Need some help please. I think I'm having a small relapse.


Well-Known Member
So. I shared a while ago my "recovery story". I certainly wasn't cured but I was living really close to a normal life. Including small trails in the nature, jumping into waterfalls, going to the beach, photographing etc. Exactly a year ago I did the "biggest test" which was carnival in Rio. it was 4 days of parties (no drinking) which was basically on the street and on my feet for hours. One day for arround 12 hours we did probably close to 40 km (not just walking but jumping and partying.). Of course I was a mess in the end, leg pain, exhausted, but so was everybody, I even endured more than most healthy people I know. I slept for more than 12 hours, and the other day I was mildly tired. We even went to last day of carnival (which was way

From this day I just kept improving even though my main symptoms remained: allodynia, fatigue, and widespread pain (hard to measure but I guess all had some improvement).

So... a week ago, on saturday, I did a 1 hour trip with my girlfriend to some waterfalls. I we did more exercising than I'm used to for sure, but not even remotelly close to the 12 hours day in Rio. Way way way easier. The other day I was kinda tired but normal. Monday I was really unconrtable and couldn't tell why, my pain was worse, I had a headache (which is pretty rare for me) and my allodynia was really sensitive. Than I started getting fatigue, and pain after mild exercises (which I wasn't getting before.).
It's the other saturday now and I feel like I'm having a small relapse. We had a trip planned in 15 days from now (carnival again, but in the nature now, some minor trails, walks, and cool waterfalls which would be really ok for me, but now I don't think I can endure, but worse, I think it can get me worse) which we're thinking about cancelling.

I had some minor relapses during this last 3 years of recovery but normally I could associate to something and now I can't. The only 2 things I can't think off is I'm doing a ketogenic diet (for arround 3-4 months now), even though I'm just in mild ketosis probably for to much protein. And I was taking 1 pill of neuroprotek and now I'm taking 2, (I was supposed to go up to 4). I really don't think any of them is to blame but then again I got a relapse from COQ10 withdrawl, which no one believed so ANY tips or insights would be apreciated.


Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
Hmm, all I can think of is, did you eat something you don't normally eat? And maybe if it was a forest situation with waterfalls, there might have been some fungus that bothers you. The falling water would've made it even more likely that it was airborne.

There are also some nasty flu viruses this year and the flu shot isn't covering them. I think I even got a touch of it. There wasn't any obvious sign of it for me until I stressed myself out enough, then it turned into a sinus thing. But the thing is, my lungs hurt too.

While I've been taking antibiotics, my face is all swollen up in a very "thyroid isn't working" sort of way, and while taking my thyroid medicine does clear my head in the AM, I still feel disconnected due to the sinus issue. I hardly ever leave the house. Maybe I leave once every two weeks. Anyway, the CoQ10 withdrawal could be similar to the thyroid medicine. I didn't really understand what thyroid meds did for me until I was switched to the T3 and I read about the oxygen utilization part. CoQ10 is also involved in that.

If you think the CoQ10 is affecting you, then there's no harm in taking some and seeing if it helps. Anyway, we're not all the same. Sometimes what works for me is DHEA, but if I take it all the time, it stops helping, so I try to just make it a temporary boost. Since you mention pain and that's a major symptom for me, I had the best results from taking liothyronine (T3) and iodine, plus liver support such as choline and cysteine, and with a completely GF diet without cross contamination. I'm still waiting for my initial celiac screening results, but it looks very likely based on my genetics and symptoms.

It's hard to suggest what may help someone else, so other than encouraging you to do what feels right for you, and telling you what I know about me.. well, I hope it helps. :)


Well-Known Member
Hmm, all I can think of is, did you eat something you don't normally eat? And maybe if it was a forest situation with waterfalls, there might have been some fungus that bothers you. The falling water would've made it even more likely that it was airborne.

There are also some nasty flu viruses this year and the flu shot isn't covering them. I think I even got a touch of it. There wasn't any obvious sign of it for me until I stressed myself out enough, then it turned into a sinus thing. But the thing is, my lungs hurt too.

While I've been taking antibiotics, my face is all swollen up in a very "thyroid isn't working" sort of way, and while taking my thyroid medicine does clear my head in the AM, I still feel disconnected due to the sinus issue. I hardly ever leave the house. Maybe I leave once every two weeks. Anyway, the CoQ10 withdrawal could be similar to the thyroid medicine. I didn't really understand what thyroid meds did for me until I was switched to the T3 and I read about the oxygen utilization part. CoQ10 is also involved in that.

If you think the CoQ10 is affecting you, then there's no harm in taking some and seeing if it helps. Anyway, we're not all the same. Sometimes what works for me is DHEA, but if I take it all the time, it stops helping, so I try to just make it a temporary boost. Since you mention pain and that's a major symptom for me, I had the best results from taking liothyronine (T3) and iodine, plus liver support such as choline and cysteine, and with a completely GF diet without cross contamination. I'm still waiting for my initial celiac screening results, but it looks very likely based on my genetics and symptoms.

It's hard to suggest what may help someone else, so other than encouraging you to do what feels right for you, and telling you what I know about me.. well, I hope it helps. :)

Well the COQ10 didn't made any difference. Just gave me a metallic taste in my mouth so I decided to stop and had a horrible withdrawl (now I'm off it but it took me months to reduce from 3 to 0 pills). I'm also on a gluten free diet for the past 3 years even though I'm not celiac. Was dairy free but introduced cheese since I started keto for good like 3 months ago. I don't have any flu symptoms so I don't know. Actually I don't get "sick" (like in fever, flu, etc) for like.. 2 years I guess, longest period of my life. Everyone around me got it and I didn't a lot of times. The worst I got was some throat pain like 4-5 times which I was sure would become an infection but just got back to normal after 2-3 days with no other symptoms. And in the past when I felt any minor thing on my throat it meant certainly infection.

