Options besides Taurine for heartbeat?.


Well-Known Member
Besides iodine, the link below references magnesium for heart health. I like using magnesium oil (transdermal magnesium chloride), and believe it is very supportive for many different functions, including heart health.

Iodine and your Heart

Dr. Michael Donaldson says, “Iodine stabilizes the heart rhythm, lowers serum cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, and is known to make the blood thinner as well, judging by longer clotting times seen by clinicians. Iodine is not only good for the cardiovascular system, it is vital.


Who Me?

Well-Known Member
@Veet. Can't take d ribose. It's like speed.

@Wayne I am never able to understand science of stuff so I didn't understand the iodine. Can you take it without testing? What link?

Magnesium had not helped

I think this is more autonomic. For now I just need a bandaide so I can sleep. I need a something to switch off with propranolol.

I'll try taurine in water vs caps tonight.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I found the same w/ ribose. It coincided w/ a drastically bad time in my illness. I'm not game to try it again.


Well-Known Member
Can you take it without testing? What link?

I posted the section below on my iodine thread, but I think it bears repeating. In short, yes, you can (and probably should) supplement with iodine, with testing not particularly important before starting. Best to start at a lower dose however (approx. 2-3 mg/day), and build up from there. 12 mg is a good goal, as that's a good maintenance dose. If you can tolerate more (as much as 50 mg / day) so much the better. -- Also, I've seen MANY references to iodine helping people sleep better.

I just ran across an article by a doctor who shares some of his perspectives on testing his patients for iodine deficiency. The snippet below is just part of that article...

One simple pill stops breast, prostate, and thyroid cancers

Are you taking iodine? You do if you are my patient. I recommend iodine to all of my patients because I believe it will prevent breast and prostate cancers. Even though there's no direct proof of this, there's a substantial amount of indirect evidence. But one thing is for sure. Taking iodine will prevent the most serious form of the most common cancer there is. I'm talking about thyroid cancer.

Iodine is critical for the formation of thyroid hormones. And thyroid hormones are essential for life. They are the hormones that specifically tell the cells to do what they are supposed to do. So when you're iodine deficient, your cells stop working and things start falling apart. The brain then registers this and sends stimulating signals to the thyroid to produce the hormones the body needs so badly. This causes the thyroid to overwork, and eventually the over stimulation of the thyroid gland can result in the formation of an aggressive thyroid cancer.

The best form of iodine is called Lugol's solution. It was developed way back in 1829 by, you guessed it, Dr. Lugol. It is a mixture of potassium iodide and elemental iodine. You can buy it at Amazon.com in either a liquid or a tablet. The tablet form is the best way to take it. The dose I recommend for all adults is one 12.5 mg tablet per day. But what about testing, you say?

About 15 years ago, a challenge test for optimum iodine levels was developed. I started doing the test on all of my patients. But guess what? Every single one of the hundreds of tests I did indicated that no one had adequate levels of iodine. Absolutely no one. So I called the director of one of the labs and asked him about it. And he confirmed that he had never seen a normal test on someone who was not already taking an iodine supplement.

So naturally I asked him, "Then why should I do the test if everyone is going to end up being low anyway?" His answer was, "It just seems like a reasonable thing to do." So instead of doing an initial test, I simply started giving everyone 12.5 mg of Lugol's every day. Then I did the test after they were on it for a few months. And sure enough, that was all that was needed to establish a normal result.

By the way, 12.5 mg is the average amount of iodine that Japanese men and women get in their diets. And the Japanese have lower risks for both prostate and breast cancer. But here's an interesting statistic. When Japanese men and women move to the U.S. and adopt an American diet, which contains only a fraction of the iodine the traditional Japanese diet has, they have the same cancer risks as Americans have.

Yours for better health,

Frank Shallenberger, MD​

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
@Wayne I was reading that on the other thread you posted. Hard for me to read/understand/comprehend/remember. i was looking for dosage. One place says 200 mcg per day but I found some 1000 mcg caps so I just got that. I can always split them.

Thanks for the advice. I'll discuss with my NP at the end of April when I see her.


Active Member
There is a lot of misunderstanding about iodine. An RN once told me that if you took any more than the RDA in mcg you would die because "it's a poison, and I'm a nurse, so I know." I proceeded to tell her about the 1930s-40s research using upwards of 300mg daily. Oh - and the Japanese consume 12.5mg daily in diet. Not dead.

I regularly use 37.5mg daily, and want to up it again.

It is important to take it with selenium.

@Who Me? Good luck finding a good answer to your question. It is a crazy game, isn't it, finding what works.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
I dumped 5 Gms in some juice. It did not dissolve. The taste was weird. Not bad. Metallic maybe but it helped.

Feels ok now too.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
@GracieJ thanks. There is another thread here about the evils of selenium. Did you see that? So where does that fit? I think @Remy started it.

I bought 1000 mcg iodine. I should be cured any day. Drinking the taurine made a difference

I have an appointment with my NP at the end of the month so I'll ask her b


Oh - and the Japanese consume 12.5mg daily in diet.
I think that this number may be an overestimation. I've read this in so many places on the web but studies like this one suggest that actual consumption is more like 1-3 mg/day.

Japanese iodine intake from edible seaweeds is amongst the highest in the world. Predicting the type and amount of seaweed the Japanese consume is difficult due to day-to-day meal variation and dietary differences between generations and regions. In addition, iodine content varies considerably between seaweed species, with cooking and/or processing having an influence on iodine content. Due to all these factors, researchers frequently overestimate, or underestimate, Japanese iodine intake from seaweeds, which results in misleading and potentially dangerous diet and supplementation recommendations for people aiming to achieve the same health benefits seen by the Japanese. By combining information from dietary records, food surveys, urine iodine analysis (both spot and 24-hour samples) and seaweed iodine content, we estimate that the Japanese iodine intake--largely from seaweeds--averages 1,000-3,000 μg/day (1-3 mg/day).

This is still probably more than the average American living in the goiter belt is getting, but a long ways from 12.5 mg.


So where does that fit?
Typically you see the selenium recommendation in articles about using iodine with Hashimoto's. Supposedly, it can protect the thyroid from the iodine and reduce the TPO antibodies.

This is all pretty hotly contested with some doctors saying iodine is the bee's knees and others saying it is poison. I am not well informed enough to have an opinion other than the one I have made for myself...that is to take *some* iodine (but not a megadose) and skip the selenium based on the most current research showing that it may cause the damage that it then appears to fix.

But it's also worth noting that I do not have Hashi's or a major problem with hypothyroidism so someone else may feel differently based on their own situation.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
But it's also worth noting that I do not have Hashi's or a major problem with hypothyroidism so someone else may feel differently based on their own situation.

I don' t have thyroid issues either (that I'm aware of). I wonder if @GracieJ has thyroid issues and that is why she said to take iodine with selenium?


Active Member
that is why she said to take iodine with selenium?
Likely yes, as selenium is needed to convert T4 to T3.

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