Well-Known Member
Solve MECFS posted this on their Facebook page.
Solve MECFS Inititative
Yesterday at 11:22am ·
Do you know someone who had been diagnosed with ME/CFS and has since passed away?
Researchers at DePaul University are investigating issues related to ME and CFS mortality through an online survey. The results will be used to inform the medical community and relevant government
agencies about the frequency and circumstances of deaths resulting from or associated with ME/CFS.
For more information or to take part, go here: https://redcap.is.depaul.edu/surveys/?s=DHxuYxScEn

Solve MECFS Inititative
Yesterday at 11:22am ·
Do you know someone who had been diagnosed with ME/CFS and has since passed away?
Researchers at DePaul University are investigating issues related to ME and CFS mortality through an online survey. The results will be used to inform the medical community and relevant government
agencies about the frequency and circumstances of deaths resulting from or associated with ME/CFS.
For more information or to take part, go here: https://redcap.is.depaul.edu/surveys/?s=DHxuYxScEn