Red Light Therapy for Pain and More


Well-Known Member
Yesterday two people in my life brought Red Light Therapy to my attention. Must mean something... I've done cold and hot laser therapies thru chiro MD's in my life but never Red. So I'm thinking of buying a home device and wondering if anyone here has worked with Red Light Laser therapy. Here is one product from Amazon and a lot of good testimonies.

And a lot of NOT good testimonies. More waste of money????
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Well-Known Member
Doing more research today and found a provider Chiro who uses Class IV Laser for pain and inflammation, swelling, stiffness...This Class IV is said to be the strongest laser to get rid of pain.

The guy I found works in Pain Management clinic and his speciality is Class IV laser work. He works with Medicare so I can save some money with this work. I deal with too much OA pain and I'll work to get to this provider.


Active Member
Doing more research today and found a provider Chiro who uses Class IV Laser for pain and inflammation, swelling, stiffness...This Class IV is said to be the strongest laser to get rid of pain.

The guy I found works in Pain Management clinic and his speciality is Class IV laser work. He works with Medicare so I can save some money with this work. I deal with too much OA pain and I'll work to get to this provider.
I am interested in how your treatment goes. My husband had several class IV treatments when he was on vacation and his chronic low back pain spiked. He said it was very helpful. I have not pursued finding someone who provides it in our area but am very interested. Please let us know how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Did his back pain spike due to Class IV laser work? I sure hope not. I'm sure providers of this laser work are all over the U.S. You could do some research for your area. I live in So. Cal. and here is the person I will go to when I get there. I don't drive anymore so have to depend on others....

The mentioned device might be helpfull, i never personnally used those. I am not sure the techical difference between medical LED and the usual LED , i really want to avoid the usual LED ( even thought i now watch my screen which has leds) The usual led is not healthy , bad for eyes ,blue light , phototoxic , pulses etc.

I would cover eyes even with that device to be certain that eyes would not be harmed

Another tools for pack pain, inflammation, joint pain, arthritis and infact whole body wellness is by usings inversion therapy . The inversion table`s are not so expensive, and after buying it daily use wont cost anything -
I am going to buy inversion table, for several reasons, one very important reason is to support body detoxification, with inversion the lymphatic system is supported big way. lymphatic system unlike blood circulation system dont have a pump , (heart ) that generate the flow of lymphatic fluid, the lymphatic system requires exercise , enough water & electrolytes to have a " pump effect" ,alternatively cold/warm shower also stimulate the " pump effect" . The inversion , or upside down causes the lymphatic system/fluid to move much like in exercice , moving and the health effects are important.



Well-Known Member
The inversion tables can be helpful and I've been that route in my long life at 81 and no way for t hose tables today. Younger people could be OK.
Yeeh well i did not thought the age thing, i gues trampoline is then also out the question , which has same kind of effect to lymphatic system. If inversion table is too harsh , there is the enterosgel & licorice method also for detoxing lymphatic system , thought licorice is not so good for high blood pressure allways , i have slight high pressure but still take licorice allways when i need and it has never caused anything bad .

Licorice is sweet


New Member
I have been using Red Light therapy for 17 months (along with a bunch of other things) but it has made a very, very significant increase in my energy. I would really suggest that you read Ari Whitten's book "The Ultimate Guide to Red Light Therapy". He runs the course "The Energy Blueprint" and I signed up for it in June 2018, and I have really come to trust his recommendations.

I do not have the kind of pain that many people with ME/CFS have but I have found it very helpful with specific joint and nerve pain, but you have to be patient and persistent since it takes a while if it is an old injury or problem.

He recommends either the Red Rush 360 ($479 USD) or the Platinum BIO300 ($369 USD). I have the Platinum 300 in pure red wavelength, but I would recommend getting a combo red and NIR (Near Infrared) unit. Red and NIR have basically the the same action on the body but NIR penetrates farther (but is invisible to the human eye). There are many cheap knock offs out there but they probably won't have the power that they say they have and may have higher EMF's. Ari explains all this in the book. Both Red Rush and Platinum have bigger and more powerful ones if you can afford them, but I find the Platinum 300 is a good size to be able to move around to target specific areas and also do much of the body, but I am a small person.

Just start slowly! I started with 2 minutes every other day and worked up over a long time to 15 minutes a day. I also use a bright light first thing in the morning, a Vitamin D lamp, and a far infrared sauna.

I am 69 and got ME/CFS 8 years ago from a minor surgery and has been a remitting (partially anyway) and relapsing type. Good luck, but I really recommend this therapy.


Well-Known Member
DianeC..the lightbulbs you mention are PRICEY...really PRICEY. I found many on Amazon far less pricey....I'll be happy to hear what my daughter has to tell me with all her findings. Since she's been involved with the HGH homeopathic gel, she is meeting mega new healing type people.


Active Member
I have used several devices with cost being a factor

1/ red led lights - NASA did studies on this. Good results, reduced pain.

2/ bought a red/infrared bulb that is used for food or animals. Need a capable socket that is one rated for the high output bulb. This is the type of bulb

3/ A red laser found in pointing pens ($2.50), low output but very good. Very effective for acupressure points.

4/ Mineral lamp which uses infrared and far infrared. Does a good job but more expensive ($250)


Well-Known Member
I have used several devices with cost being a factor

1/ red led lights - NASA did studies on this. Good results, reduced pain.

2/ bought a red/infrared bulb that is used for food or animals. Need a capable socket that is one rated for the high output bulb. This is the type of bulb

3/ A red laser found in pointing pens ($2.50), low output but very good. Very effective for acupressure points.

4/ Mineral lamp which uses infrared and far infrared. Does a good job but more expensive ($250)

Thanks, and I've been looking at No. 2, but thinking of a socket fixture I would need to use this bulb...Actually I've been looking at a lot of products but can't get off the "fence"...also talking to a body worker who uses Class IV red laser, again the costs and getting there i s not easy for me. j


Active Member
Just make sure the socket is rated for the bulb. I saw one that had a protective wire in the front to protect against excessive heat.


Active Member
Did his back pain spike due to Class IV laser work? I sure hope not. I'm sure providers of this laser work are all over the U.S. You could do some research for your area. I live in So. Cal. and here is the person I will go to when I get there. I don't drive anymore so have to depend on others....

I am sorry, my writing was very confusing. No, he had an increase in his back pain and the Class IV laser helped him recover.

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