Nuvigil (Armodafin


Well-Known Member
My rheumatologist gave me three sample packs for a dose of 200 mg. She told me to cut them in half and to only take it on bad days (which is everyday but that's not what she meant). The lowest dose perscribed is 150 mg. I will report back with how effective this drug is for relieving fatigue.

One draw back she included is most insurances will not cover provigil unless you have diagnosed sleep apnea. She says if it works we will pursue a sleep study.

Shoot I mispelled the title, can anyone fix?


Active Member
I've tried Nuvigil at 50, 75, 100, 150, and felt very little, other than an inability to sleep the night I took it, even with sleep meds.

I really wanted it to work, after reading so much about it from Dave Asprey (the BulletProof Coffee guy), and each time I took it, I was disappointed. I really hope it works for you - for those it helps, it seems to be terrific.

One note on insurance, even though Nuvigil is a newer drug than Provigil and a generic exists for the Provigil, my insurance would only cover the newer, more expensive Nuvigil. When I asked my doc why that would be, he suggested that the manufacturer makes deals with the insurance companies so that they get a big discount for promoting the name brand and more expensive patented drug, rather than the alternative which has a generic. Crazy, right?


Well-Known Member
Dose: 100 (a 200 cut in half), name brand, sample pack

Okay this is day one's summary:
Physical energy increase? nope
Mental energy increase? Maybe a little
Brain fog? maybe a little
Daytime sleepiness? I didn't take a nap today, but that's not completely atypical
Side effects? A small amount of unusual chest pain
Notes: this stuff tastes awful

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