petition: Retract Misleading PACE Claims


Well-Known Member
Even though it is MEAction, this looks like a great petition to sign given current situation...
I can't think why anyone wouldn't sign it


Well-Known Member
Even though it is MEAction, this looks like a great petition to sign given current situation...
I can't think why anyone wouldn't sign it
Perhaps you are confusing, the website Jen Brea set up, with an organization in the UK?

Thanks for signing, @Empty.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you are confusing, the website Jen Brea set up, with an organization in the UK?

Thanks for signing, @Empty.

Oh God help me - honestly... Thanks Merry! I am confusing it with the uk one which I forget at the moment. (edit: maybe Action foe ME??) That explains it then.

Yes, is everyone here signing this??? Want to see it reach 100,000 signatures... Its a biggy important one to sign...


Well-Known Member
Has any forum acted upon the request to display the petition on the front page?

The reason I think it vital is because I read that Donald Trump has commented on the pace trial, negatively.

This is an ideal opportunity to get the public in general interested in this petition and debate and signing the petition after all it is a waste of taxpayers money paying for PACE and the CBTGET for ME centres and bad science which effects everyone too.


Well-Known Member
Has any forum acted upon the request to display the petition on the front page?

The reason I think it vital is because I read that Donald Trump has commented on the pace trial, negatively.

This is an ideal opportunity to get the public in general interested in this petition and debate and signing the petition after all it is a waste of taxpayers money paying for PACE and the CBTGET for ME centres and bad science which effects everyone too.

I've only seen links to the petition.

What is your source of information about Donald Trump commenting on PACE? I wouldn't think that the general public, especially outside the UK, would be interested in PACE. If journalists in the UK understood what PACE represents and were willing to work hard to get citizens to understand that a vast sum of money has been wasted, then the general public in the UK might become interested. But I don't see that happening.


Well-Known Member
I've only seen links to the petition.

What is your source of information about Donald Trump commenting on PACE? I wouldn't think that the general public, especially outside the UK, would be interested in PACE. If journalists in the UK understood what PACE represents and were willing to work hard to get citizens to understand that a vast sum of money has been wasted, then the general public in the UK might become interested. But I don't see that happening.

Christian Godbout in this post:

I tried to find the direct comment but can not navigate myself through all the social media outlets that well.

I can see the public becoming very supportive and interested in such a massive scam that has been going on. Its just not been widely publicised enough.


Well-Known Member
I've only seen links to the petition.

What is your source of information about Donald Trump commenting on PACE? I wouldn't think that the general public, especially outside the UK, would be interested in PACE. If journalists in the UK understood what PACE represents and were willing to work hard to get citizens to understand that a vast sum of money has been wasted, then the general public in the UK might become interested. But I don't see that happening.

That's also why I don't understand forums like these don't help by highlighting this specific issue? It is fundamental to getting bio research funding.


Well-Known Member

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