New FDA Approved Device for Insomnia May be More Effective Than Drugs

Resource New FDA Approved Device for Insomnia May be More Effective Than Drugs


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FDA Approves New Treatment for Insomnia - Entirely new approach to halting insomnia may be side-effect free

Medscape reported that the FDA provided clearance for an insomnia reducing device called the Cereve Sleep System to be sold in the U.S. It's design suggests it could have application for some people with chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and fibromyalgia (FM).

[fright]View attachment 1677 [/fright]Currently sleeping pills are the treatment of...

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Who Me?

Well-Known Member
I wonder how much this little beauty is going to cost? And why can't i just strap and ice pack to my head?


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I wonder how much this little beauty is going to cost? And why can't i just strap and ice pack to my head?
You could try but an ice pack would probably give you a headache and drip all over you...

The device on the other hand, cools down the front of your brain to a precise temperature range that the studies suggest works. Its supposed to have a calming effect.


New Member
Maybe not the first device. I bought an Earthpulse magnet (pemf) to go under the bed because the sleep issue was obviously an impediment to getting better and a real pain in the butt. It's pulse can entrain your brainwaves and lower them.

The first night with it on was like being wrapped in a warm cocoon of bliss. It pulled me down into sleep and when the sudden wake ups occurred I found myself dragged back to sleep.

I had a few hiccups with the device, including a crash after 4 weeks. I backed off, started slowly exposing myself (yep, sounds bad) and with a few key supplements and a bit of intuition, found myself sleeping perfectly nearly all the time.

Did nothing for the CFS at all, though it is nice to go to bed without the worry of insomnia.



Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Maybe not the first device. I bought an Earthpulse magnet (pemf) to go under the bed because the sleep issue was obviously an impediment to getting better and a real pain in the butt. It's pulse can entrain your brainwaves and lower them.

The first night with it on was like being wrapped in a warm cocoon of bliss. It pulled me down into sleep and when the sudden wake ups occurred I found myself dragged back to sleep.

I had a few hiccups with the device, including a crash after 4 weeks. I backed off, started slowly exposing myself (yep, sounds bad) and with a few key supplements and a bit of intuition, found myself sleeping perfectly nearly all the time.

Did nothing for the CFS at all, though it is nice to go to bed without the worry of insomnia.

Good to hear Robert. Insomnia is definitely not ME/CFS but it can only help not to have to deal with it.

San Diego

Well-Known Member
You could try but an ice pack would probably give you a headache and drip all over you...

The device on the other hand, cools down the front of your brain to a precise temperature range that the studies suggest works. Its supposed to have a calming effect.
Combined with Younger’s finding that our brains are actually hot, this could be really good!!


Well-Known Member
Combined with Younger’s finding that our brains are actually hot, this could be really good!!
that was my first thought too! but Younger also said that it's difficult to cool down the brain from outside the brain (cause of skull + other protective layers around the brain). so I wonder how this would work exactly...

@Who Me? I have tried the ice pack technique and it didn't work.

Rindy Russell

New Member
I am intetested in this product please. My name is Rindy Russell. You can find me on Facebook. Just mention what it is pertaining to in your post. Thanks for all you've done for us in severe chronic autoimmune diseases. God Bless you!


I envision some device like out of the Terry Gilliam movie, Brazil (which I loved, BTW). Some tubes gurgling around the head attached to a device with tiny pumps hissing and gears turning... I echo Who Me?'s sentiments about cost. Take a look at Cereve's web site. A bunch of guys (besides the doctors) who are obviously there to get a return on their investments, and to get investors. Of course, I understand it IS a business venture as well, but I can see Medicare and other medical insurance behind-the-scenes adjustors or whatever "those who make the decisions" are called taking one look at the device and its price and saying "hell no!" In the meantime, I'll keep taking my meds. All the cynicism aside, this is good in that the added research has verified what CFS/ME physicians/researchers have already deduced. It may also produce, in the long run, other more affordable methods of accomplishing the same outcome. Or maybe the Cereve's system will be affordable...we can dream. If you go to their web site, you can register your email to be kept up-to-date on where they are at in the process of getting their product on the market. Cheers! Judith ;)

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