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If you have seen "Forgotten Plague," you probably remember Jamison Hill, who, before he became ill. was a bodybuilder. When he first appears in the film, he is still well enough to exercise some and is articulate and alert as he talks to Ryan Prior. Later in the film he is much worse. Now from the film's Facebook page comes word that Jamison is now bedridden and in need of funds for better medical care.
For those who have seen Forgotten Plague and are wondering about updates from Jamison Hill, the bodybuilder featured in the film, Jamison Hill has become much worse. He is now entirely bedridden.
According to his family's GoFundMe page, "All day he lies in a darkened bedroom, unable to tolerate light or sound, able to make only the smallest movements of his body, unable to speak, eating only pureed foods through a straw, and fighting despair and loneliness." His is in a state similar to Whitney Dafoe, another well-known severe patient featured in Forgotten Plague.
Visit their GoFundMe page to help their family pay for world-class medical care at the Open Medicine Institute in Mountain View, CA!