Legal in all 50 States Cannabis Oil


Active Member
Sorry I hate it, because sometimes , my sentences tend to be a paragraph. As I tend to go on. But I will try and if you can't read it don't worry it probably isn't anything earth shattering anyways. But I will get it right eventually.

Remember we all have brain fog, it's a lot of cognitive coordination I am trying here! Have a great weekend and Green Golden Garden a CBD STORE is having a Buy one get one free till 10/31. Okay if it's not Green Golden Garden TRY GOLDEN Green Garden, sorry, foggy, foggy also transpose those, there low dose vapor turned out well after all. Am trying other products SS payday.


Active Member
Well, here is where the rubber hits the road. Just a short, as I woke up with a really bad tummy bug, compliments my hubby. So, I have nausea, tore up bowels, my bones ache deep like it's the bone marrow and headachy.

I have read that "Fibrmyalgia" of my type that starts with infections gets worse with every subsequent infection. This has been true in my experience. Since I was extremely ill with Parvovirus B19, Fifths Disease, the Spring before my Cancer of that Winter and then the MS like symptoms.

I have now read that two common causes of Fibromyalgia are Parvovirus B19 and stress, I believe those one, two punches probably were the exacerbated my system to create one of the 4 types of "Fibromyalgia" the Holland studies describes. Because dealing with Cancer at 33, with 2 young children, while working full time with a crisis population, a husband who was in denial and a religious system at time that demanded a stiff upper lip with no room for grief, I was alone except for the loving God, I knew, who was there.

So, now we will see how the CBD oil helps me through this infection and how it reacts. Gary, my lover, best friend and carrier of pestilence got over bug in 3, which historically means I will be twice as miserable and it will last twice as long. Dehydration is a big problem with me because my BP will go extremely low, causing confusion, unconsciousness if I get up to quick or just caught off guard, fatigue and seizures.

So we will see. Hope it made since. If not, Cort, my Cognitive Coordination for Complicated Discourse is lacking. Perhaps when I write that book. You should translate for me, even though I promise American English is my first language. Ahhhhh mashed potatoes beckon, let's hope to hold them down. Mashed potatoes, applesauce and Gatorade the Food of Victors!


Active Member
Well I am feeling achy, tired, my joints hurts and my stomach aches. I am trying to stay hydrated, but what goes in comes out. I haven't been "normal people sick" in so long, I don't if this is normal or worse. I just feel like hell, but so does hubby. So maybe this is normal sick.

But I don't want to be sick. I want to be getting better each day. I want this all just to be funky brain inflammation that the researchers are talking about and the CBD oil is helping like the researchers in Israel seem to think. I know. I know. How many times before have I hoped for the "magic pill"!

I have preached against this for years. After so much bull$#!t being tried, on myself and decided to wait for hard concrete science. But with the kidneys failing and fatigue taking over my life, I have been forced to do something, and I just don't want to go backwards again.


Active Member
Well finally feeling better thank God. We think, we actually got some of the ecoli beef before the alert went out. We were pretty sick for about two weeks. It was worse for me because I had to work doubly hard on keeping hydrated and my electrolytes up, so my BP didn't drop. I think I am 6 weeks into experiment.

So far nothing new, other than my PTSD and TMJ have subsided but that's attributed to my wonderful Veterans DR, PMR Dr Anna Woodbury. Who loves this site and all the great information it puts out. She was just in a few chapters herself on Acupuncture in a Fibrmyalgia text book written, that I can no way afford. I love her because she is willing to experiment, maybe it's because she's young, and un orthodox. But she's my bright spot.

I am in a holding pattern right now. Maybe it's because I was so ill. I hope so. My husband is encouraging me because he keeps telling me I am so much better than the person who thought they were going to die a few months ago. I know the old saying Fibromyalgia won't kill you, it will just make you wish you were dead.

But I have never heard of anyone else like me. Not that I am so f***Ing special as one of my daughter's favorite songs croons on. But I have organs dying on me, or getting cancer, and I just don't believe it's not a big Cosmic Coincidence. I told my husband to donate my body to Emory and when the Scarecrow lends them his brains tell them to unthaw me then and go "ahhhh $#!t, so that was all it was!"


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Well, here is where the rubber hits the road. Just a short, as I woke up with a really bad tummy bug, compliments my hubby. So, I have nausea, tore up bowels, my bones ache deep like it's the bone marrow and headachy.

I have read that "Fibrmyalgia" of my type that starts with infections gets worse with every subsequent infection. This has been true in my experience. Since I was extremely ill with Parvovirus B19, Fifths Disease, the Spring before my Cancer of that Winter and then the MS like symptoms.

I have now read that two common causes of Fibromyalgia are Parvovirus B19 and stress, I believe those one, two punches probably were the exacerbated my system to create one of the 4 types of "Fibromyalgia" the Holland studies describes. Because dealing with Cancer at 33, with 2 young children, while working full time with a crisis population, a husband who was in denial and a religious system at time that demanded a stiff upper lip with no room for grief, I was alone except for the loving God, I knew, who was there.

So, now we will see how the CBD oil helps me through this infection and how it reacts. Gary, my lover, best friend and carrier of pestilence got over bug in 3, which historically means I will be twice as miserable and it will last twice as long. Dehydration is a big problem with me because my BP will go extremely low, causing confusion, unconsciousness if I get up to quick or just caught off guard, fatigue and seizures.

So we will see. Hope it made since. If not, Cort, my Cognitive Coordination for Complicated Discourse is lacking. Perhaps when I write that book. You should translate for me, even though I promise American English is my first language. Ahhhhh mashed potatoes beckon, let's hope to hold them down. Mashed potatoes, applesauce and Gatorade the Food of Victors!
I promise American English is my first language - that cracked me up! :)

Glad you are feeling better. Are you still feeling better?


Thanks for all the personal experiences posted here! I am also struggling with "how much to take" and found the following information potentially helpful as a starting point. I suggest reading the whole thing which will lead you to suggested starting doses based roughly on weight and severity of symptoms. However, I do know from my own experience that for many of us it is a trial and error game. Hope this is helpful to some.


Well-Known Member
Are any of you still using CBD oil? I had experimented with Cidbex years ago, then the Zen oil more recently. One made me sick and the other didn't do anything but also didn't sit right.

A few weeks ago I sprang for a very high quality oil, not Charlotte's Web, that has 30mg CBD/ml. I started at 4 drops twice a day, with insomnia as my primary target. I messed around with doses and learned that I can't jump to a dose that helps with sleep. Meaning, 22 drops (.5ml), which is a full dose, makes me feel ill but didn't improve sleep.

I've decided to build up @ +1 drop am and pm twice a week and see how that goes. I'm at 7/7 drops. I read so much about how helpful CBD can be, and expect to keep experimenting until I've used up the 120ml bottle.

I would love to hear updates from people who have been using it for months.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
@San Diego is using Charlottes Web. I have not revisited it since my first batch, which was really stimulating. I was told that it can do that. IT did work great transdermally for shoulder inflammation.

San Diego

Well-Known Member
I would love to hear updates from people who have been using it for months.

This is my second go around with CBD oil.

First was with Endoca Raw Hemp Oil. With 50 mg at bedtime, I was able to stop my sleep meds cold turkey and get a solid 8 to 9 hours of sleep. I did that for about a month. It was WAY too expensive to continue.

This time, I’m trying Charlottes Web Hemp Oil because it was on sale. I am not having nearly the same success and am currently upping the dosage to find the magical sweet spot.

And so it goes.

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