ME CFS patients and medical assistance in dying (MAID)

Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
Six countries allow medical assistance in dying, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Luxembourg, Switzerland and The Netherlands. Columbia and some territories in the USA only allows it for terminal patients. In the USA 11 jurisdictions allow it for terminal patients only: California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Montana, Maine, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont and Washington.

Canada recently expanded this to people with chronic severe mental illness.

CFS ME is a terrible disease. 75% of adult CFS ME patients are chronically disabled by the disease.

CFS ME patients are six times more likely to die by suicide.

Several CFS ME patients have used MAID to end their suffering. For people concerned about the world and their communities this can help them make a contribution through: eliminating wasted government funds caring for them, eliminating their environmental footprint (carbon usage, etc). Here is an interesting anti-childbirth website that provides some personal reasons for not having kids which apply.

Government could even encourage people to do it by allowing them to donate a percentage of the money saved to a good cause (helping a family member, a community or environmental group) and/or to fulfill someone's bucket list wish (similar to Make a Wish foundation for terminal kids).

Here is one case. In 2019 a US citizen Cindy Siegel Shepler traveled to Switzerland to get assisted suicide.

Here is an article on the pros and cons.

I believe that every person should have the right to determine for themselves whether their quality of life is tolerable and, if not, the right to end their life. I think CFS ME patients should lobby for this.

Just as people should not force people to end their lives, similarly people should not have the right to limit other people's options and force them to live in misery with no escape. This is tyranny.
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Well-Known Member
Several CFS ME patients have used MAID to end their suffering. For people concerned about the world and their communities this can help them make a contribution through: eliminating wasted government funds caring for them, eliminating their environmental footprint (carbon usage, etc). Here is an interesting anti-childbirth website that provides some personal reasons for not having kids which apply.

Government could even encourage people to do it by allowing them to donate a percentage of the money saved to a good cause (helping a family member, a community or environmental group) and/or to fulfill someone's bucket list wish (similar to Make a Wish foundation for terminal kids).
Spoken like a true advocate of the globalist anti-human agenda. MAID is a big step in the wrong direction. It's a complete Malthusian cop-out. Resources spent taken care of sick people are not a "waste". We aren't commodities. We are the offspring of God, made in His image, and encouraging people to kill themselves is perverse beyond reason.


Well-Known Member
I believe that every person should have the right to determine for themselves whether their quality of life is tolerable and, if not, the right to end their life.
I agree wholeheartedly and people should have available the means to do it in a humane way.

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