I think a huge part of my problem with pacing is that I've been this way almost the entirety of my life....I can not remember a time that I did not have it so I really don't have anything to compare it too. I was on a psych ward in my teens and throughout the years I've gone through relapsing and have become bed-bound and then 'better' again so I can walk to the store and do a few hours of errands.
I completely get you on what you said. I traveled the same path in more than one aspect of my life and transformed the same.
1. Physical well being
2. Emotional well being
3. Experience of love, sense of belonging, acceptance
I had no clue until a year ago (end of 2014) how the above experiences were like.
What gave me access to these experiences is my desire and continuously asking my brain to give me those experiences. The result could be called a miracle based on where I was. The miracle happened with consistent education and action towards the goal. While doing so ignoring those conversations and relationships that are counter productive. Being grateful or at least saying thanks to what you have, how ever dire the situation is. And giving thanks to what you might have in the future and start to experience as if you have it right now.
Most importantly when I watch TV or movie I look for a particular facial expression and relate the same to an emotion and tell my brain this is the experience I want, please give me. I have a collection of photos I see from time to time to recall the same. Please see them in this post to get an idea of what am I talking?
The young lady name in the photos is Elizabeth Holmes, youngest woman billionaire. In one photo I see her confidence and get inspired. I tell my brain I want to live with that level of confidence. In the second photo I see her smiling, happy and sense her loving and caring nature. I tell my brain again I want to live with that smile, and give love to everyone in my life. After years of practice now I am living inside these feelings and experiences despite the adversities of my life.
Obviously, my wife and my daughter also played a role. Every time I see them I tell myself how lucky I am to have them in my life and put a smile in my heart. Now that smile became authentic and permanent.
Please see if my above approach makes sense to you.
On pacing: I feel if you can describe what is your current physical activity capability it may be easier to guide you further. For me progressing with pacing (or moderating) is a multidimensional approach, just not timing my physical activity.
Let me give you another example from my life.
As of September 2015 I can work for 10 to 14 hours from home with 1 to 2 hours of rest with no travel. If I do this for entire week I may have to take rest for few days to get back my energy and strength.
Now, my objective is to reach stage where I can work 5 days a week by going to office and be productive, enjoy my time with my wife, daughter and travel around the globe.
To accomplish the goal I need to pace myself or moderate my physical activities, be mentally balance combined with treatment methods I follow. If you have people around you who support emotionally, they support will also play a good role to achieve your goal. In my case I do not. I go by my gut feeling, I do not maintain my activity log.
I took 6 years to reach this ability to work. I have read stories who completely recovered in 18 months from the date of diagnosis.
Please ask me for any clarifications so that I may bale to guide you.
PS: In my culture we have beautiful deities sculptures. Someone explained to me long ago the objective of going to temple and pray everyday is experience the beauty and strength in them, so that we may obtain part of the same. I took it up literally and applied in few other dimensions of my life.
If the brain dos not have the memory or it can not recall, then the brain can not give the push for the required physical activity or emotional experience irrespective of the language used.
Please see my other posts to learn more on what I did to restore my health.