Method to Rebalance Autonomic Nervous System in 14 days?


Active Member
There are a couple of good podcasts out there on the theory behind using HRV if anyone is interested. I can dig them up if anyone wants.

@Remy - what program/app/gadget do you use to measure and monitor your HRV? I was interested in that before, but I never knew what to buy...


Active Member
No, it's my fault. I use lots of abbreviations so feel free to ask me to decode if I forget.

HRV is heart rate variability.

LF is low frequency and HF is high frequency.

There are a couple of good podcasts out there on the theory behind using HRV if anyone is interested. I can dig them up if anyone wants.
My bad, I meant what sort of device are you using to measure these?


Here's tonight. I checked halfway through and the numbers were still strongly reflecting sympathetic dominance so I thought my theory was crap. But it looks like it really just does take about 30 minutes because when I checked at the end, the HF was higher!


San Diego

Well-Known Member
Here's tonight. I checked halfway through and the numbers were still strongly reflecting sympathetic dominance so I thought my theory was crap. But it looks like it really just does take about 30 minutes because when I checked at the end, the HF was higher!

View attachment 1543 View attachment 1544
That’s pretty amazing. Does the little yellow “stress” bar at the bottom indicate the severity of imbalance?


That’s pretty amazing. Does the little yellow “stress” bar at the bottom indicate the severity of imbalance?
You know, I'm not entirely sure *what* that little stress bar is measuring exactly. I need to write them an email anyway so I'll ask!

But yes, the more bars that are lit, the higher the stress...


Active Member
That's great, @Remy. Thx for the LF HF distinction. Been checking out the HRV thing today and all those numbers - confusing and brain mushing.

I was hoping to avoid having to buy another chest strap. Downloaded an app that uses your fingertip on your phone instead of a strap but it's not working. You've motivated me to spend more money I don't have ☺


Well-Known Member
@Remy I have not been able to keep this up. :-(

Have you tried the machine just when lying flat and relaxing for half an hour without a pillow?


@Remy I have not been able to keep this up. :-(

Have you tried the machine just when lying flat and relaxing for half an hour without a pillow?
Oh no!

Do you mean without the whole chair on the floor legs up scenario? I can try it that way after the 14 days are up but I suspect it will not work unfortunately. I take my HRV a lot just laying in bed and it's never reversed the sympathetic dominance.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
For the HR Monitor newbies (aka clueless) can someone talk about what to look for in a monitor?

I had no idea they had to be wet/licked.

Please dumb it down like you were talking to a first grader. :confused:


Well-Known Member
Oh no!

Do you mean without the whole chair on the floor legs up scenario? I can try it that way after the 14 days are up but I suspect it will not work unfortunately. I take my HRV a lot just laying in bed and it's never reversed the sympathetic dominance.

No worries. I didn't really look into what the machine does, just thought I would try the posture. Then as an afterthought (after I failed the posture lol) wondered what it said about just lying flat, but maybe better in foetal position too?

It would let me off the hook

Offline now until tomorrow due to computer problems again...

Good luck, hope this works for you :)


@Remy I think yesterday finished out 2 weeks for you? How is the experiment going?
Ha! Thank goodness someone is keeping track of me! I thought yesterday was 14 days but hadn't gone back to the calendar to check for sure.

So, the answer is that my HF has been stronger in the past few days especially than ever before. I'm still mostly showing signs of being stuck in fight or flight though except for directly after the meditation/pose.

Next I'm going to try meditating alone, without the pose and see if the results are the same.

But otherwise, I think I'm going to keep at it because it's the only thing I've ever done that has shown any potential at all.

Anyone else have results to share?

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