAC but I have a friend who takes it and she's 93 and doing relatively well. My Goi To has been Grape Seed Extract for about 27 yrs now.


Well-Known Member
You dont understand the paper you linked to. It shows that it didnt stop people getting flu, it stopped them showing serious symptoms.

@tatt -- I think it understood it perfectly well. This is what I posted in the first entry on this thread. I added a couple of underlines.

The study essentially showed the difference between a group of people taking 1200 mg of NAC daily and those who didn't, and what happened when they were exposed to the flu. Here's a link to the PubMed article:

Attenuation of influenza-like symptomatology and improvement of cell-mediated immunity with long-term N-acetylcysteine treatment

Those taking 1200 mg daily of NAC only experienced flu symptoms 25% of the time after exposure, compared to 80% of those who took no NAC.

I've had both my covid booster and my flu jab now, no problems apart from the infection site aching a bit.

I'm happy to hear you had no major problems from getting the jab. If you visit tinnitus forum, you'll see that many have been hit with devastating, life-changing tinnitus. COVID vaccines are a crap shoot, and everything I've read tells me there's way more risk than potential benefit.

Currently having hyperbaric oxygen and am wondering if I could get the same benefit from an oxygen concentrator.

I've done fairly extensive mHBOT, and have come to believe it gives greater benefits than an oxygen concentrator, primarily because of the pressure. I think nebulizing very dilute hydrogen peroxide would likely have more benefits than an oxygen concentrator, both because of its anti-viral, anti-infection abilities, but because it all supports the immune system and increases oxygen levels in the body.

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