I considered mold from the cheese or something, or even some insect bite. I certainly remember being biten but no marks whatsoever... I'm really don't think that's it... but I'm really really worried so i don't know.

Thanks for your reply :)


Well-Known Member
I have had like 3 mayor relapses.
I would stop neuroptotec increase.
I would increase my rest no matter what , resting is your priority.
And do exactley what I was doing before the crash


Well-Known Member
I'm not a fan of keto diet. A keto diet may make a person feel good in the beginning.............but in the long's very taxing on the adrenals and clogs up the liver. Not saying 100% this is the factor but I think it could be a contributing factor. I would keep out the dairy in your diet like you did before. Dairy feeds pathogens and also clogs up the liver. For people with chronic is critical to have good functioning liver.

You may still want to consider pacing yourself more just in case that is also a factor.

Good to hear that you were having fun and enjoying life.
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Well-Known Member
I have had like 3 mayor relapses.
I would stop neuroptotec increase.
I would increase my rest no matter what , resting is your priority.
And do exactley what I was doing before the crash
I actually went back to 1 capsulle for 2 days and now it's the second day I'm off it. I hope it helps. I think I'm feeling better actually. Just don't know how much, hard to measure this stuff in real time.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a fan of keto diet. A keto diet may make a person feel good in the beginning.............but in the long's very taxing on the adrenals and clogs up the liver. Not saying 100% this is the factor but I think it could be a contributing factor. I would keep out the dairy in your diet like you did before. Dairy feeds pathogens and also clogs up the liver. For people with chronic is critical to have good functioning liver.

You may still want to consider pacing yourself more just in case that is also a factor.

Good to hear that you were having fun and enjoying life.
I certainly was. It was pretty crazy doing stuff I couldn't even imagine doing in my life ever again...


Well-Known Member
More noise and commotion than usual?
Way way more, but that was a year a go. No crash back then. I certainly pushed my body to the limit that carnival. I almost fainted from the heat + riding a bus slowly taking curves ups and downs (motion sickness) + taking medicine in wrong times (Carnival in Rio is pretty crazy as you can imagine, sometimes we had to get up 3 in the morning to go to a party, sometimes 8 in the morning, sometimes it sarted 10 at night). I was cold sweating like crazy (Ps: I never sweat), was with a girl and when we got to her place I totally blacked out but somehow I didn't fell and got back to my senses. So I sat on a chair and put some salt under my tongue, drank water and lay to rest. 20 minutes after I was totally ok again.

What I did a week ago was nothing really nothing compared to this.


Well-Known Member
Was dairy free but introduced cheese since I started keto for good like 3 months ago.

I'd go back off dairy if I was you. Dairy proteins can be very inflammatory, but you may worsen very gradually when reintroducing them. It's a slow build-up of body burden. Extra inflammation from dairy could be what's sending you over the edge.

I've not on a keto diet per se, but I am on a paleo diet, based on the Wahl's Protocol, and I'm finding it quite helpful for me. I also do intermittent fasting every night for 12-16 hours.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
How about re
So. I shared a while ago my "recovery story". I certainly wasn't cured but I was living really close to a normal life. Including small trails in the nature, jumping into waterfalls, going to the beach, photographing etc. Exactly a year ago I did the "biggest test" which was carnival in Rio. it was 4 days of parties (no drinking) which was basically on the street and on my feet for hours. One day for arround 12 hours we did probably close to 40 km (not just walking but jumping and partying.). Of course I was a mess in the end, leg pain, exhausted, but so was everybody, I even endured more than most healthy people I know. I slept for more than 12 hours, and the other day I was mildly tired. We even went to last day of carnival (which was way

From this day I just kept improving even though my main symptoms remained: allodynia, fatigue, and widespread pain (hard to measure but I guess all had some improvement).

So... a week ago, on saturday, I did a 1 hour trip with my girlfriend to some waterfalls. I we did more exercising than I'm used to for sure, but not even remotelly close to the 12 hours day in Rio. Way way way easier. The other day I was kinda tired but normal. Monday I was really unconrtable and couldn't tell why, my pain was worse, I had a headache (which is pretty rare for me) and my allodynia was really sensitive. Than I started getting fatigue, and pain after mild exercises (which I wasn't getting before.).
It's the other saturday now and I feel like I'm having a small relapse. We had a trip planned in 15 days from now (carnival again, but in the nature now, some minor trails, walks, and cool waterfalls which would be really ok for me, but now I don't think I can endure, but worse, I think it can get me worse) which we're thinking about cancelling.

I had some minor relapses during this last 3 years of recovery but normally I could associate to something and now I can't. The only 2 things I can't think off is I'm doing a ketogenic diet (for arround 3-4 months now), even though I'm just in mild ketosis probably for to much protein. And I was taking 1 pill of neuroprotek and now I'm taking 2, (I was supposed to go up to 4). I really don't think any of them is to blame but then again I got a relapse from COQ10 withdrawl, which no one believed so ANY tips or insights would be apreciated.

How about really upping the fluids/salts getting that blood volume up? Could you have become dehydrated? There is a blood volume section in Health Rising's Treatment Resources sections.


Well-Known Member
How about re

How about really upping the fluids/salts getting that blood volume up? Could you have become dehydrated? There is a blood volume section in Health Rising's Treatment Resources sections.
I will try that.
But any special reason you brought it up?

I'm already feeling better btw, not totally well but at least good to know I'm not going downhill.


Well-Known Member
I'm already feeling better btw, not totally well but at least good to know I'm not going downhill.

It could be just as simple as your body needed rest.

Even people with healthy bodies randomly just have to take it easy for a while.

I am glad to hear that you are feeling better.

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