NCNED App - Monitor Symptoms and Produce Health Reports For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Resource NCNED App - Monitor Symptoms and Produce Health Reports For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Cort submitted a new resource:

NCNED App to Monitor Symptoms and Produce Health Reports - ME/CFS research group releases app

We have developed an application that will enable you to:

  • Track your symptoms on a weekly basis
  • Download monthly health reports to email or print
  • Share these monthly reports with your physician
The National Center For Neuroimmunology and Emerging Diseases at Griffiths University in Australia (ME/CFS research group) has released a symptom and activity monitoring app....

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Who Me?

Well-Known Member
Although this is from Griffiths in Australia it is global and it's free.

There was another app that was supposed to monitor stuff but there was so much you couldn't track.

Here is the first page of the app. I have not gone any farther.


Who Me?

Well-Known Member
Seems really generic.It asks if there is a history of psychiatric disorders. Mostly sliding scales.

I need to be able to note when I start and stop a supplement or med. what are side effects to things. How I feel besides sleep and fatigue. I need to be able to go through my notes and search for links things.

It's also exhausting to go through all these questions

UPDATE. questions about mental health. Some areas very limited options. Places to list medications by class. No way to go through and see what was happening on what day.

I think this is more for them and not so helpful to us. I'm deleting it.
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Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Got it. Well, I hope they get some useful information out of it. Thanks for checking.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
There didn't seem to be anything new, maybe more questions involving immune stuff and POTS but many were too limiting. It certainly wasn't useful for me.

I use Simple Note as a diary (because I couldn't understand Evernote)

I have one note for sleep meds, one as a diary and one a list of stuff I take.
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