Diana Maus
My platelets have been dropping for several years, now at 78. My previous doc didn't seem concerned (he's a cardiologist). I started B12 supplements in November when a new doctor finally diagnosed a B12 deficiency. Looking back at tests, this deficiency has been there for years and my old doc didn't address it. My newest bloodwork shows platelets at 78 x 1000. Does anyone know if low blood volume in CFS can cause this result? I'm not sure if she checked my B12 again this time But I will ask. I'm not sure my supplement of 500 mcg/day is being absorbed. But I'm worried about pernicious anemia or worse with such low platelets.
Edited: I found some later blood work in which my declining platelets went back up to within normal boundaries over the next two years. So I think I'm just panicky about my health, as usual.
I remember my cardiologist saying your platelet cunt can go up and down and he wasn't concerned. That an infection or illness can affect it.
Edited: I found some later blood work in which my declining platelets went back up to within normal boundaries over the next two years. So I think I'm just panicky about my health, as usual.
I remember my cardiologist saying your platelet cunt can go up and down and he wasn't concerned. That an infection or illness can affect it.
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